Mental health

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2 years ago

It’s been a while I dropped something here, not for the loss of idea but lack of time but it’s for a good course. I saw a movie yesterday titled “The Fallout” and it’s all about a shootout in a high school, the trauma the students who were lucky to be in a  safe place while the shootout was on. The way people tend to lie to themselves- saying they are “okay” when they aren’t.

Mental health is often neglected in schools, homes and offices. This can be seen as a result of the stigma attached to mental health conditions. Stigma exists when there is a negative belief that is often spread by society and endorsed by culture, this could be through advertisements, books poetry etc. The stigma leads to people going undiagnosed with mental health conditions, the stigma then causes people to feel ashamed, isolated and not want to reach out for help.

The way people laugh when they are told a certain person is feeling depressed, the way we ignore mental health in this part of the world is an eyesore. Negative images in advertising can make people who are struggling with their mental health feel bad about themselves, which can then lead to a person not taking care of themselves or seeking help. Also, these images can have a huge impact on societal expectations, in which if someone does not meet these expectations in life then they may be seen as failures or weak.

The pressure on we students is much, call our generation Lazy or names. We might not be as strong as the older generation but what we are exposed to each day is different from what they faced. It’s easier to turn into a drug addict or sex addict in this present day than how it was years back. The Internet and society expose us to all these every day. We see successful people and wonder why our own life is different. Depression sets in and we take solace in drugs.

Depression is real and I think it's about time we give it much attention.

Depression is a real mental illness. It's not something that people can just snap out of and it's not something to be ashamed of. But those with depression may feel like they're the only ones who have it, because of the stigma attached to mental illness. Which makes it harder to address.

I don’t care about being called rude but we are all human beings who have a heart. We don’t have to put up a fake smile and please everyone. When you feel like crying doesn’t hold it in and try to be strong, you can cry and let it out. Just know that there are so many people out there who are also sad or depressed, and they don’t want others to see that. They don’t want others to be worried or feel bad for them. so when you feel down, let it out, let the tears flow, accept that you are strong enough to get through anything life brings your way. If you don’t know who to talk to or if you don’t have anyone to talk to then go talk with someone who you do trust. I promise you there is someone out there who does care about how you feel and they will listen.

The first step in solving the stigma is erasing the shame.

When you find someone opening up about depression, support them and help them find help.

The key to living a mentally healthy life is to take advantage of the resources that are available to you. Here are a few ways you can start on your way to a more steady mind and body.

Wake up. Set an alarm that isn't your phone. This way, when your alarm goes off in the morning, you won't have to reach for your phone to shut it off. If you can get into the habit of doing this, it will be a great way to start the day. It will give your mind less time to run away with thoughts and feelings of negativity, which will make it easier to start the day happy and productive.

Before bed. Take five minutes before bed to sit quietly, close your eyes and take deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth until you feel your body relax and any tension has left you.

Meditating isn't complicated. With time you will get better. To every young adult out there, remember you’re loved. You are not in this alone, as we navigate this journey of life, let’s live with the aim of impacting the life of others.

Thanks for Reading! 🧠💚🧠



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2 years ago


isn't it ironic? The ones who made jokes about mental health and depression are mostly the ones who were also suffering from it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My friend, you wrote very beautiful and encouraging. In today's world where everything is so complicated, people are more prone to depression and stress. Knowing how to calm ourselves and meditate and having people we can talk to, can help a lot. Try to help people who are heartbroken and stressed, listen to them and have a warm hand on their shoulders...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I find it very interesting that someone has taken the care to write about a neglected but very important issue. But for culture and societal misgivings, mental health isn't a crime or a defect. Please reach out to someone. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are people who don't believe that someone can struggle with their mental health and label them weak, that annoys me so much. I try to help any way I can or direct people to places that can help

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really funny how it's so easy for the society to brood depression these days and nobody seems to care how the masses handle anything.

It's sad really!

I can't even begin to express my displeasure on the educational sector, how students face the brutality if this system in the name of being shaped in character and learning. I'm really disappointed at the constant disregard of this topic of mental health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's hard for some to tell someone about what they are going through emotionally because people might call them weak.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing those tips. It is a big help for those struggling with their emotions. I hope those who are depress will able to tell everyone what they feel so that it will not build up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As humans we try as much as we can to make others happy and please them, making our lives miserable and full of depression 😢. Just let out your emotions and cry if possible and relief comes after.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's an anomaly how we joke about depression in this part of the world. It's now part of everyday joke, meanwhile a lot of people, including those making jokes out of it are actively suffering from it. This culture of denial is fuelled by societal stigma as you've pointed out. This is especially worrisome as we live in times where the burdens as well as pressure to succeed is pushing young adults and even teenagers to depression. This I a conversation we really need to start having and taking seriously

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depression is very real and it's affecting a lot of people that we think, alot of us have been covering up and dying in thoughts. The worst is that the schools and work places are not considering placing a concern on the improvement of our mental health

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mental health problem is not a joke, some people took it as a nothing without knowing that people who having mental breakdown experience such sadness and stress, they need someone to talk about it but they are afraid to be judge by this toxic society, if you let yourself out, people out there will say that your just overreacting that's why those people having depression choose to be alone and silent rather than releasing their pain to other people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Uplifting post after such a long time. I hope you are ok.

$ 0.00
2 years ago