Types of Phobias that you might actually have!

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2 years ago
Topics: Phobias, Life, Real Life

July 09, 2021 started written the article.

July 10, 2021 published.

Before we start to the main topic of the article, let us recall on what is phobia.

What is phobia?

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Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder. They are extreme, persistent and overwhelming fear of an animal, object, person, activity, environment or situation. The fear is out of proportion because the trigger of the phobia presents little or no real danger. People with phobias usually know their fear is excessive, but can’t control it or overcome it.

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If you have a phobia and you can't avoid the object or situation you fear, you can experience extreme anxiety. You may organize your life in ways that help you avoid the thing you fear, yet may still experience anxiety even thinking about it.

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Symptoms of Phobias

People with phobias often purposely avoid coming into contact with the thing that causes them fear and anxiety. For example, someone with a fear of spiders (arachnophobia) may not want to touch a spider or even look at a picture of one.

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A specific phobia involves an intense, persistent fear of a specific object or situation that's out of proportion to the actual risk. There are many types of phobias, and it's not unusual to experience a specific phobia about more than one object or situation. Specific phobias can also occur along with other types of anxiety disorders.

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Types of Phobias that you might have:

  • "Achluophobia" Also known as Fear of darkness

This phobia is known by a variety of other names, including nyctophobia and scotophobia, and it is pervasive in both children and adults. Some people find coping techniques for their achluophobia, finding a way to live with it, while others actively seek treatment. There are an assortment of treatment options available to people who suffer from this condition.

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  • "Acrophobia" Also known as Fear of heights

Acrophobia is an intense fear of heights. If a person has acrophobia, being high up or thinking about heights may cause them to have a panic attack.

For this reason, a person with acrophobia will actively avoid situations that involve being high up off the ground.

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  • "Aerophobia" Also known as Fear of flying

A part of the cluster of anxiety disorders, a specific phobia can be defined as a disorder which is characterised by an excessive and persistent fear of a specific object or situation, with the fear being out of proportion in response to the associated stimulus. Aerophobia is a type of a specific phobia, which is characterised by the phobia of flying.

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  • "Algophobia" Also known as Fear of pain

Algophobia is a phobia of pain - an abnormal and persistent fear of pain that is far more powerful than that of a normal person. Algophobia is a self-destructive or cycling phobia. A person suffering from algophobia will feel psychological pain from the phobia, which again triggers the phobia and causes more pain, and so on in a destructive cycle. The fear is excessive, beyond that which is expected under the circumstances, producing an anxiety reaction.

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  • "Alektorophobia" Also known as Fear of chickens

Alektorophobia is not a common phobia, but those that are impacted by it tend to have had a traumatic experience involving feathered fowls. Naturally, most phobic individuals are never born with the fear; they just learn it owing to certain experiences at social events or during one’s school days.

Alektorophobia or the fear of chickens is derived from the Greek word ‘Alektor’ which means ‘rooster’ and ‘phobos’ meaning ‘fear’. As the name indicates, this phobia causes an irrational fear of chickens (or other feathered creatures as well as their eggs) in the sufferer. It is not only seeing the chickens in person that causes a panic attack in the individual; sometimes, merely the images or photographs of chickens are enough to trigger such reactions.

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  • "Agoraphobia" Also known as Fear of public spaces or crowds

People with agoraphobia often have symptoms of a panic attack, such as a rapid heartbeat and nausea, when they find themselves in a stressful situation. They may also experience these symptoms before they even enter the situation they dread. In some cases, the condition can be so severe that people avoid doing daily activities, such as going to the bank or grocery store, and stay inside their homes most of the day.

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  • "Aichmophobia" Also known as Fear of needles or pointed objects

Often, the word "aichmophobia" is used to describe a phobia of needles in particular. In children, such a fear is called "trypanophobia," while aichmophobia is a term reserved for adults. Needle phobia pertains to the use of hypodermic needles in conjunction with medical procedures, such as surgery, dental work, or receiving a vaccine. Aichmophobia is often confused with the visual looming syndrome, which is a condition wherein the sufferer does not fear the sharp items themselves, but instead feels pain or distress at the sight of sharp objects that are lying close by.

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  • "Amaxophobia" Also known as Fear of riding in a car

A fear of driving a car, also referred to as amaxophobia, ochophobia, motorphobia, or hamaxophobia, is a type of phobia that results in a persistent and intense fear of driving or riding in a vehicle.

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  • "Androphobia" Also known as Fear of men

Androphobia is a mental disorder with an irrational fear of men. Androphobia is a type of anxiety disorder in which a person may feel extremely anxious or has a panic attack when exposed to the object of fear e.g., men. Currently there is no clinical or scientific data on androphobia, androphobia test, androphobia diagnostic criteria and androphobia treatment.

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  • "Anginophobia" Also known as Fear of angina or choking

Anginophobia An abnormal or irrational dread of choking or of suffocation. Angina pectoris is not a sharp pain, but rather a sensation of pressure, squeezing, or tightness. It usually starts in the center of the chest under the breastbone (sternum) and radiates to the throat area.

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  • "Anthophobia" Also known as Fear of flowers

Anthophobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of flowers. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they realize they face no threat from flowers. Any genus or species of flowers can instill fear, as can any flower part, such as a petal or stem.

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  • "Anthropophobia" Also known as Fear of people or society

Anthropophobia, or the fear of people, is a commonly misunderstood phobia. It often resembles social phobia but is not precisely the same fear. Depending on the severity, anthropophobia may cause a phobic reaction even when in the company of only one other person.

In extreme cases, those with anthropophobia may withdraw altogether, communicating with others only through snail mail or electronic means such as e-mail or text messaging.

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  • "Aphenphosmphobia" Also known as Fear of being touched

Aphenphosmphobia is the fear of intimacy, and in particular, of being touched or of touching. For some people who have this phobia, the fear of touching or being touched is linked specifically to people of the opposite sex. In women, this fear is often linked to having experienced a sexual assault. Many boys who have been the victim of sexual abuse also report having this phobia.

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  • "Arachnophobia" Also known as Fear of spiders

Arachnophobia, otherwise known as spider phobia, is the intense fear of spiders and other arachnids. Classified as a specific phobia, arachnophobia causes clinically significant distress that can impact an individual's quality of life. When in contact with, or thinking about arachnids, individuals will likely feel fear and experience symptoms of anxiety almost immediately.

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  • "Arithmophobia" Also known as Fear of numbers

The fear of numbers is called arithmophobia. This fear is somewhat unusual in that it encompasses a wide variety of specific phobias, including a generalized fear of all numbers and fear of specific numbers.1 It is also sometimes called numerophobia.

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  • "Astraphobia" Also known as Fear of thunder and lightning

Astraphobia is extreme fear of thunder and lightning. It can affect people of all ages, though it may be more common in children than adults. It’s also seen in animals.

Many children who have this fear will eventually outgrow it, but others will continue to experience the phobia into adulthood. Astraphobia can also manifest in adults who didn’t have it as children.

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  • "Ataxophobia" Also known as Fear of disorder or untidiness

Ataxophobia is the irrational fear of disorder or untidiness. Someone suffering from this condition can expect to experience a very high amount of anxiety from merely thinking of disorder or untidiness, let alone actually experiencing it. In fact, their anxiety may be so intense that they may even endure a full blown panic attack as a result of it. Although such an influx of anxiety will not always be the case for everyone suffering from ataxophobia, it is still very plausible to occur nonetheless.

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  • "Atelophobia" Also known as Fear of imperfection

Atelophobia is the fear of not being good enough or imperfection. Atelophobia is classified as an anxiety disorder that can affect relationships and makes the afflicted person feel like everything they do is wrong.

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  • "Atychiphobia" Also known as Fear of failure

Also known as atychiphobia, fear of failure is a phobia characterised by the inability to attempt any goal that is not a guaranteed success. While your the comfort zone might feel safe and secure, the fear of failing can be paralysing.

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  • "Autophobia" Also known as Fear of being alone

Autophobia is also known as monophobia is the phobia of being isolated or alone. Even in a secure environment such as one’s own home, solitude can trigger severe anxiety in those who suffer from the condition.

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  • "Bacteriophobia" Also known as Fear of bacteria

Bacteriophobia is the fear of bacteria. A person that has this most likely has it because they fear that if bacteria get in them, they will die. This isn't true as most bacteria are harmless towards health unless they are a plague.

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  • "Barophobia" Also known as Fear of gravity

Barophobia is the fear of gravity and the word comes from two Greek words: baros meaning pressure or weight, and phobos meaning deep aversion or fear. A person with Barophobia probably cannot dream of becoming an astronaut. S/he would also refrain from watching movies about space and reading or thinking about gravity in general. A Barophobe would probably hate Sir Isaac Newton for discovering the laws of gravity in the first place. This can be a debilitating phobia because the individual obviously cannot avoid gravity and in extreme cases, may refrain from leaving his/her home due it

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  • "Bathmophobia" Also known as Fear of stairs or steep slopes

The fear of stairs, or bathmophobia, may be caused by a variety of situations. Most phobias have their roots in some past incident. For example, if someone falls down steps as a child, he or she would be more at risk for developing the condition. Another potential risk factor is genetic issues. Also, a person who has other phobias may develop bathmophobia.

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  • "Batrachophobia" Also known as Fear of amphibians

Batrachophobia is the fear of amphibians, such as frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. People with batrachophobia may experience symptoms of fear and anxiety when interacting with amphibians, looking at pictures or videos of them, or discussing them with other people. This phobia is not as unusual as people might think, for a variety of reasons, and it is fully treatable. People who experience hardships because of this phobia may want to consider treatment to resolve the phobia or help them feel more comfortable around amphibians.

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  • "Belonephobia" Also known as Fear of pins and needles

Belonephobia is a simple phobia. Simple phobias are related to very specific objects or circumstances. In this case, the phobia is specific to needles or other point objects, such as pins. Simple, or specific phobias are the most common type of phobia, and belonephobia is a common simple phobia. Up to 10% of the population may suffer with belonephobia.

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Closing Thought.

There are too many phobias I've searched online, but for today's article, I made it finished the first twenty-five (25) types of phobias using the list of The sum of all fears so far.

The reference I used has a 100 types of Phobias in summary, so basically, there are more 75 types left that I will also published part by part.



I include all of my sources using this included link using a word, you can freely click each one of it to get direct to a source I used.


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2 years ago
Topics: Phobias, Life, Real Life



$ 0.00
2 years ago

ang dami palang type of phobia pero natawa ako sa fear of flowers may ganun palang tao..hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Opo ng eh hehe pero siyempre iba iba talaga tayo ng kinatatakutan sa life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think we all have fear of numbers. That's math! lol! I know a friend who has fear of chicken/birds. She was traumatized when she was a kid when a chicken chased her so she developed a fear of anything related to feathers.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Woah yes you're right HAHAHA we all hate math 🤣 all of our fears was started during our childhood days

$ 0.00
2 years ago