Let's... Talk To A Stranger! Challenge

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Avatar for Duvinca
1 year ago
Topics: Challenge, Prompt, Talk, Users, read.cash, ...

My vision and experience.

Hello readers! Once again a new push and some inspiration to make different posts, today I want to recommend and encourage a great initiative, which can help us all to know more users and to connect and engage with them more.

It is about “Talk To A Stranger Challenge” from my friend here @LeonaReed who in her post invites us to read a post from a new user or with whom you have never interacted, we expand our network of friends here, and about friends questions and friendship I'll also answer @Coolmidwestguy's questions another day soon. But this user and @ARTicLEE both are also part of this, because they also contribute a part of the prize for this challenge, thanks to all of you.

Screenshot on Read.cash (@LeonaReed)

Well, I wanted to do it not for prizes but to somehow get out of the habit of always reading to those who here like to read, so I'll tell you about my experience:

I have chosen an article, well actually, I have done it again today, so it is a challenge double fulfilled. And how to choose someone? I have not chosen users but an article that might interest me and I have let myself be carried away by the title. Words that would inspire me to want to continue reading, to be curious about what that unknown reader wanted to tell.

  • First I chose the following article: “There are three natural sounds that can be calming” by @Verdoxi because you know that I like nature and pleasant environments and I also write about it somehow, after my walks on the beach…

    Screenshot on Read.cash (@Verdoxi)

    And now another of the challenge requirements, the answer. Comment and wait for that feedback or response back... that is, to really connect. And so it happened, I wrote a comment and this reader answered me.

    Screenshot on Read.cash (@Verdoxi)

    I must also say that he also later read an article of mine and made a comment, so I am grateful to @Verdoxi who seems to have been here at Read.cash for a month and I wish him well and that we continue reading.Screenshot on Read.cash (@LeonaReed)

    Screenshot on Read.cash (@Verdoxi)
  • Then, well, a while ago actually, I did this again choosing without much thought the following article: “I took a trip back in time” by @jennpritchard because you also know that I am a lot of travel and beautiful memories of the past, so i had to read it...

    Screenshot on Read.cash (@jennpritchard)

    And this new user, I think it's "her", she's only been on Read.cash today, she's really new, so it's a good time to encourage her to keep writing, because I like her style, because I want to know more about her writings. And I think I have become her first subscriber.

    Screenshot on Read.cash (@jennpritchard)

    I also thank her because she has answered me immediately, and I hope that there will be more occasions, more articles and more comments. Good luck here.

    Screenshot on Read.cash (@jennpritchard)
    Screenshot on Read.cash (@jennpritchard)

I am sharing some screenshots to complete what I am telling you and in case you are interested in these readers that can be very interesting to follow and read.

Final Thoughts

So regardless of the challenge itself, the requirements, the objective is to meet other users, and by chance I have chosen two who have been here for a short time without knowing it. Fresh air, new words, and more to inspire us, to grow all together.

I encourage all of you dear readers to participate in this challenge!

Unsplash.com (by John Cameron)

Image Source: Unsplash.com (by John Cameron)

Ah, latest news on this here:

Screenshot on Read.cash (@LeonaReed)

Thanks so much for reading! Have a nice and encouraging day!

And really thanks to my sponsors!♥

November 16, 2022

More articles here!

My “Get to Know Me” Questions

Time to sleep

Hours & habits

Sacred Spirit

Hello! It's me...

A musical wonder over the sea

Hispanidad. Facts against the black legend

Manifest, the tv show is back, fasten your seatbelts

Are people talking about "House of the Dragon"?

Smoke and fire. Our forests are being burned!

It looks like summer

Shells in the sand

Running against the wind

Some color on a gray day

The magic of every day

The text is totally mine, by Duvinca

The images are screenshots from here Read.cash

and the lead image is from Unsplash.com

I'M ALSO HERE: Ecency(Hive) / Publish0x / Odysee

$ 1.30
$ 0.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Gemstone
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
+ 5
Sponsors of Duvinca
Avatar for Duvinca
1 year ago
Topics: Challenge, Prompt, Talk, Users, read.cash, ...


That is awesome. I promise you made me so happy. You have been doing great and what you did that in incredible.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh so happy to hear that!! Glad you liked it :) Hope we all can know new users and keep growing all together.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is true... Community is growing day by day

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I got curious about the calming sounds. Checking that out now :D

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Good, let's discover more users...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Firstly, thank you for mentioning me, and later on in this forum it is indeed to read other people's stories or posts and then interact if necessary. So the more interactions the better.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks to you, that challenge has been a good experience for you :) so I'm glad to meet you here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I know you'll be an inspiration to them as your interaction with users are there.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks dear! Nice words, happy day :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You deserve it dear:) good day

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You have taken this challenge full speed ahead Duvinca. It shows you are a great and respectful author:)

I wish I had some time to take this on but I have been much disconnected on reading lately. I'm trying but I can't keep up. I don't know what it is exactly that has caused this. Having a hard time just reading interesting and good friends articles.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Thanks a lot my cool friend! Well in my case it's the opposite yesterday and today, these days I'm having a little more time so I can focus on it better, but who knows... maybe in the future I will be busier and trying to read all those articles pending!! We reach what we can, that's all, no pressures, and keep reading jaja

$ 0.05
1 year ago