Nobody made us laugh and rejoice like Charlie Chaplin, he is known everywhere, some people today would recognize him only by his picture. Despite the fact that he brought us serenity and laughter every day, his real life was not funny.Chali Chaplin had a torturous life off stage from an early age until his late years when he was abused by the American Political Establishment.Charlie Chaplin was a clown who not only cried behind a painted face but screamed in his own way through a gloomy existence, Charlie Chaplin's father was also famous.
It might have been an honor for Charlie that his father was known but his father Charles got drunk and ruined himself with alcohol.Charlie Chaplin is left without a father at the age of 12, it was a tragic experience for Chaplin, but he did not feel it like anyone else, because his father did not give him the love and support that his son should feel.
But Charlie Chaplin was fascinated by his mother's career, it's not hard to imagine a little boy who wants to join his mother on stage at the age of five.Charlie Chaplin's wish came true in the worst possible way, during one of Hana's hustle and bustle of his mother while Charlie watched behind the curtain for half a song, she lost her voice.The manager flushed and pushed Charlie onto the stage this was the beginning of Charlie’s career.
This was the end for Charlie's mother, she went crazy as I understood it and was transferred to a psychiatric institution so Charlie practically remained very young without both parents and support. At the age of few, Charlie was forced to fight for a job in order to survive, he did a lot of horrible jobs, he was even a newspaper seller.At the beginning of the 20th century, he could return to the stage. In 1908, at the age of 18, Charlie Chaplin got the role of a drunkard in a comic sketch for a group of pantomime artists.Charlie Chaplin was liked by the Americans, in 1912 the producer McSennet signed for a young comedian to appear in the film, this time a great breakthrough was real.After Sennett signed with Charlie, the young star exploded, from 1912 -1914, San made 34 films in another film, created Trump's character, after which he later got the nickname Little Trump, this has nothing to do with today's Trump, and I first thought.In 1915, Charlie Chaplin signed for the Insight Studio and got his own voluntary department, in 1916 he had the highest salary in Hollywood.
Things went well for Charlie and continued for several more years. Chaplin was simply obsessed with Chaplin and gained the status of the most demanding man in Hollywood, Chaplin was able to remake every scene 100 times.Charlie Chaplin would play everyone’s role instead of directing and then he would say do it like this, fire the actors halfway through the film and restart the film that was crazy.Charlie Chaplin ran his production company until 1918 and made films that are still considered classics.
Unfortunately, the dark side of Charlie Chaplin appeared, he started seducing young girls, Mirbard Harris was barely 16 years old, he even thought she was pregnant and organized the marriage and later discovered that the pregnancy was not real, so he took revenge and did it. to become real so he divorced her he left it that way.He did the same with another girl.There were more scandals in his love life.Due to seduction, Chaplin will later be banned in several countries.Despite his private life, he became more and more brilliant in art, and in 1919, Chaplin founded the United Artist, where he continued to make films.When the Second World War broke out, Chaplin was not only famous, he was an icon, he considered himself untouchable, he even held speeches in honor of the Soviet Union.
Chaplin's private life comes to an exposition because of the allegedly pregnant actress Joan Barry, earlier this would have remained in the new ones, but because of the new law, Charlie Chaolin was arrested.Despite various tests proving that he was not the father, he was acquitted of the charges, she sued him for alimony, he got a picture and Chali Chaplin had to pay a child who was proven not to be his, his reputation was destroyed.Chali Chaplin lived in America for 40 years until 1952. He never had American citizenship.In the fall of 1952, he decided to visit Britain and stay in Europe for 3-4 weeks when he was to return. He was banned from re-entering.A real shame, Charlie Chaplin gave people his films and was able to resell heavy boils, and in return he was kicked out of his home.We come to the last decade of his life which consisted of ups and downs, he made only 2 more films on one side and on the other he created a happy family in Switzerland with a woman who was 18 and he was 54 and they lived together until of his death in 1977.
This would be the end of his sad life, but after his death, two gravediggers dug up his body and stole it for 11 weeks, asking for 600 thousand dollars for ransom, and his wife managed to catch them with the help of the Swiss police.
Thank you all for reading this article.
Even today I love watching his movies