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2 years ago

Many people have given up work because they consider that it impoverishes their lives, even if it enriches their pockets. The crisis that broke out in 2020 continues to have consequences in several areas. One of the most striking is the emergence of a trend generically known as the "anti-workers". As the name suggests, these are people who are analyzing the labor system from a more critical point of view. From one moment to another, many workers were forced to telework. This, far from being a simple change of forms, ended up becoming an encounter with a new perspective on life. Mothers and fathers had the opportunity to share more time with their children and partners.

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In the same vein, others discovered new ways of managing their time. Thus, many began to think that perhaps dedicating so much time to work is not the best way to make the most of life. Everything ended up converging in the "anti-work" trend, an important group of people who want to reshuffle the cards and put work commitments in a more secondary place. The "anti-workers" are not a political group and, in fact, they are not even a group as such. Rather, they are a spontaneous collective that has found common ground: a rejection of typical work commitments and work hierarchies.  It is unlikely that the world will ever be the same again. The crisis not only produced changes in the habits of the majority, but also in our way of seeing the world.

 Well, the crisis has led to massive resignations all over the world, at the hands of the "anti-workers". People who question the way of life based on an obsessive dedication to work activities, betting on a greater role for the other dimensions of existence. We are talking about a movement that has had an important impact on economic activity. Commuting to work all but disappeared for anyone who did not consider themselves an essential worker when employers moved to digital operations. Most offices and companies still have to bring all staff back, work dignifies and sets us free as it is the only way we can make ends meet, but it also makes you a slave to it.

 Perhaps, many people say that it is important to work in what you like to feel that you are not really working, and that if on Sundays you don't feel 'down' because you know that the next day you have to get up early, it is also a very good sign. The workers achieved many triumphs in everything related to their labor rights, and the arrival of the pandemic put the whole world into something new in which it had never had to play before: the possibility of teleworking. Much has already been theorized about teleworking, the need to leave aside the previous rigidity of face-to-face work and opt for much more flexible schedules and hybrid systems. It should be borne in mind that these communities are making their presence felt, especially on the Internet, so it is still too early to tell whether they will really have absolute relevance.

 To conclude, it is unlikely, for the time being, that work will change fundamentally overnight, but we are experiencing a reorganization without coming and changes in thinking after a long period of fatigue. In the past, economic changes and the decline of the booming economy evolved the power that workers had acquired over time. Similarly, future economic conditions, as well as the evolution of power in the workplace, will affect the direction of today's anti-work movement. The glorification of overwork, with more and more people confessing openly, even proudly, to hating theirs. In short, what we should take from the anti-work movement is the importance of rethinking our work routine and the role it plays in our lives.

Do you agree with anti-work?

Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.

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2 years ago


The digital revolution of work, that never really happened, finally started to happen during the crisis. I wrote about this almost 2 years ago:

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are quite right my friend, it was during the pandemic crisis that this way of working really took off. I will certainly study your article. Regards.

$ 0.00
2 years ago