Handling Anger

Avatar for QueenRay
2 years ago

Handling anger is an important life skill. Anger can shatter communication and tear apart relationships, and it ruins both joy and health of many.

Sadly, people tend to justify their anger instead of accepting responsibility for it. Everyone struggles, to varying degrees with anger.

Anger is not always a sin.

It is even acceptable for believers to be angry according to Ephesians 4:26

"Be angry and do not son, do not let the sun go down on your anger"

Victims of abuse, violent crime, often while experiencing the trauma, do not experience anger. Later in working through the trauma, anger will emerge.

In one of my comments to @willtravis post, I shared briefly a life changing situation I couldn't curb.

You can read up his article via this link.


This was my story some years ago...full story to be shared in another article. I fell so deep for someone I was close with(Mr A for this sake of this article)...

And when he rejected me I was full of anger and resentment towards him.

For a victim to reach a place of true health and forgiveness, he/she must first accept the trauma for what it was. As God heals the victim, the victims emotions, including anger will follow. This does not mean the person is living in sin.

Anger becomes sinful when it is motivated by Pride or when it is allowed to linger.

One Ways to Handle Anger sign that anger has turned to sin is when instead of attacking the problem at hand, we attack the wrong doer.

Being full of resentment towards Mr A, I refused to talk to him, pick his calls or even speak about him to anyone that cares to listen. Whenever I see him instead of love I feel hatred.

Even when he was trying to explain reasons why we can't be I wasn't ready to listen. Because I had locked up every space in my heart that might offer understanding or forgiveness.

Ways to Handle Anger

  • Recognize and admit that prideful anger is sin: Know that when the source of your anger is pride, you are on your way to destruction. Do not let pride control you. If you are angry at a fellow for no reason and you are too pompous to acknowledge that you are at fault, then you are tending towards a fall.

  • By seeing God in the trials: See God at the centre of every circumstances you face in life. See Him as the one leading your boat.

    "When God is in the boat, you can smile at the storm, or even at the source of anger in your life"

  • By returning good for evil: Whoever has hurt you has done you bad. But instead of paying them back in their own coin return good for the evil they did you. Do them good, this is more or less like heaping coals of fire on them.

  • By communicating to solve the problem- Be honest, speak your mind, attack the problem and not the person: Instead of shutting off the person who made you angry, rather approach them and have a civil conversation. They might have their reasons for doing what they did. It will do you good to approach the matter nicely and calmly. Then your mind can be free from the burden you might have been carrying.

  • Finally,we must act to solve our part of the problem: We need to act our part, this cold be by seeing a specialist, opening up to people that can help, forgiving totally(even if it's hard to forget), then our burden will be lighter.

It wasn't until I followed the steps above that I became free totally.

How about you?

How do you handle anger?

Is there anyone who hurt you to the point of anger, and you vowed not to forgive?

Work on letting go of the anger by following the steps above.

Then you are an overcomer!!!.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, follow peace with all men.

Overcoming a temper is not accomplished overnight but through prayers, meditation and reliance on God.

Till next time. Bye πŸ‘‹ πŸ‘‹ πŸ‘‹ πŸ‘‹

Read up my other articles here on this platform via this linksπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡





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2 years ago
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its so hard to handle anger sometimes. im the one who is calm in the relationship but my ex has anger issues. when he is triggered, he usually shouts at me and ask me questions id rather not answer to not fuel his anger more.

its hard because he has heart problems and he really gets very angry everytime. as much as possible, i keep my distance from him and allow him to verbalize his feelings more.

as my way of soothing him, i try to touch or tap his back in a friendly manner and i tell him to breathe deeply, relax and give him a bottle of water. its effective sometimes.

but its always not like this tho, when im the cause of this feeling, we shout at each other until i cry. thats when he calms down. seeing me cry. 🀫🀭 i guess, he doesnt want to see me hurt right? :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

What a story!!!The best thing us just know how to handle your anger and tame it well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the lion needs to be tamed sometimes. i guess :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learnt a lot from this write up....thank you for writing this.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm glad you got value.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have anger issue before. It's something like unable to control myself when I am upset. I could say mean things that could hurt the feelings of other people, ignore them, and the worst thing I had ever done is hurting myself out of anger.

As I mature and learned to control myself, whenever I am upset or angry I just breathe and stay away from the things that make me mad and be silent for as long as I can make it to avoid saying mean things that I don't really mean actually.

I believe in the mantra that says, "Do not make decisions when your angry, you'll end up regretting it in the end."

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for engaging... Your believe is the best, because one might end up regretting actions made when angry.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anger really destroys all the work we have done over the years. You have really burst my head inve more.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh yes bro!!! Anger pulls things down!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed our anger has enough force to do the unthinkable, we should ensure we are angry for the right reason and to the right recieval, still just for a appointed time, anger shouldn't overstay its welcome in our heart.

I'm also grateful for how you mentioned and made reference to my article, thanks so much.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're welcome bro... We should get angry for the best reasons and let go when necessary.

$ 0.00
2 years ago