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3 years ago
  • The sale of slaves and the trade of the black population of Africa was for hundreds of years one of the most lucrative affairs of the British Empire. Millions of blacks were captured like beasts, chained, transported by ships in the worst possible conditions, and sold in America and elsewhere as slaves.

  • Britain pursued a policy of systematic and mass killings of occupied peoples in the colonies and is similar to Nazi Germany's policy of "destroying lower races and undesirable peoples."

  • In Nigeria (Biafra) two to three million blacks killed in conflict and starved to death (1967-1970)

  • Segregation - the separation of the population of Africa was based on racial, ethnic, national, religious and gender criteria

  • British segregation was more massive and lasted 30 times longer than Hitler's

    Genocide against the Mau-Mau tribe in Kenya (1952-1960)

  • Tens of thousands killed and starved to death in British concentration camps full of women and children of the Bura people

  • In Kenya, prisoners were systematically tortured and sexually abused, resulting in three million deaths and killings

  • The plunder of Africa has not stopped for hundreds of years. All riches from the Egyptian pyramids, works of art up to gold, diamonds, ivory, oil, mineral wealth, the British stole without payment

When the then British Prime Minister David Cameron pointed out in 2011 that "Great Britain is responsible for many world problems in history", he first distanced himself from the country's imperial past. He then pointed out that "Britain is to blame for decades of tensions and several wars over disputed territories, as well as other world conflicts." At the same time, all the platoons of conservative England were shot at by the Prime Minister, claiming that Britain should not be ashamed of its colonial past.

Shooting platoon of red uniforms Image source;

Even Sean Geb, a historian and liberal political activist, reacted immediately and assessed that Cameron should not apologize for W.'s past. Britain: "It is a valid historical fact that some problems originated in British foreign policy in the 19th and 20th centuries, but should we feel guilty about that? I can't see why that should be. Some of these problems arose because certain countries did not want to be part of the British Empire, they wanted independence. They got her. They should solve their problems now instead of looking at us. "

The belief that the problems arose because "certain countries did not want to be part of the British Empire, they wanted independence", shows how much in the current, let alone in Victorian Britain, there is no awareness of crucial, key responsibility for serious crimes committed. in a large number of states. Some Britons are surprised and even angry (not all) that some nations and states did not want to be occupied by Perfidious Albion. And when they didn't want to - here you suffer lower races, that's the message!

Female symbol of slavery Image source:

The British are still without feelings of guilt and apology

The second example is even more indicative. In 2006, an official of the Anglican Church asked the then Prime Minister T. Blair to make an official, formal apology on behalf of England for the slave trade, and on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Britain itself (in the British Empire it was formally abolished only in 1833).

And that was the reason for the former prime minister to say something about it. In November 2006, Tony Blair also expressed "deep regret" over Britain's historic role in the African slave trade.

Male symbol of slavery Image sorce:

About that island psychology of supremacy and innocence, Siniša Ljepojević, a well-known writer and journalist, a connoisseur of Britain, says: "It is noticeable that Blair did not apologize, he avoided directly apologizing for those crimes. He only condemned the British role in the African slave trade. And he marked that trade as a crime against humanity. He expressed deep regret that it ever happened. "

Ljepojevic added: "He stated all this in order to disguise his crimes that he committed from Kosovo to Iraq and Afghanistan, but the most important thing is that he did not apologize."

Even today, Britain's attitude is uncritical of its long slave trade in Africa. The sale of slaves and the trade of the black population of Africa was for hundreds of years one of the most lucrative affairs of the British Empire. Millions of blacks were captured like beasts, chained, transported by ships in the worst possible conditions, and sold in America and around the world as slaves. Before the ships were taken, all captured men, women and children - slaves - would be chained, beaten and stamped with hot iron (as the cattle are marked).

England joined this trade after Portugal, but became the largest enslaving nation on the planet. Slavery brought wealth and power and included the nobility, politicians, clergy and prominent people.

A slave boy in Zanzibar in 1890. Image source:

Slavery is a crime against humanity

It should be noted that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948, strictly and explicitly prohibited slavery. Slavery was also declared a crime against humanity by the French law of 2001. Very late!

Estimates vary. According to some sources, "from the 16th to the 19th century, about 12-13 million African slaves, children of women and men were transported across the Atlantic to roam the plantations and mines in the countries of the New World and the British colonies." Others (Russian sources) mention "that the English alone captured about 13 million people from the green continent and sold them as slaves. And the number of dead, killed and died of disease and starvation is 3-4 times higher. So, the total number of victims reached as much as 50-53 million ", claims Russia.

In addition to Portugal and Britain, other European countries joined the slave trade: France, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Even official slave trade companies have been established. The capture and sale of people in Africa especially developed after the mentioned countries in America started to establish their colonies.

Transport by ships of black slaves, chained Image

The British estimated that 40,000 to 45,000 slaves were sold annually on the island of Zanzibar alone (Tanzania). It should be noted that many sources reliably state that tens of millions of African blacks died in inhumane conditions during transport by ship.

New databases now allow new generations of Britons to see and discover unpleasant information on their own - that their ancestors owned slaves. And more than that: when slavery was abolished, even wealthy owners of wages, factories, farms, mines received a waiver, or compensation from the British government. Valid proof that it was normal to have slaves in Albion, and that it was a pity that slavery was abolished!

To be continued...

$ 0.54
$ 0.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Jigglyspy
3 years ago


Ja mislim da je veči problem ono sto se sada događa..i sada ima toga....treba to riješavat ..šta se riješit može.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pojedinac nikada nije mogao nista da uradi... Malo je onih koji se zalazu da se bilo sta resi Kada su u pitanju ovako veliki problemi...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ropstvo jeste zvanicno ukinuto, ali takozvani neokolonijalizam nije nista mnogo bolji. Zanimljiva tea kojom se treba baviti.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mucna tema mnogo...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Suženjstvo je definirano kot stanje popolne odvisnosti človeka (sužnja) in osebno podrejanje drugemu človeku (sužnjelastniku) kot njegova privatna lastnina. Sužnje-lastništvo je bil družbeni red že v antiki.Po odkritju Amerike se je razmahnila trgovina s sužnji. Potovanja Krištofa Kolumba v zadnjih letih 15. stoletja so sprožila novo obdobje v Evropi, dobo raziskovanj in kolonizacije.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bravo ! Moj prvi "susret" sa Crncima bila je knjiga koju mi je čitala mama. Knjiga se zvala "Čiča Tomina koliba!" Tek kasnije sam mogla da shvatim šta je crna rasa proživela. Gledajući film "Misisipi u plamenu", bila sam ogorčena . Ova tema je neiscrpna. U prilog tome , evo moj poklon: Kada se rodim, ja sam crn Kada porastem, ja sam crn Kada sam na suncu, ja sam crn Kada se plašim, ja sam crn Kada sam bolestan, ja sam crn Kada umrem, ja sam crn A ti moj beli prijatelju Kada se rodiš, ti si ružičast Kada porasteš, ti si beo Kada si na suncu, ti si crven Kada ti je hladno, ti si plav Kada se uplašiš, ti si žut Kada si bolestan, ti si zelen Kada umreš, ti si siv I ti mene zoveš obojeni? Pesmu je napisalo afričko dete, a prepevao je bend Tongue Forest i pesma se zove "You got the nerve". Bila je nominova za nagradu UN-a

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Muke, svasta su preziveli... Nagradu verovatno nije odvojila...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cica Tomina koliba je uglavnom prvi susret sbih nas sa crnackim ropstvom i svim uzasima koje su ovi ljudi proziveli. Potom svi ti filmovi, recimo 12 godina ropstva, itd. Uglavnom govorimo o tome sta se desavalo u logorima za vreme drugog svetskog rata i kasnije za vreme vijetnamskog rata a crnacka stradanja svi zaboravljamo. O tome treba vise da se prica. To ne sme da bude zaboravljeno.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ropstvo ukinuto zvanično ali posle toliko vremena je i te kako prisutno u nekom obliku. Još uvek postoji mržnja koja tinja između crnaca i belaca, pa na nacionalnom nivou...užas. Diskriminacija cveta ko nikad do sada, predrasude ubijaju svaki boljitak i nadu da naše društvo može da funkcioniše normalno. Gledasmo zimus kako policija na ulicama ubija bez trunke saosećanja, mislila sam da je to previše brutalno dok ne videh letos na našim ulicama slične scene. Kažu savremeno i moderno društvo a u stvari primitivizam do ludila... užas.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Da, sve nesto kobajagi moderno, a u stvari sa mrtve tacke jedva mrdamo... Postoji I dalje, na zalost...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful text as if I were reading a book

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the nice comment. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. Greeting

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nowadays, slavery is a crime against humanity,and it is pointed as a crime in International Law, ans also in law of the most countries all around the world. It is a crime to put someone into slavery or into possition that is similar to it. Owners were selling their slaves like things, many stories are telling us that they loved their animals much more than slaves. They treated horses better than their slave's children.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, it is so. Fortunately, times are changing. There is still slavery, but it is not as represented as before ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

De nalazite bre ovako duge postove, kod mene sve to nesto kratko.. :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Vadim ih iz naftalina 😂😂😂 de znam, trazim pa naletim...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like this article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nazalost i danas u 21 veku ima ropstva .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

koncentracija kapitala nikada nije bila moguca bez izrabljivanja rada tako da smo manje vise kroz celokupnu istoriju od pojave viska vrednosti svedoci nekom vrstom ropstva na ovaj ili onaj nacin do danasnajih dana

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Je l gledao neko 'Jango Unchained'?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja ne :-)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To je film Kventina Trantina, glumi i Leonardo di Kaprio..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Teška tema i teško preživljam kada čitam.

$ 0.00
3 years ago