Words are very powerful, even if we don't believe it. We don't usually give them the importance they really deserve, but today you will understand that you should never ever underestimate your words. We use words for everything. With them we describe the experiences that happen to us in life, but we are not aware that these words we use to describe become the experience itself. We all communicate with ourselves. Some people have a more developed inner dialogue than others, but we all have that little voice with which we sometimes interact. That little voice sometimes tells you positive things, but at other times it keeps saying negative words to you. This is what abounds the most. Negative words seem much easier to say than positive ones.
As we have already said, the words that describe the experiences end up becoming the experiences themselves. Imagine that you keep telling yourself that you are bad, that you are useless, that you are useless, that you are useless, that everything you do is wrong, that you are a failure. All this, if you repeat it to yourself, if that little voice cannot be silenced in any way, it will come true. In the end you will end up being what you tell yourself over and over again. If you say you are useless, you will be useless. So be careful with the way you describe yourself, because as you see the words you dedicate to yourself are too powerful and your self-esteem can be affected. You will already have to deal with criticism from others, with offenses, with disappointments, with insults, as to do it for free to yourself.
In fact, think that the way you communicate with yourself changes the way you see yourself. It changes everything. You will never feel the same way about yourself again and it will change the way you act. Your inner dialogue is powerful, so you should not turn it against yourself. With just one negative word, you can completely cancel yourself out. Use it for a greater purpose, start using it to support you. You will need on many occasions something to be able to resist criticism, pressures, an endless number of things in which your self-esteem, your patience, your strength will be affected. Only you know yourself, only you are capable of knowing what you are capable of doing. Don't let your inner dialogue also work against you. Once you become aware of it you will see how many times you are turning against yourself.
Change your life by changing your language. You are your only support, so don't take your inner dialogue as an enemy anymore. Make peace with it, start talking to yourself in a more positive way. We can be our greatest ally or our greatest enemy; especially if we give free rein to all our automatic thoughts and keep a negative inner chatter with us. The way you interact with your deepest thoughts can determine your self-concepts and your actions. In other words, you become what you think you are. So, if you have a negative inner chatter, you are likely to be a person who is apathetic, pessimistic, passive, etc. If you think you are a strong and valuable person, you can live up to that statement.
In conclusion, we all, at some point in our lives, go through painful moments or unexpected situations of a negative nature that we must overcome. However, these types of experiences mark some people in such a way that they develop an internal dialogue of a negative nature. This dialogue is not at all advisable, but it is even more dangerous when it threatens to remain and become a habit. The truth is that no one is exempt from being faced with a problem that he or she is unable to solve. The self-critic constantly judges himself and negatively evaluates his behavior. He emphasizes his limitations and defects. This leads him to make his life unmanageable. He tends to be dependent on others and compares himself with others in order to feel at a disadvantage. He envies those who achieve their goals and is frustrated at being unable to achieve his own. Preferred phrases in this type of internal dialogue are: I can't, I am incapable, I don't deserve it.
Have you underestimated your words?
Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.
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Hi, friend !! our internal dialogue is more important as our thoughts will be reflected in the actions we demonstrate. I didn't master English either, that's why I write the articles in my Spanish language, I'm from Venezuela. To answer the comments I use the Google translator, so I hope you don't miss the essence of what I want to say. I will be following you!! a pleasure to read your article!