Attitude of Learning

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Write, Freewrite

Let's keep learning and never stop learning. My knowledge of everything is still very shallow so maybe I still continue to learn more and be more active.

When you join the crypto world it really feels like a child still in school, with so much material, so much discussion, and so much to learn. Treating the feeling of longing for when I was still in school first. Even though they all have different procedures and understandings.

The first material that was obtained was about the attitude of studying, something that has been different for me about this attitude. In this era of a flood of all information plus the occurrence of a transitional system, we often come from a paste of copying information that we consider together because we think the information is good, without tracking validity, or reading a book, halfway through the journey Feeling bored, suddenly stopping and discussing the discussion others though science doesn't fully get into this. Searching for sloppy sources, as a heap source, and when you need to be busy searching. Matter of matter at anyway and feeling guilty because until now has not "behaved" so far in the search for knowledge, while ATTITUDE is the opening of the doors of science to those who seek it, a knowledge that will lead to practice It can be a blessing. Learning slowly to apply this attitude science, is it never too late to go right? Yep, this is where I start.

Indeed, learning is limitless, especially in the process of seeking new knowledge in the part of oneself at that time. Plus the age factor and busyness of other things that were not obtained during the school days. So it is necessary to join the community so that you can grow and be able to share various kinds of problems in the crypto world and all kinds of forms.

Read crypto books and allocate special funds so that each month can add to what will be invested next. Looking for all kinds of news sources or seminars about crypto. Then slowly tie knowledge by writing, at least make a mind map after reading a book and take notes when attending a seminar. With regard to the attitude of studying, I have corrected many changes in attitude in the process of seeking knowledge.

Because it is related to this attitude, I am increasingly convinced that we can get blessings if we invite them in ways that behave.

Things that we have considered trivial, turned out to have a big impact on the process of understanding this science.

The first and foremost basis, INTENTION. What is the intention, that our hearts are sincere in attending seminars, we are sincere in reading books, we are sincere in receiving knowledge.

Starting to carefully sort out everything that is taken in the internet world, especially knowledge about crypto, of course, how to trade, use crypto, and many other things that continue to develop in the crypto world. Everything is related to self-improvement as a crypto user. Don't forget to respect teachers and seniors regardless of their age and origins, try and continue to be good recipients and listeners.

Don't just look for information before finding out its validity.

And still hope that Allah will be pleased and provide smoothness in undergoing the process. because this self is meaningless without Allah, there is no power and effort other than help from Him, everything that is intended to return to Him.

At least it can be said and live what many parents say, where studying is one way to increase the glory of life and seek it in noble ways. May the glory will come with you for yourselves.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Write, Freewrite


Very knowledgeable article hope to read more of your works

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We never really stop learning in life. Our entire life is a school im itself, those who find this secret live a full life, those who don't, well they just survive really

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Never stop learning. Knowledge is like a deep sea. Human beings just have few drops of it. Acquire more knowledge by learning & discovering.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

In Everything Attitude matters. The person who want to learn can learn anything. Nothing is impossible. The thing that matter is his/her Attitude toward the thing he want to learn. Great post 😊 I really appreciate it.. Keep it up sir

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Learning is a continuous process. True that you have to go for knowledge with good intention and as to how you are going to execute it really matters.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Having a knowledge on something makes us powerful human being. Knowing and learning is a big step for successful life.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Each of us should have the attitude of learning. And if we do not have this attitude, we will not be able to learn anything new. It is very important to have knowledge.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yes learning is very important indeed. It is nice to learn while growing many things we are supposed to learn, so never stop learning.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Life is full of things to learn. And to learn is to grow. It is a good for our thought and knowledge. So let's not stop learning and have the positive attitude towards learning.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The alacrity showcased in executing this write-up is admirable. You have shown me and this space that knowledge is an unending journey. In the company of this journey to seek knowledge, you mesmerised me with the positivity hidden behind the sheets of the crypto market.

I am not one to flee from change, sir. And you have transformed me with this amazing content. The crypto business is a volatile river. Sadly, people often jump into this river without learning how to swim.

There are processes to life, which a good number of people don't like to adhere to. Needless to say, "It is important to learn the rope before climbing the walls." Thank you once again for a wonderful write up.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Indeed, learning is important but without God's wisdom that will teach us on how to achieve the attitude of learning we are all nothing.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Learning is something that never really stops. As long as we're alive, we will continue to find new things to learn about.

$ 0.05
2 years ago