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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...

Everyday is always a saga of unexpected events. It's one of the reason I realized why starting the day with a prayer is vital to successfully overcoming another 24 hours in this world.

Lots of things happened while I was out in the real world. First things first, I decided to extend rendering my services to a company I recently resigned from. The original departure date which was supposed to be April 28th, was now moved further to month of August. I've come to terms with this decision due to many valid reasons, and thank God I came up with this verdict. My boss thanked me, as well as the VP for finance. I appreciate how they both acknowledged my hardwork. No matter how I sometimes felt undervalued at rare times, I can never deny how this organization helped me in so many things.

It helped me sustain the financial needs of our family of five, and it also became my main source of funds for my brother's education—he's finally graduating within this year. To God be all the glory.

Among other things, I learned what I know now with my almost four years if stay here. I discovered lots of things I didn't know I could do, and being an introvert, I am also grateful that being placed in a position where I always talk to people trained my communication skills regardless of my personality type. It'd really be beneficial to my career path.

Last one would be the non-toxic workplace environment. I can't express my delight enough, that this company trusted me, being just a fresh graduate back then, without actual experiences. They chose to accept me, and equipped me with lots of new things, forgiving me when I made lots of mistakes, and stayed kind. I was the youngest in the organization until my third year, I guess, but I rarely felt that when it came to work. They always acknowledged my quality of work, and respected me as part of the team.

Rest assure that I'll be kinder and do my best during my last four months here. This has become a part of me, and I'll always come back to the memories I created here. Nice, I was now just about to cry.

Moving on, there was yet another shocking news I received yesterday. A Kpop Idol from group Astro, Moonbin, suddenly passed away. There was still no plausible reason as to how and why, so I'll trust the authorities on that. Regardless of the reasons, my heart breaks at the fact that he was gone too soon. Moonbin was only 25.

It's either a natural death or suic*de, that's what they say. Not to be that person, byt I've got some conclusion in my head that's only based on the fact that South Korea has some unrealistic standards for people, plus the highest suic*de rates for this reason. My heart just breaks more.

He has a sister. They only got each other. And now, she's left alone. I could not even think of losing any member of my family. I treasure them the most. I would never be able to fathom the pain Moon Sua could be handling now. I am sending her, along with the fans—Arohas—prayers, and hugs with consent.

It's just unfair how these idols helped millions of people from depression, from anxiety, and all other struggles, yet, we people, could not save them when they succumb to such circumstances. Now, Moonbin unites with the other three Kpop Idols who are also now with the stars—Sulli, Goo Hara, and Jonghyun. They will be missed.

The Kpop community is now mourning another great loss. Some of the planned activities are either cancelled or postponed, and many K-Idols showed support and love to the ones left, and of course, mourned for the one that left.

While I was out here, 23 and living, worried about what I'll do in my future years, what I'll be when I turn 24, 25, 26... it pains me, how these people's lives stopped at 25. At 28. And never went further from that. It's more painful how the reasons root from not feeling enough, from being judged by the people they perform for, from being criticized 24/7, from working too hard, and many other heart-wrenching reasons.

It's a sad reality that people often forgot these K-Idols are HUMANS, too. They have flaws, they make mistakes, they are not always cheerful all the time, they also need space and privacy. They also have feelings. They get hurt when hated for no valid reason... while they help many fans overcome challenges, they also needed help.

Yet, another failure was shown. We failed to save another beautiful soul.

I have no more say about how things turned out. But I can only pray for the ones left behind, that they will be strong enough to get through this painful period of their lives, and continue to live on, while remembering the ones who used to be here, and now, just a memory.

Until we see each other again, Moonbin.

How is it going on your end?

Please... please.. When you feel like everything is falling apart, and the darkness seemed to have stayed for a painful while. When you feel like there's no way out, please ask for help. It's okay to seek for saving, too. Don't think about ending your life. I plead that you try to hang in there, survive each day, even it sometimes loses meaning.

You will see how many people out there silently support and root for you in life. Think about how their hearts will break when you leave. Think about the possibilities you could have experienced in the future years of your life.

I know these words won't mean much to you, but I'll still say this. Please don't give up your life. Try your best to get up each day and have your meals, don't start something until you're ready. Rest until you become okay. Do things you love and will energize you. Lastly, call Him. He's not far from You. God's willing to hear from you, love. I am not forcing you to pray, not even Him. But you can just try. Cry unto Him, tell him your darkest secrets, your lamentations. Express everything to Him and let His unending love and peace comfort you throughout the days and nights.

Just try. And conquer.

Verse of the Day: Psalms 34:18

God is close to the broken-hearted...

Let's say hi again tomorrow, lovelies!

To God be the Glory.

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...


I hope you can another company which has healthier work environment. It's really burning out people if working in a toxic environment. My condolences to your idol. K-pop and K-drama aren't my thing, but it saddened me to hear people committing suicide.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope you are recovering from the loss of your idol. I'm not a fan of him but since you mentioned that he helped a lot of people fighter depression which I still can't think of how, sorry, hors na yata ako at di ako maka relate haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang ganda lang mag work sa walang toxic na place elleh. Hindi maganda sa pakiramdam yung may toxicity.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am not a Korean actors fan but I am so sad to hear that news.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

life is full of surprises.We just have to be strong and have faith to God

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1 year ago