My First Payment via Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

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Avatar for LeonaReed
1 year ago
December 06, 2022

Hellllooooo everyone! Howdy?

Yesterday, I told you about My Part in Promoting BCH, wherein I discussed my plan and that I will pay via Bitcoin Cash.

Apart from that, I was seeking answers to a few serious questions. Thanks to my friends and readcashers for their encouragement and positive responses.

A Recap

Monday, November 28, 2022, I have ordered a Bluetooth P47 Headphone (4.2+EDR Wireless), which was supposed to be delivered between December 05, 2022 and December 10, 2022. Yesterday, when I checked Daraz app, it was showing that the product has been arrived at the collection point and ready for delivery.

The planned was to convence the delivery guy to accept BCH as payment. I will give him some extra, so that he keep it in his wallet and pay from his own pocket to the company.

The Product

Today, the delivery guy called me that he is at the destination point and gonna deliver the product. Luckily I was in the canteen for lunch and about to finish my lunch.

I asked the guy, if he can come to the canteen and deliver there. He said of course he can. I excused my fellows and went to collect out my parcel.

Below are the screenshots of the headphone I received today. I just opened it here at home.

The guy handed over the product, and while he was doing paperwork and I was signing the papers, I asked him if he knows about cryptocurrency and especially about Bitcoin Cash. He said, not a lot but just have some how-know.

To be honest, listening to the positive response made me happy and I smiled.

After signing the papers, I asked him, "Can I pay you via Bitcoin Cash". He said, but the company (Daraz) doesn't accept crypto payment.

Payment via Bitcoin Cash

I told him, as I planned, that I will send him via Bitcoin Cash and he can pay the company with cash from his pocket.

I told him the importance of BCH, the freedom, P2P, showed him market analysis and some other details about BCH. I also told him the consequences and that it is not legally approved by the government in our country.

  • I assured him that the value of BCH will one day rise, when and how much nobody can assure it and guarantee it, but it will touch the moon.

I told him if he wants and agrees, I will send him send $5.00 worth BCH (PRK. 1,128 @ current rate 225 per USD). It means he gets PRK. 210 ($0.93) extra as a tip.

He Loves to have BCH

He said he would love have BCH, despite knowing the consequences and market ups & downs.

I asked him to install, wallet ( Wallet).

He installed the app, and asked me for next step. I guided him:

  • how to get his BCH addresses,

  • add/import BCH wallet,

  • about recovery phrases,

  • sending/receiving process,

  • scanning address/phrases etc.


I send him 0.0447 BCH (= $5.00), which is PRK. 1,128 @ current rate 225 per USD. It means he gets PRK. 210 ($0.93) extra as a tip.

I don't know if it is good to keep his address available or not so I did hide it.

He was so happy, and THANKED me for it. To be honest, I was feeling happy and like I am relieved.

Closing Arguments

As Mr. @Unity says in his article, Indeed Bitcoin Cash is Real it better to start with a minor use and start from yourself.

We can begin for minor use, such as in restaurants and small purchases, wherever BCH is accepted as payment.

For the time being, we have to forget about sticking to freedom and bypass paying income tax for crypto earnings to the government.

To promote, we should to participate as much as can. Participate and/or to promote doesn't mean only it should be only in form of investment but rather it can be in form of awareness, guidance, support, encouragement etc. of BCH, of course it also includes writing for & about BCH, and encouraging writers, firms, individuals, communities, etc.

No matter how small your step is, it should be taken. If we can take smaller so be it, and leave bigger steps and innovation to the legends like Sir Marc De Misel, Sir Simon, Sir Kim and many more like them.

It wasn't a big step, but I can say I participated in promotion or in other words started promotion in my area.

Each small step we take can help and support it to rise slowly and steadily and @Unity in the same blog say

Because a sudden rise will be followed by a drastic dip!

My Gratitude

I am grateful and thankful for your precious time, reading my blogs, supporting, and encouraging me.

Bundles of thanks. Love you all.

The End

That's all for today. Nothing more to say.

If you think my work is interesting and worth appreciation or want more interesting articlesdon't forget to support me.

Stay safe and blessed. Have a great and fantastic time.

Please remember me in your prayers.


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Lead  Photo:

  • designed by me using Canva

  • background images taken from here

$ 11.33
$ 11.09 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.05 from @Unity
+ 5
Sponsors of LeonaReed
Avatar for LeonaReed
1 year ago


That's awesome! Keep spreading the word about BCH!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm so pleased, thank you very much. I am trying my best

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Woah! You have done it my dear. Great job! Good thing that he agrees too. Well, the fact that he loves to have BCH then, surely he should agree as what you said before the product arrives. Anyways, I love the headphones you have there my dear.😍

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am honored for such nice and beautiful words it is just a small participation in promotion. I am glad for that

Thank you my friend so much 💖

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The pleasure is mine dear.🤗💗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Whaoo... You have done well. Though I have gotten a lot of product but I never tried to discuss the payment via BCH.. Another thing is that, you got exactly like my headset, wish I could have send a pics of it.. Although mine is all back but same patterns..

Nice share BCH to the world. Keep up the good work

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is a good step, we should introduce BCH is the local area. This way it can be adopted widely.

That's so coincidence and great we have alike headset. In like it but it is pressing ears and produces minor pain in ears and it's surrounding area. Isn't it?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So you paid him through BCH ,and I am glad to know the way you convinced him. The headphones looks good.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Awareness in local community, that is a good thing and we shall promote like this.

Yes headphones is good and has good quality sound, however, it has a drawback, it is pressing ears and thus it produces pain in ear and it's surrounding area

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is very wonderful. I bought something some time ago and I paid with BCH. BCH is real. I'm grateful for it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is very much real no doubt. I'm glad for your support 🙂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow, a great initiative was taken for an excellent cause.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Just a start... Thanks to Sir @Unity from whose thoughts I'm inspired

$ 0.00
1 year ago