SCRABBLE: a very interesting game. 

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2 years ago
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Scrabble Game, from

(Game : Article)

Hello Friend! Happy Sunday to you.

I want to tell you about a wonderful game i love. It's called SCRABBLE. Just an hour back, i finished playing Scrabble with one of my friends here. I told him i would write an article about the game and post on, and he was glad. Anytime we play this game we enjoy it well, we learn new words from it, our spelling skills are being improved,  and it's always fun!!!!!!!  Trust you play Scrabble game too? If yes, good to hear it. If you don't, you can learn and start it, trust me, you're going to enjoy it so much. In this article, there is much to cover since it is an interesting word game. First, the pros and cons:


•It improves the spelling ability of the players

•It helps to know more vocabularies. 

•It helps the brain to think quickly.

•Scrabble is a game that helps to socialize with peers.

• It always helps to improves personal confidence on Words.

•It brings about more concentration.

•Intellectual capacity could be built via the game.


•Some people may not want to play because they are not good in word.

A brief history of Scrabble word game. 

It was invented by It was invented by Alfred Mosher Butts, an architect in 1933. What actually brought about Scrabble word game? Here is it! In 1929, many were victims of very great depression in America, Alfred wasn't happy seeing a single person depressed talk less of millions! Due to this, he decided to create a game that will lift up people's Spirits and put smile on their faces.

After the invention, he approached the  'Established game Manufacturers', but unfortunately, they weren't interested in he Alfred made, so they collectively slammed the door on him. It was only James Brunot, a game-loving entrepreneur, that accepted him, and helped him redesigned the game, this happened in 1948. Then it was available for commercial sales. They took time to build the success and I really like the constancy behind their efforts. 

James Brunot, from

Why Scrabble should be played!

• It will surely help you to get words spelt correctly! Trust me, it will! Having researched beyond my areas, i got to know, it has helped millions of people all over the world to improve on their spellings. The amazing thing is that the more you play it, the more you get better on your spellings, because while you are creating new words, you will be noticing how they are spelled. Through this you get better as you keep playing.

•It is highly beneficial,  as you play, you learn new words that you will use in future Scrabble games, and also in everyday life. As you keep on  playing Scrabble, your vocabulary will grow.

•See, everyone who plays Scrabble consistently, has always seen how the game helps him/her think in a brilliant way. The brain, in a game of Scrabble, must be at alert and must be thinking consistently and quickly.  This skill will be beneficial in other areas of your life too.

•See, everyone who plays Scrabble consistently, has always seen how the game helps him/her think in a brilliant way. The brain, in a game of Scrabble, must be at alert and must be thinking consistently and quickly.  This skill will be beneficial in other areas of your life too.

• You want to get socialized with others of a similar age, background, or interests? Play Scrabble with them! It is one of the best ways!

Children playing Scrabble with their teacher, from,

Rules of the game.

•You must always keep 7 tiles on each rack, unless the tiles left are no more enough.

•When you place the letters in a single turn, they must all be in a single horizontal row or in a single vertical column.  The letters placed and  letters already on the board must form a single word from the dictionary, it shouldn't have gap. 

•suffixes, prefixes and abbreviations are not allowed. 

•Words that required the use of a capital letter are not allowed.

•words with hyphen or apostrophe are not allowed be played in the game.

How to play the game.

  1. The first thing you will is to draw seven letter tiles: 
    Each player will remove one tile out of the tile bag. The player with the letter closest to the letter "A" goes first. Each player will then draw seven tiles from the tile bag.

  2. You will need to Score each word:  Add point values to each letter in the word, by doing this you've Tallied score. Note that Point values range from 0 points for a blank tile to 10 points for the letters "Q" and "Z." it's necessary that you use a paper and a pen to keep track of the word scores .

  3. Keep play: Keep playing in an anticlockwise direction around the board. In each turn, a player places a word on the board, exchange tiles, or pass.

  4. Select new tiles: After placing a word on the board, bring out equal number of new tiles from the tile bag for each player  to always have seven tiles.

  5. Keep going: All the letters that have been played must touch at least one letter that is already on the board in order to form at least one complete word. When one player has used all of his/her tiles, or  more words can be made, then the game ends.

  6. At this time you challenge words: You consult your dictionary when challenging word. If the word is not in the dictionary, the player loses his/her turn. If the word is allowed, the challenger loses his/her turn.

  7. The last stage is that you calculate the scores: Each player's final score is calculated by adding up the points from all of their word scores. Then, minus the sum of unplayed letters he/she has. If one player has used up all his/her letters, then add the sum of everyone else's unplayed letters to their score. The player with the highest score will win the game.

The game is interesting, fun and tremendously advantageous. 

Elderly men playing Scrabble, from

Thanks for reading, thanks for your upvote and wonderful comments! Happy Sunday!

Sir @Olasquare , @UsagiGallardo215 , @renren16

@Kristofferquincy , @OliviaQueen @FarmGirl , @Princessbusayo @Kingmayor1 @FashTioluwa , and my supporters on this platform, thanks so much.


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2 years ago


It's quite an interesting game to play and have fun. The last time I played scrabble game was when I was in Senior Secondary School and I remembered I was only taught that day and I was so happy I learnt so fast and enjoyed it. Since then, I do not have interest in playing games as I am always occupied with other things on my phone. Thanks for sharing with us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to know you had played Scrabble and enjoyed it. It's really an interesting game. You're welcome Princess.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think I was still in my 1st year as a college student when I last played this game. Like what you said, playing scrabble really help us to enhance our spelling and vocabulary skills. Without a doubt, its really fun to play..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, renren16. It's of fun playing it. We learn through it.👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's been quite a while since I last played scrabble. But it is actually fun and improves one's vocabulary hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're very correct friend, it does.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love this game. If you have across my article, I actually made one about my scrabble journey. We can play scrabble online. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! God to know you're a fan of Scrabble. Thumb up 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a great game, but I've not played it yet, thanks for introducing my friend. I think those who invent games do a great service to humanity. Because by doing so, they create very happy times for people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome my friend. I have put the procedures of playing it there, you could learn it. You will surely enjoy it. It's an interesting game. 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoy playing scrabble, I'm not great at it but I find it really fun

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear Daria my friend. Just keep at it, keep on playing it. You're will surely be great at it as time goes on. It's an interesting game. 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it is an interesting game, I will keep playing, thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a pro in Scrabble but I have people that are better than me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My friend, good to know you're a pro in Scrabble . Yes, that is life, people may be better than you in this game, but doesn't dispute the fact that you're a pro. 👍👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Scrabble Improves your Memory, Training your memory leads to improved cognitive capacity, which means that your brain will be more efficient when dealing with challenging tasks. One of the effects of playing Scrabble is learning new words, but playing this game will also have a direct impact on the performance of your brain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, Freedom007. Yes, that's one of the advantages of Scrabble, it makes us learn new words. Thanks for your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember one time ago when I was playing this kinda game, I got a result of word that the system termed correct. I had to pause and Google the meaning to be satisfied. Yeah, it makes us to get acquainted with words and spellings

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why i love the game, it has it's way of teaching us new words and vocabularies.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it's a beautiful game that us know more words 👍 Scrabble is sweet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My classmates and I used to play this in our classroom before the pandemic. Actually, I'm not fond of playing this one but as time goes by, I became hooked in this game since I can be able to learn new words that I never encountered before. By the way, I guess you're a newbie in this platform. Keep writing and Take care. see you around

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes dear friend Eurydice, i'm a newbie. Hope i tried in the article? Thanks for reading it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like scrabble because it is fun and challenging- it makes me feel competitive :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes oooooh, it's always challenging and competitive, and we learn much from it. It's a sweet game.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It does improve one's vocabulary and spelling skills :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also play scrable words my friend and it really does enhance my spelling skills and to think a little more harder.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

UsagiGallardo215, happy Sunday. Good to know you play Scrabble too. It's indeed an enhancer of good spelling.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi Friend Good boy. I really missed this game. This is my favorite ever. It helped me develop my spelling skill since we were using before a dictionary. Happy Sunday.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Sunday Castiel-han, glad hearing you love this Scrabble too. 👍👍 It's indeed an interesting game that helps our spelling skills.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's challenging to hit the triple word scores. I really enjoyed it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Sunday Friend. Yes, hitting the triple word scores is challenging. Sometimes, i call it a challenging dark red square.😁😁

Of a truth the game is interesting! When last did you play it?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I was in high school my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago