Started it with April fool and the ending with April full.
The month of April is finally full and complete. Tomorrow we begin a new month full of love and blessings much greater than that of April. Today I am going to discuss how April went for me covering all aspects of my life and I'd be glad to read about how it went for you too.
Before I start writing, this month was rather short for me the reason probably being because the whole month was spent fasting. The beginning of Ramadan month in the Islamic calendar coincided with the beginning of April in the Gregorian calendar. Ramadan seems generally shorter for me than other months because apart from the extra worship, I snooze alot!
Readcash earnings and interactions:
With regards to this, I must say that I hadn't any end of the month goals in mind but I was amazed at how much I had made this month which exceeded any expectations I might have had. I earned a total of $95.04 on my articles (including funds spent in upvoting articles and comments) so if I am to seperate what I got at the end of the day for personal use, I think that would be around $75-$80 or so, still that's something I never expected! Congrats to me! As we match into the month of May tomorrow, I will maintain the mindset I carried with regards to my earnings, I won't set high goals but will still put in my possible best. I however hope it will be better than April for me and for everyone else.
I have had more time to interact and make new friends and read awe-inspiring reads on readcash and that helped me gain more subscribers and views on my articles. I think I started April with around 130 subscribers but I m finishing it with 160 subscribers, an additional thirty people! If that isn't an achievement then what is? One could say I gained a subscriber a day throughout the month of April lol.
Academics :
Due to the strike that has been going on for two months now, it is no surprise that the frequency of study has reduced, only that mine got so bad it reduced drastically. I used to study 8 hours a day(including an hour revision) but now I study for less than 4 hours a day, other days I commit the grave sin of going an entire day without studying but one mistake I don't dare make is to let what ai have learnt escape my memory so I don't joke with my revision sessions.
Spirituality :
I know this is not something many of us keep a monthly track on but I spent the whole month in Ramadan so that made me pay close attention to it. The whole aim of Ramadan isn't restricted solely to starving one's self of food and drink but to build a stronger connection with God. I have done my best with regards to that and to God be the glory, I am coming out of Ramadan more self aware and God conscious, it definitely wasn't a waste of time.
Productivity and time management :
The strike action inspired me to become more productive and try out new things even with other responsibilities I have to take care of. I have started learning Spanish while brushing off on my Arabic. You're probably thinking it's hectic already, while that definitely isn't wrong, I don't encounter much difficulty as I already know some Arabic prior and also, Spanish and Arabic are in no way similar so one would be able to distinguish them clearly. If I had decided to learn Spanish and French or Portuguese then I'd be embarking on a suicide mission haha. I have been successful with my journey so far thankfully. I am also planning on developing my artistic skills but that will come later, I believe I have a skill in art but need time to awaken it.
A skill in time management is something I had to develop to cope with all my shenanigans. When a person truly want something he definitely will make time for it. My time management skills are gradually improving although there have been some slips here and there but we keep on making up for lost time. I have overslept sometimes but still I never relent. I believe time management is a skill we all need to develop, probably one of the most important skill one can ever acquire.
So that's all for April guys, I bet you have some interesting stuff you'd want to share too, will love to read them and thanks for reading.
May next month be filled with blessings and love you've never experienced and may we all live long enough to witness many more months and years.
Have I mentioned that I was born in May? Yes! Next month is my birthday!
Thanks to all my sponsors, upvoters, viewers, and subscribers who've been constantly supporting me. Thanks for the love.
Yours Layly,
You are so productive in the month of April, May will be another month of being more productive.. Uyy Happy birthday in advance hehe..