All Would Be Right and Alright In Time

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2 years ago

All would be right and alright in time. All would be fine and all would fall on the right place at the end of every journey. If something is not yet fine, then probably it is not yet the end. Through a golden time a lot of events may happen, probably this would consist of overwhelming stories of joy, sorrow, despair, grief, happiness, surprise, failure, and success. Whatever it may be and wherever you are right now, hold on tightly with a strong grip and believe that all would be right and alright in time.

Never lose hope for as long as the world keep on spinning. Trust a golden time as free as how the falls flow. Wait patiently and graciously trust the process for all things would be right and alright in time.

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Only a golden time could surely tell. Not even yourself, so have patience and be patient to wait for the right time for things to be right and alright. Patiently wait and smile through the bright and dark days of your life.

Never ever try to control all things in your life for it would just feel you so bad. Perhaps you would not enjoy your life if you are always trying to control it so much. Every so often you need to take a break, take a deep breath, and take time to relax to live for the storms of life and patiently wait for the luminous Sun to be radiant once again. Remember that you would always seek a life that you are capable of making great things into a reality. Make time to make things happen at the right time and at the right place. Cease dwelling everything in your mind and stop overthinking for all things would be right and alright in time.

While immense happiness sparks your life, surely strong feelings and heavy emotions are also bothering you every day. You may feel that you are the most unfortunate person in the world but always remember that you are so precious more than gems and jewels. Never feel sad for you are not alone. Just like you, others are also struggling and suffering in life in a different aspect and perspective.

Be the best self every day and never ever forget who you really are. Be highly driven to trust yourself more and uplift yourself in all ways possible. As you wait for the right time, be mindful of the following:

  • Learn to let go of the things that you cannot truly control.

  • Learn to shift if things are not meant for you.

  • Learn to uproot the things that destroy you.

Learn the art of letting go, shifting, and uprooting through the years and learn that all would be just right and alright in time.

Let go

Let go of the things that you cannot truly control. Let go of your doubts and fears and let go of everything that bothers you. Shed tears if you are hurting to let go of something but those tears would just dry when all pains are out. Cry and cry until it hurts no more and all you need is to let things as it be as you greatly accept that those matters are beyond your control. Never ever take for an emotional appeal for these things to stay in your life. However, plead to make them away in your life so you would always make most of your inner peace. Let go and let God rule your life. As you constantly trust the process, be more patient and have a great faith that things would be right and all right in time through God's prosperous blessings and by His wondrous grace.


Shift if things are not really meant for you. Learn to adjust your moves and never ever depend on the blow of the wind but take control of yourself despite how you were driven and blown by its turbulence. Just take control of your direction so you would be able to shift with grace to reach for your main goal. The key in shifting is to adjust and adapt to your weaknesses so you could improve and be driven by great strengths. Never ever hesitate to shift if you see that it is misleading you badly. Stand up for yourself and persevere with a greater passion. Remember to be the shift that you would want to achieve and be the change that you want to stand out.


Uproot the things that continuously destroy you. Never allow the harmful weeds to prevent your growth. Uproot every little thing that slowly causes you pains and troubles. You are worth it of the growth and improvement you greatly needed so you could always bloom and blossom in His time. Never fear removing the roots of all evil and stay calm as you get better through time. Simply smile for you are always worthy of all the love and care in the world. Trust everything and let God do it for you as you let things attract you positively. Cheer up and never ever feel bad about what has already happened and never regret about it. Just keep a positive and strong spirit to go on. Bear in mind that all things would be right and alright in time.

All would be right and all right in time. It is just a matter of perfect timing. Perhaps a perfect timing with the right place at the right moment and all would be right and alright.

All photos are mine and were taken by me.

Disclaimer: No part of this article is intended to advertise nor commercialize and it falls under the guidelines of fair use. All parts and contents are mine and are purely based on my personal learning experiences, thoughts, opinions, and reflections. This humble article is mainly intended for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Talecharm. All rights reserved.

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2 years ago


The life is like that there will be happiness of joy and sadness of failures. And yuo there are endings of every journey which rewards us at least something for our hard work. There are certain things that can not be controlled and if something goes wrong then we feel the guilty but it was just the fate. We should let go the control to our true ruler God and let God rule your life and you just keep doing your best hardwork. Shifting is a good thing when you really need it but actually most of the people fails to shift also there are reasons for that. Uprooting is the best solution but we can not do it easily because it is already rooted but proper control can help to uproot from those thing which are misleading. You know all the three thing needs a self confidence inside and then it works smoothly.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Taking control while having a purpose driven life should be manifested so one could always adjust the sails wherever the wind may take one. It is just a matter of taking control while adjusting with the directions of the wind. Perhaps life is very hard when we do not know how to resolve problems. However, things would always work for us if we know how to adapt and adjust to the possible changes even if it would take us to let go, make shift, and uproot. The best thing to do may be uprooting but considering the roots which had already grown out, some issues would arise and that we need to adjust again and take proper control so all would be right and alright in time. As we live a difficult life, we must always learn to value the art of letting go while we make shift and uproot some matters if and only if greatly needed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well I'd say wound is a part of our body organelles . It's all about how you deal with it . Every single of things of our life is a lesson and we must take advantage from wounds or some bad consequences . That's quite informative and inspirational words of you❤

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The wound may be so painful now yet through a golden time all would be right and alright. Let the scars of yesterday be a treasure to cherish without dwelling the pain. Let it dwell in the past without bringing at the moment for what has already happened is all done and you can do nothing about it. What truly matters is how we deal and take control of it while living a cheerful life. Let go of the past while accepting life as it is with grace and move forward to make shift and uproot all the things that need to be uprooted for the betterment of each thing around you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly! You got all is really cruel. We've to deal every circumstances

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Life may be cruel but we are always tough. Let us show to life that we can beat its hardest points and that we are unstoppable. Let us deal every circumstances with all out best even if it would take us a lot of times to stumble down. Most often when we use to fall down, we would always learn the best lessons out of it and it would help us grow stronger and wiser that for each time we would fail, we know already what to do with a hope that time would come that we get immune with all of those. Life is cruel but you would always be gentle with a heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi ma'am good afternoon, I would like to say thank you for the sponsorship that you have given to me, I'm so happy ma'am, I will always support you in this platform and always keep safe🥰🥰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes I also believe that everything comes to us in the right time but mostly we get impatient and spoil things when patience could bring something really good!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

For as long as we would always have the right attitude while waiting for a golden time, surely a fruitful tomorrow awaits. However, for those who are not willing to wait, they would always end up regretting and would just always end up with what ifs without doing anything. One must learn a good virtue in order to sustain and survive a very hard life for nothing in life just comes so easy. What matters most is the best attitude to manifest through out all time whatever the weather may be even if storms of life and darkest hour would come. It costs nothing to wait for a perfect timing but one must always hold on and believe to a promise that all would be right and alright in time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A very inspirational and motivating one, you're right my dearest friend madam charm, all thing will be right and Alrigt in time, there's no timeline for being great and good but time will just surprised like a bomb like woah you didn't notice thatbyou are now living your life the way you wanted it, you are happy, yoy are now living your dreams and you would thank youself one day and you will say I did it.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

As time flies so fast, surprises are truly awaiting ahead. Today may be sorrowful but tomorrow is yet to come bringing so much joy to our hearts as all would be right and alright in time. If today one does not achieve his or her desire, it would always be achievable in the future with perseverance and determination. And what makes it more astonishing is with the presence of the Father Almighty leading each one to the brightest path. And that one must always learn the art of letting go while shifting of all things not meant for life with a little uprooting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is the shifting part that we fail most of the time especially if we wanted something so badly that we thought would work for us. That is why we get stressed and frustrated a lot and letting go is not that easy but we can do it.

$ 0.07
2 years ago

It is really hard to make shift if we are already comfortable of something but if it is not really meant for us we just have to move out from our comfort zone to accept a hard reality. Oftentimes, letting go is the hardest decision too but it is the only option left for things to work for us. And that we may feel pressured, stressed, frustrated and at a greater sense depressed but we just need to let go and let God hold the process so things would work amazingly for us. Let go, make shift, and uproot the things that would always cause disturbance. And we just have to put a greater faith that all things would be right and alright in a most gracious time. Something better would be launched for us powered by our highly renowned God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice motivation dear, learning the art of letting go, shift and uproots and the perfect time will come that everything will be alright and in right time

$ 0.03
2 years ago

As life becomes so unpredictable while life still remains, we just have to let go and let the Almighty Father place us in a beautiful paradise where all our fears, worries, and uncertainties would be healed. Perhaps it is very difficult to let go of something that you are holding on tightly. It is even very difficult to shift when you had already started. But let us have to make sense while it is still very early. We just have to let go and shift, then believe that these things are not really meant for us, and that something bigger is still being prepared to get the beat life the we ever wanted. We just have to survive for along with patiently waiting for the best to come, trials would surely come our way yet we must always believe that everything would be fine in time through God’s most perfect blessing and grace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All would be truly right it's a matter of time let's be patiently waiting for the appointed time to arises no affliction or bad situation would weigh us down since we know that we are more than conquerors. We should learn to let go most ofthings in other to free our minds for another opportunities to comes in.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

All would be right and alright in time as we are truly conquerors of our very own game in life being guided by the most powerful creator. When we learn to let go of the things not designed for us, surely opportunities would knock at our doors however the process of letting go is really so hard especially if we are already used to it as comfortable as our comfort zone. The best thing to pursue is the power of acceptance to understand all the negativities of life from a humble heart. Life may be unpredictable but we could always have the best option to do what is right with the best and right attitude. Perhaps all the best in life would come in a perfect timing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have rightly said friend, learning never stop we keep learning and collecting everyday life advice from people in other to live well. A very big thanks for replying.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right friend that every time there is a right time. I agree that words my friend Talecharm

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sometimes it usually feels like things won't get better but they eventually do especially with the right attitude. I like your point about letting go a lot

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Letting go is truly the hardest but before we do that, let us learn to weigh things as we also way for the consequences of our actions. Every so often it feels like things would really never get better eventually if we do not do a more push. We just have to learn to let go when things are not taking control of our desires and make shift if we would find out later that things are not really meant for our lives. And as we always aim to grow, bloom, and blossom in time, may we also learn the art of uprooting those things that continually destroy and harm our growth. We pretty surely know that and as we would always come out with very good realizations in life while learning from them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for this 🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If one forgets who he or she really is that might be the end of the journey for such a person losing himself to the ups and downs of this life and never finding his way back to finding who he really is, that can be disturbing and I have seen alot of persons who have lost themselves and can't find their way back up because the were way down and lost

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yess. All things work together for good.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're right ma'am. Nobita said, life should just be enjoyed, so that no matter what happens we should just go with the flow of our lives.🥰🥰🥰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There is a perfect time for everything and everytime is a right time. Very well said Charm😇

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Perhaps all just requires a perfect timing. It would always take time and the best thing to do is to trust the whole process combined with a greater dose of faith in God. All would be right and alright in time and that we have to hold on and believe for the outcomes as we continually do our best with the right attitude. But while waiting for the most perfect time, really there are a lot of detours, twists, and turns that may often lead us to letting go, shifting, and uprooting. When it would finally come, let us just entrust everything to God. As we let go, we let God work great for us. As we make shift, let God give us a better pathway. And as we uproot something, may God replace it with the best one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are indeed a greatest writer of all time . There will always be a weed in farm that will prevent good plants from growing like wise their will always be a bad things in human that will prevent good things from growing we all need toLearn to uproot anything that will destroy you ,

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Somehow not all weeds could truly destroy us for sometimes before uprooting them, they are leaving one of the best lessons in life. On the other side, some weeds may appear dry and wilted that they are longing for care too just like when we feel very bad after letting go of something that we hold on very tight. How ironic life it is that the more we hold on tight into something, the more it is not meant for us. In life , we just have to accept the reality while accepting everything that has already happened with full acceptance as we constantly believe that there are really things that are not meant to dwell in our lives. Every so often, we just have to master the art of letting go, shifting, and uprooting, for the good of everything. Believe that uprooting would change something that would always create avenues for improvement and enhancement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our life is FL of Struggle, thank you for writing this kind of article is so professional for me and I am currently getting my passed to success.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very well said, my friend! Your article is jampacked with wisdom!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Your assertive advice for learning "the art of letting go, shifting, and uprooting" inspires me. I am getting clarity of what I should have been trying.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Life gets better every day when we learn to embrace everything regardless of the lesser or greater the attraction to us. If things are not working very well then we must learn to adjust with the direction just as how we are driven by the storms of life. We may be driven away by the turbulent wind yet we could always take control with the aftershocks of life as we could always let go, shift, and uproot if and when necessary. You are most welcome my dear friend, Unity and am grateful of your attention.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I am getting a quasi-technical tip to "adjust with the direction" of the storm or the problem-creating incident/object/people.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Upon hearing the word quasi, it made me remember of the quasi-experimental set up that we could always have the option to experiment and do a trial and error to investigate the cause and effect relationship between an independent and dependent variable. What matters most is to see a significant difference of an action despite the storms or any dilemma creating a probable incident among people or objects around.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Crying is a way to drain the pain. Sometimes after crying a lot, the ideas become clearer and the problems become less heavy.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

A lot of things in our life a lot of fun enjoyment happiness many others things happen , sometimes mostly things we can't understand and mostly things automatically remember it's a natural but those Things that we want to get for our life purpose then we must get it , Everything depends on our petience and either we are waiting for the right time and uprooted for everything or not , sometimes exam patience everything for us

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Life is truly a test of how strong you are. Perhaps it is like an exam just like what you have said. We just have to patiently wait for everything to turn perfect. If one day you would fail, remember that you would get the best lesson out of it to do good and do more. When you continually fail and fail over and over again and felt like a course is not for you.l, you would always have the option to shift and adjust to the changes based on your weaknesses that would alter turn into strength. Most of all, uproot the things that continually destroy your journey and replace it with a good one. Uproot and plant something that could improve you and even make you better than you were yesterday. Learn to let go if and only if necessary and live the life you truly deserve.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trust that whatever we uproot will be replaced by something better :) If we always control things, we will always be up for disappointments and frustrations. Let us accept the fact that there are things in life that are beyond in control and let's have faith that the Higher Power will do its job of giving us the best in life.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

What matters most is to accept every decision we make. If we would let go for something, then we have to accept that the one we have let go is not intended to stay in our life. Let us not plead for it stay but let us plead for it to stay away in our lives. When we shift into something, let us always accept the fact that we have to adjust to all changes while adapting to the new details. While uprooting something which would harm us, let us always replace it with good ones. Truly we have to accept the fact that there are matters that are beyond our will and all we have to do is to let go and let our highly renowned God do for us to have the best things in life. Hold on and believe that all would be right and alright in God’s time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that's a wonderful wisdom, my friend :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If we have no choose and option, we have to let it go and let God do the works upon it.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The best thing to do when nothing is left on your mind to decide is to let go and let God do it for you while trusting the whole process patiently. There are really those moments in life when we are at our lowest point and we cannot truly decide for ourself. However, when that moment would come, let us never hesitate to look up and bow down with grace as we offer and entrust everything to the Father Almighty. Let go and let God but always do your part. Have faith and strive hard to wait patiently for all would be right and alright in time. Let us just trust everything while entrusting all to God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All things work for our good. Letting go to things that became hindrance for your shifting then uproot them without hesitation. Then, you would finally be in the place you wanted to be. Such an inspiring article for tonight.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

For each time you let go would surely pave for new things that would make you feel better though the process of letting go is really so hard. Sometimes letting go is the best preference when nothing is left for you. You just have to move on forward while letting go with your desire. Letting go in a greater sense is like giving up of something that is not meant for you and those things that are not beyond your control. However, make shift unto something that would always hone you into the better version than yesterday and best tomorrow. When you are already in a place that you ever wanted, never forget to uproot the hindrances of your growth. Grow every day with love and grace and learn to appreciate life as you adapt to the changes of letting go, shifting, and uprooting. Every day creates new opportunities to learn the best lessons in life may it be from an encounter, mistakes, failures, and success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All would be right and alright if we know to let go things that caused us stagnant in working. We should also shift or change the new strategy which is more effective than the previous one and uproot those negative thoughts and actions and replaced it with positive minds so that all things will be put on the right place.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

For any discomfort today would alleviate tomorrow. Life has given us many options. We can choose backwards, move forwards, and change sideways but what matters most in life is our wise decisions. All would be tight and alright in time if we know from within to trust a golden process. We could always let go of the things that are beyond our control and shift for the things that are beyond our control. Most especially to uproot all the roots of evil so we could always make most of our peace from the inside and outside. Life would always be beautiful as we patiently wait for the best time. Perhaps the best is yet to come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes letting go is the only option left in our hands. Well said dear. I agreed. It made me sad but I know it's the reality.

$ 0.08
2 years ago

Probably it is one of the hardest realities in life that we have to accept. It may be very painful yet we can do nothing about it, only to gracefully accept every detail which are not really meant for us. It it really hard to let go most especially when you weigh it the heaviest. We always have the option to retain but if it is not working very well then we need to shift and adapt to the changes for at the end of the day, we are the ones in control of everything. Sometimes we need to uproot it in our lives so we would always have a peaceful mind. As we learn to let go, let us also learn very much the art of accepting to make things better through time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well said dear friend. If we can't learn from something then let them go.Change your way and shift it other section. Be patience and do work hard.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is the beauty of life. It would always give us other options. We just have to adapt and adjust to those changes. If we think that it is not meant for us, then we should learn the art of letting go and shifting to something that perfectly fit us. No pleasing and no emotional begging for it would just purely hurt us. Let us let things go as they be yet let us always remember that we could always stand up and stand out. It is just a matter of perfect timing. All would be right and alright in time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But if we begin to fight the inevitable, we spend a lot of energy and time fighting what cannot be controlled. In doing so, the discomfort becomes greater and greater. Yes, we cannot control everything, and sometimes it is better to let the situation go.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Most often we would rather go with the flow than feel discomforts. However, if we are truly determined to fight against it, no one would stop a determined soul to push through come what may and that is the core of bravery and resilience. Every experience we have is truly a best experience and every experience we had may it good or bad would teach us every good lesson for lifelong learning. Yeah, sometimes it is better to let the situation go and let it be better through time. That is when you totally accept life as it is and surrender everything to the Almighty Father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

if everything starts from the truth it will end with happiness. just believe in sow and reap that is the key for you to be fine in time. life is a decision of good and evil, wisdom and wisdom is the key

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Wisdom is truly the key to make the best decisions in life. Every move we make are influenced by our decision. Sometimes it may be so hard to decide but what makes it more significant is our ability to choose between right and wrong despite our perfectly imperfect self. Between good and evil, we would prefer good but there are really those times little did we know that we had already chosen the opposite. But what makes challenging in life is the ability to correct our mistakes and learn from it through experiences. Perhaps experience as our best teacher make us more worthy. Wisdom is the key. Hence, be wiser every single day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience, you may take more time than others. It's not the same for everyone. But till then let go of things and feelings you can't control, shift your direction if you feeling like it's it's taking you in different directions and slowing down and uproot those stupid thoughts preventing you from becoming better.

$ 0.15
2 years ago

Spot on my dear friend, TheGuy. Not everyone has the same pacing yet each one is going through something in life no matter what your status is. It is really a thing that is so inevitable yet we can always adjust our movements through havinh a wise decision as we learn to let go, shift, and uproot the things that are necessary and not im our existence. Life is too short to live with so much regrets. All we have to do is to live life as it is and continually move forward while facing the Sun. Let us grow once more and even grow out of pavement to bloom and blossom at the right time.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Sure Miss!

$ 0.02
2 years ago