Salutation, wonderful people of, I bring you good tidying again, what are we to look into today, what makes a good husband or wife? I won't go too deep but I will share just one simple scripture verse from the bible that I believe everyone can learn from
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Ephesians 5:25 KJV
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Ephesians 5:22 KJV
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
When a man and a woman decided within themselves to become husband and wife and went to the alter to say yes to the "for better for worse, in sickness and health, in riches and poverty" there are some keys they should really understand before venturing into the marriage, many people rush into marriage due to one reason or the other, some of the reason is written in one of my article "The Right Age To Get Married", and because of this, we have many broken homes, lots divorce filed in court, a fighting partner who hate themselves, cheating spouse and so on.
What makes a good husband?
I will be explaining this from the scripture I got.
Husband, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Many husbands, after the honeymoon and a few years, they forget the responsibility that was given to them to become a good husband, which is "Love your wife" some husbands are always on the outlook to see if their wife love them, a man shouldn't concern himself with that, your own is to love your wife, a man that loves his wife will be ready to do anything for her, be ready to take any insult, be ready to overlook mistake, ready to sacrifice for her, even if she doesn't do all this, as the husband, keep on loving your wife.
One thing many new couples (husband) don't know now is that the more you love your wife the more she will love you back if a man gives his wife 100% love, he should expect 80% back, and if the love depreciates, so will the love of the wife, that's why the bible didn't ask the wife to love, it gave the responsibility to the husband.
What makes a good wife?
Now let's go to the wife part, what makes a good wife?.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
A good wife will submit herself to her husband, what does this mean? it means a wife should respect her husband. No matter the situation, a wife should always respect her husband, how can a wife disrespect her husband?.
As we all come from different background, culture, country and we have different norms that guide us, every wife should understand this, a wife should study her husband to know his do and don't, what he likes, how he wants to be served, the kind of food he likes, this way the husband will feel loved.
Many young wives today are fighting for equal rights in their marriage, they talk back at their husband, some even insult him to his face, forgetting the responsibility of submission to their husband, a wife shouldn't expect her husband to submit to her, but the other way around.
I will leave you with this final scripture, think about it.
Ephesians 5:33 KJV
Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Thanks for reading, I hope you're able to learn one or two things from this. Don't forget to like, sub, and drop a comment. Thanks for the follow up too... More good articles to come from me...
Article title: What makes a good husband or wife
Date: 05/03/2022
Author: FashTioluwa
They keep saying, teaching and preaching this in all wedding ceremonies but MARRIAGES still fails due to lack of these features. This world is something else.