Should the government legalize guns for all citizen?

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2 years ago

just as everything disadvantage has an advantage, so does every advantage has a disadvantage, what I saw online yesterday Sunday almost broke me down, kind of painful, I never thought people still have the mind to do such evil.

Happy Monday guys, hope your Sunday went well and not stressed as mine, do have a wonderful day ahead, though people always say the only day that is stressful more than Monday is the day after Sunday, haha, take care guys.

Yesterday Sunday, there was an attack in a church in one of the states in my country, the gunmen who we believe to be unknown for now, though some people start pointing finger, the source didn't mention names, so I can't write what people think that cause it, the gun men went into the church with guns and explosives, they opened fire on the members while the service was going on, about more than 50 people died, some died in the church while some gave up the ghost in the hospital.

No place is safe in the country again, hardly a day goes by that we don't hear one or more bad news, especially killings and kidnapping, kidnapping has been the most popular crime in the country now, especially when traveling from state to state, one needs to save up money for ransom before traveling so when he or she gets kidnapped, the family will be able to pay up quick.

This reminds me of @Kushyzee article when he talked about citizens of united states having the right to firearms or perhaps guns, he also talked about a man that went into the church and wanted to start gunfire but unfortunately for him, he was gunned down before he could start gunfire because the members of the church have their guns too, this is called, trusting God but handling my battle.

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If guns were also legalized in my country, won't it be better? Though they will be disadvantages and people will start misusing it, especially those that have some unfinished business to settle (quarrel) it might just end up with gunfire, and some innocent people might die in the process as well. Just like they say goes β€œWhen two elephants fight against each other, the grass will be the one to suffer”

There are so tribes that are free to carry guns and the police won't do anything about it, like the Fulani herdsmen, there were times when these guys were killed in the east and the government didn't take their guns from them, if these guys are still holding guns freely till today, don't you think everyone should at least have theirs at home for safe defense? Cause we can't trust the security agency to show up on time, most times they might not have fuel to move their vehicle, before they will arrive at the scene sometimes the robbers would have done what they came to do and leave.

As much as I don't want firearms to be legalized, I believe that people should have the right to protect themselves, cause the country is kind of getting worst every day, is anywhere safe? That's a deep question, if Americans that always preach one nation has legalized firearms to the citizen, what are we that are not even united as a nation, do you think we can survive like this for long? Do you think we will have one united nation in Nigeria?

My condolences go to the family of those people that lost their lives while praising God, a lot of people will be blaming God for what happened to the people and they might call the church fake because people were killed in it.

A Twitter username posted a picture of both her parents that was murdered in the church, so sad, like you just speak with someone and the next thing you hear is that they are no more, the wins these people brought to the citizen is so unbearable, where will the ones that lost their loved ones start from, what is now running through their mind as of now?

Another Twitter user wrote that, if they can legalize guns for safe defense, at least churches should have armed guards, that will be watching over the church when the service is going on, there was one time I went to the stay in an area close to the University of Benin, someone invited me to their church and I went to the church that Sunday, it's a very popular church in my country and the branch I went to is very big when I go there I saw some security men with heavy weapons, my first thought was that maybe government personnel is around and that's why they are security everywhere, now I realize that they are there to guild the place, not everything needs prayers, some needs physical battle.

I believe this coming election is the one opportunity we have to vote for someone that can make the country better, we all know the ones that are killing us in the country, let's do something different this time, I don't think there is any better candidate than Peter Obi, the media has nothing on him, for me, I believe he's more qualified than the rest.

One question I asked myself is, does Nigeria have missile defense? What if something was to happen and another country want to start a war against us, hope it's not what I think will be though.

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2 years ago


Im against with legalizing gun use. In America alone, there are hundred of people were killed because of gun related incidents. Government should only legalize the use of gun to people who are mentally stable. Tax them annually so they will get discourage later on to own a gun

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think your plan is right, at least not everyone will be allowed to carry gun, maybe one person in every family will be allowed to have gun

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is also a good suggestion :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

T true legalizing guns might mean that gun fight will be rampant, but I still thing they should. If Fulanis can carry guns around to protect themselves from 'wild animals' can't we carry it them too to protect ourselves from 'unknown' gunmen

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's why my point, either they banned Fulani from carrying guns or legalize it for people that need them

$ 0.00
2 years ago

where do you live? holding and possessing guns at home is dangerous. it might be used in a bad way and may kill others. i'm sorry for the news about church attack.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That’s true, some people will use it wrongly

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes with the news you are seeing, it would look like the government should just allow people take guns to anywhere they want, no place is safe again.. I love the points you made.. I once said this in my article when I was answering a prompt question, I said I would legalize gun and make people fight for themself too

$ 0.01
2 years ago

For real, it would have been better but I still believe the disadvantages will be many cause a lot of people will start using it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you're right.. We just have to look at our things too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't imagine the world if all people will have their guns. I don't agree to legalize guns for all citizens. There would be abused of guns to happen.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true. But the security people should be more active so people won't see reasons to own a gun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you're right my friend. They should be visible anywhere. They show to them that they have only the right to bring guns with them but not all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Legalising guns in this country will be disastrous. What is going on in the US will be a micro version of what will happen to us but I think I accede with the idea of having armed to the teeth security personnel to guide important places like the church, mosque and other places people visit in their numbers

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah that's true and security cameras too can help so it can capture the faces of the perpetrators

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Armed to the teeth security personnel should be at important places like the church, mosque and ot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your intentions about legalizing guns are good but in my opinion, it can make things worst because others may not have the same perspective as yours. But despite that, it's true that nowhere is safe now, but let's just pray hard that things will be gone soon and make every country a better place to live for everyone. Keep safe!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No where is safe now. The police are not really helping. People get killed by the same set of people yet, nothing has been done to stop this

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Cause the people are the one incharger of the government

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In our place, the local news is also about killing of people by gun men, which really says that gun industry is illegally under operation for it's quite hard to undergo such screening. But honestly I also wanted to have one, for protection and want it in legal way.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True, having a legal one is good for security reasons.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lmao, they didn't legalize guns sef dem they kill people like animals, if they now legalize it how would it be. They shouldn't legalise it ooo, we should do the right thing by ensuring our forces are well equipped and fully armed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Not that the force doesn't have weapons, it's just that they are using them in the wrong place, last year, a guy in my Whatsapp cl that is a soldier mistakenly sent me a picture of his gun, those guns aren't local gun, it's just that they are using them in the wrong place, just like what happened in lekki toll gate and what is happening in the east, instead of them to use it to fight bandits, they use them for armless people. What we need is a better leader in this new election.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lagalising gun?πŸ€” We go dey hear gun shut everywhere, rampant killings and hurrying in bushes WITHOUT traces🀦.

All these one no be worry sef,,, why is God keeping silence to all these things. I'm crying 😭. People are now making a fun of our God

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Omo, there are some things that God doesn't like interfering and we should sort it out and that starts with a good leader, then the cleaning up will begin, cause there's no way something like this will happen in the UK or US and CCTV camera won't see them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, the CCTV camera just came in. Absolutely true. If we are developed, the church must have CCTV camera and some points in street. Yeah!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really need these things for Nigeria

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HeheπŸ˜‚. Make dem no legalize gun ooh. People wey I offend plenty make dem no go a hoot meπŸ˜‚. To those that lost their lives to yesterday's incident, I pray they rest in peace. I pray for a better Nigeria because we gotta keep praying and I hope we all choose a good leader in the next election. That's what we need right now walai

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Omo, it was just too painful, there's no way no one won't see those people before they entered the church.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Though I am not into politics, but my earnest prayer has always been that God in his infinite mercy should help his people.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There are some things that w the people should do ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

well you see what is happening in US schools with guns.. it is never a good idea to give guns to everyone and anyone that claim for it.. because with guns carried around, who would care about the laws when you yourself can kill others

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think you are right, but the truth is that there are certain tribes in my country that allowed carrying a gun, you will see a kid of about 3 to 5 years handling AK 47 and the police won't say anything about it, at least if those tribes are stopped, the violence will reduce.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Guy, I actually think legalizing gun will make things worse, the day they legalize guns, na that day war go start. Everybody has been silently looking at the Fulanis as the enemy of this country, put gun for everybody hand now and watch us kill each other, Nigeria will instantly turn to Somalia or Afghanistan

$ 0.01
2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that's true sha, the way everyone goes dey careful to talk, if anyone argues too much, eh go finish the talk for afterlife. πŸ’”

$ 0.00
2 years ago