It’s easy to criticize people in power for most people. We see fault in everything they do and complain about it. Have we ever asked ourselves if we can do better if placed in that same position?. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a president or head of state. I’m talking about leaders of different organizations and bodies, someone charged with the responsibility of controlling or moderating an entity.
When you say the word "leader" it has a variety of meanings. What most people think of is someone that has control over a group of people, but actual leaders are more than that. A leader doesn't necessarily mean that they are smarter or more intelligent than others, they are just passionate about what they believe in for the betterment of all.
Leadership is one of the most challenging of tasks, it isn't an easy task to lead. It only takes the smart and intelligent to control different people from different backgrounds with different opinions; and at the same time, it takes much more than that. It's not enough to be smart and intelligent, but you must be trusted and respected by the people who count on you. I've had the good fortune of meeting and serving under extraordinary leaders who have inspired me to be better, to see things differently, to appreciate others and listen to their opinion. To put the general goal before mine and in the long run, my interest is satisfied.
They are bound to make mistakes, no matter who they are. The point is not whether you make them or not, but the way you deal with them.
Leaders can learn from their mistakes, grow from them, and then use that knowledge to move forward in a good direction.
When someone makes a mistake that is evident for all to see, it is best to bring it up with them in private. Publicly calling out someone on social media is not a good option.
If done properly, you should be able to approach the person and hopefully work it out and say, “Hey… I noticed you did this and I think trying this would have been better because x y and z.” That should be it.
Coming back to the topic of making mistakes, we live in a culture that does not want to accept them as normal human behaviour. Everyone wants to be perfect, but as we all know, this is not possible.
We all must have heard stories of the young boy who lead his people to victory against an enemy. A story about a man who overcame his weakness to win a contest with the help of his team. All these are only possible with the help of the subordinates. The success of a leader depends on his subordinate.
However, if you’ve tried talking to your leader privately and he/she refuses to change, talking to two or more people might be the next thing to do. Once you realise his/her actions will lead to the downfall of the group, you can talk to people you know he listens to and if he still persist in acting that way, resorting to calling out in public "might" be the best action.
Not all leaders are willing to accept they’ve made a mistake, some will try to twist words just to prove that they are never wrong. Accepting you made a mistake and apologizing directly or indirectly can endear you more to your subject. Do you know a leader that doesn’t listen to the subordinate? Such an organization will most likely stall and remain stagnant.
Thanks for Reading!🤗💚🤗
I decided to write on this after doing the $2 task admin gave most people yesterday. What I thought won’t take 10 minutes took over 30 minutes of my time. I then realize how huge the work of the admin is. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. How was the task for you?
Special thanks to @heartbeat1515 for the sponsorship renewal. Thanks a lot.
Nice read. Make mistakes and learn from yoir mistakes, not an easy task. Leadership quality is demanding and challenging position