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Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago

15th DECEMBER 2021

Hi friends good day , I am sure everyone is excited we are just 10 days away from Christmas. It is obvious we all have our expectations for this celebration. For some of us this is the time to see our families and friends and even connect with old friends. It is such a wonderful time of the year that it literally makes many of us jump in excitement just thinking about how great we are going to celebrate. I am as excited as you are but…

Today was really something. If you have been following my articles and posts on both read and noise. You would have known by now that I resumed school yesterday. And honestly, I wasn’t expecting these loads of assignments and project work to be dumped on me this early. I thought I was going to have at least 2 weeks to relax and easy-into the stress of being a student again after the few months I spent at home. I guess I was wrong these lecturers ain’t playing I got assignments even on the first day of class with a new lecturer and new course. Can you imagine..

In-fact between just Monday and today I have had to prepare my mind to do more than 8 assignments while juggling some other academic exercises as regards my project this semester. Some of you might wonder while is levi talking about

“projects and assignments and all that like it’s a big deal, moreover it’s just work so get to it man and stop ranting”

Well you aren’t wrong it’s just work just that These ones are more like projects, huge and wide. I have to visit companies and markets to collect data.. don’t even get me started on expenses..

I have spent approximately $35 on just notes, new books, drawings and some project supplies. I am not complaining because at the end of the day I was the one that chose to this course and ultimately decided to go to school.. I am just saying I didn’t expect the flood-of-assignments all at once and with short period of time to complete.

Anyways I am facing my query and by the grace of God I would conquer it all in time. Today was proof that I was working in the right direction. One of my major projects-assignment thingy which involved me submitting a drawing to one of my lecturers at the department for it to be approved. It took me a while to get one and even cost me about $20 but that wasn’t the main problem. The main issues was getting it approved.

So this morning I had to get to school early in the morning, called my supervisor, organized my group members, got my drawings ready which took me over 4 hours and cost me extra, after which I finally submitted to her. She took a while to access it, made some suggestions and finally approved it. I was so relieved.

I was one step closer to getting the project finished and done. I know I have a humongous mountain of work cut-out for me this semester but it really felt like a huge step getting my drawings approved today.

I small step for man .. this huge giant step for Levi 😀..

I wanted to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me up until this point. My readers, my sponsors, my friends, those upvoting my articles and even those who has reached out to me I am Greatful for you all. You made my 2021 special and now that the year is almost over I just want to say a very big thank you for all the love and support. 2022 would be a greater year let’s achieve more great things together.

Thank you once again, stay safe and merry Christmas in advance. 🌲 🎊🎉🌲

©2021 jumper

$ 7.98
$ 7.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @ARTicLEE
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Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago


Haha wow. I hope you find a way to squeeze between managing time on read and noise and gsffinf time to focus on academics. In fact that's what I have been struggling with ever since I resumed. Hence my inconsistency these days. Either way you will be alright I believe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I pray so too .. thank you for showing concern I am working on that btw

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If education is expensive, try environmental science😂. We will all get through this.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

😂😂😂😂nice one

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omo, how do you people even cope with school and read/noise at the same time self

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is by the power of he who strengthen us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hallelujah. Amen 😄the earning na dey motivate us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

However this year ends, you have done a great job! Cheers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you artic.. I just hope it is enough.. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Project wahala, I will be facing mine next year and this your article is just making me nervous about my projects in final year 😆 I guess I should start preparing my mind now for a lot of work to be done

$ 0.01
2 years ago

If you can please start preparing now it’s not a joke oh the stress is really something

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah good news and also merry Christmas in an advance

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Same to you my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations my Gee, hopefully, my drawing will be approved today too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am keeping you in my prayers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

35$ just in one day, that's really massive. School, money and stress work hand in hand

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know right can you lend me 100$ 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on reaching your first step.You just got to prepare your mind at this stage.. This project of a thing can be quite stressful . I just pray you have a good and considerate supervisor, she would make things a lot easier for you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah I am trying to be as prepared as I can be .. I know it won’t be easy but I am here for the long road

$ 0.00
2 years ago

speaking agreed, there is one problem that I experienced some time ago. Sorry friends, maybe my comments don't match your content. I was blocked by one of the communities because my content was not considered correct by one of the moderators. because they didn't read the content clearly... did the moderators just follow their own way, not based on the applicable guidelines and rules. i am confused and sorry but let it be experience. I may not be able to retaliate with evil because it's not my right.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nigeria higher institution is not for the faint in heart

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Omo this is just the truth 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just believe in yourself. You can do it! Merry Christmas in advance!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maybe it's only in Nigerian school that everything is stressful , I hope your will struggles pay. Good to hear that your project got approved.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah thanks dimeji.. you know the story na .. Nigerian schools can be very demanding

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All the best man

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I could actually relate to this 😂, happy you got your project approved 💪🏾

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks my man

$ 0.00
2 years ago

School isn't easy I'm also feeling the brunt of it. Lecturers can be so demanding. Thank goodness your project got approved

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah man take it easy bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Christmas is fast approaching. 🥰 Merry Christmas in advance 😇

$ 0.01
2 years ago

School can be stressful... Do you to rest more matey... Goodluck...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah I will try to.. but as they say no rest for us in this world ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol... Just do the best you can friend...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One small step for man this huge giant step for Levi really made me laugh. Congratulations on your project being approved.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks mofif 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I pray we all don’t waste our efforts in schooling. I pray school work for most for us. It’s good you’re almost done with the project and now you’ll face the assignment.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Okay I am just starting one .. I have a 100 more to go 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am so happy for you buddy that you got your project approved after the hardwork,merry Christmas in advance buddy

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Same to you my gee

$ 0.00
2 years ago