It was in 2019 when I finally decided to quit my job as a Transaction Processor or TP for short. I guess not all quitters are considered losers. Sometimes, quitting is necessary to help you find the right place for you.
Just like in any relationship, if it's too toxic, then quit! I'm not saying you need to quit right away after a few tries. What I'm saying is, if you put so much effort into something after so many attempts (and when we say "many", it means months to years), and everything you do seems useless, then perhaps, it's time for you to consider finding another option.
So yeah, I resigned from my job in 2019 for personal reasons. You wouldn't believe me if I told you that the main reason why I quit my job was because of my firstborn, Kiah. Yes, I quit because it was just too heartbreaking every time I saw her barking so hard, begging me to stay or take her with me to the city. Every single time, I would leave the gate crying like a baby and don't mind people staring at me. It's hard to be a single working parent as you have no choice but to leave your baby to your family while you are working in a far, far away land.
And who would have thought that the main reason, which you might consider a lame excuse, was my only ticket to a better life? I say "better" because I work in the comfort of my home without someone bossing me around. I work any time I want without the need to travel or wake up early for that. I don't need to worry about the weather, the outfit to wear, my looks, bullies, etc. So yeah, I considered that a better life for me.
For that same reason, I have also found the best platforms that helped me earn more than any job I worked on before. I will always be grateful to my virtual friend, @Dolores. She's no longer using this account, and I'm not sure if she's still here. But she is the only reason why I am earning well these past few months. Without her DM'ng me before, I won't discover this crypto-blogging platform that gave me the privilege to express myself while earning and learning new stuff.
Let me share with you my work history. Lol. This is to give you a better understanding of the difference between working on those jobs and writing on read and making noise on noise.
TP (Jun 2009 - Jan 2019)
I worked 8 hours a day. Sometimes with extra 2-4 hours if we were mandated to render overtime. Imagine that, 8 hours + 2-4 hours extra doing the same routine: TYPING PERSONAL INFORMATION.
The pay was kind of meh too. I mean I earned minimum. However, if you managed to finish more claims, then you could earn a little more. My monthly salary for that would range from $120-$160 a month. That's not enough for someone who had to pay for a boarding room, water and electric bill, food, and transportation. Plus your other expenses. Oh my! Glad I managed to survive those years though.
First writing job (2019)
Since it was my first time, my rate was $3 per article and after 1 month, it became $4. I didn't mind the pay coz I badly needed a client as I had to pay my loans. I could finish 2-3 articles a day, so usually, my weekly payment was more or less $55 or $220 monthly, depending on how many topics she would send to me.
Current client (since Feb 2020)
The rate is $3 per hour. Initially, they gave me 25 hours weekly then 35 until it went up to 45 hours. I can't remember how long it had been that way but when I told them I needed to rest coz staring at the PC for long hours made me sick, they asked me to stay and lessened my time to 25 again.
When it was 45 hours weekly, I earned $135 (minus the 10% Upwork fee). I was so happy at that time coz I earned a lot. But as time went by, I got tired of doing the same routine over and over again. I could no longer find the passion for writing and told them I needed a break. Yes, the pay was good, but it was stressful for me.
Now, I only work 25 hours weekly. Oh, not 25 hours but 10 hours weekly since @charmingcherry08 is doing the other 15. Thanks to her, I don't have to work every day.
With read and noise
This is the best thing about these platforms as they are not giving me headaches at all. Writing on read is easy as I could write anything I want. No specific topics. No deadlines. No boss. Just me and my heart doing all the work.
Then noise came in and gave us another opportunity to earn while having fun. I remember on the first day, we were so noisy on noise. We literally spammed the platform with our pure texts (since there were no photos in the first few days) because we get to earn tips by just being noisy.
All thanks to these two, earning extra money is easy. You can earn while learning and having fun. I think this is the kind of job that I truly love.
And if we based on my August earnings, these platforms are a lot profitable for me than the previous ones I worked on before. Of course, I will always be grateful for my previous jobs because they were the reason I earned, saved, and helped me survive adulthood.
As for August alone, I'm almost close to $489. If converted into my local money, that would be Php 24,450. This is way better than my previous jobs as I only write stuff I can relate to or make noise while having fun and meeting new people from all over the globe.
Closing thoughts
These two platforms have helped so many, including myself. Although I barely spend my BCH for personal use, I used it for my future. Oh, not just for my future but also for my family. My family is in doubt about Bitcoin Cash being real money. But one day, they will all be shocked as to how legit this is.
Anyway, I am proud to say that I earned a lot better here than any of my jobs.
This is the one area of noise and read that I think is VERY helpful to certain people in certain parts of the world, especially in parts of the world where earning a decent income is much harder than where I live in the United States.
I know the creators of these sites are very clear to say, "This is not a job," for many the opportunities are great, and a little bit of money goes a long way. So, it is actually helping quite a lot of people and I think that's a good thing actually.
I hope you continue to enjoy the fruits of your labors and are able to keep doing what you love to do.