Generation of Decadence

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Written by
2 years ago

Whenever I hear a read "my generation... this generation... that generation..." my mind often try to classify everyone in that 'generation'. I suppose it is subjective and can be categorised however one wants to. Perhaps everyone born within a decade. or everyone in a particular age group or everyone born in the same century.

However the case, I want to use the term 'generation' today, albeit, loosely too. So please, permit me. I remember a time I came back for the holiday after my first year in the university and the first time I had the chance to visit the field in the local community, I had to seclude myself far from where most people were. This was mostly due to the fact that I had come back to meet a lot of those I left behind as smokers of not cigarettes but weed.

In my country, there is a stink eye most people give to those who smoke much more those who smoke weed. I remember as a kid those who smoked weed would do that in hidden unlike now where there seem to be nonchalance. No sense of remorse or concern about other peoples health. I have nothing against smokers, everyone has the right to lead their life however they want to. But, if you must endanger your health by smoking like a chimney, kindly do that without endangering the health of those around you too.

Smoking is not what led to this, but a scene I had watched unfold before me earlier today when I went to pick my cousin from her tutorial. The security man was asking one of the students to take one of the chair back to where it had been taking from and she vehemently refused based on the premises that:

  • She wasn't the one who brought the chair there in the first place;

  • and that she wasn't even comfortable when she used the chair.

I couldn't help but think about when I was in secondary school and if I ever had the gut to say NO to anyone who worked (academic or non-academic) in the school whenever they asked me to do anything. Much more make an argument as to why I wouldn't do it. *1 points for woke generation*.

Just the other day, there was an uproar in my country when a video of 10-13 year-old showing explicitly raunchy contents emerged on the internet. Surely the uproar was surely due to the fact that they're are barely even teenagers, yet, engaging in such is what many would find distasteful. Because I didn't think there would be much noise about it were they adults. The other day, news about a group of teenage boys who had murdered another teenage girl who was a girlfriend to one of the boys was also on the internet. I remember asking myself if I had the gut to slit a chicken's throat at that age much more behead a fellow human.

I remember people of the older generation will look at us (the younger generation) and weep. Now, my generation looks at the newer generation and weep too. Surely it goes from generation to generation. Though, one might say it keeps going from bad to worse. I would look at the older generation and see corrupt politicians to say the least. My generation is filled with impatient people with no principles and discipline. The younger generation I still do not know which adjectives will best qualify them.

The path to changing the direction of the curve I believe and would always stay starts form the basics - family. Parents have to do better and inculcate in their kids better morals, values and teach them the art of discipline. I know that society has made parenting difficult, unlike before when society helps instill value. I remember a time an older neighbour can reprimand a child if they did wrong but that is not the case now, older neighbour or not, you can't talk to my child, that is my job to do, even though I am barely at home doing the job.

I am not a perfect human, but there are many thins people do these days that I wouldn't even consider doing. I guess everyone has their work cut out for them.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


The real hobby of our generation is whining and dumb talk about nothing. Bad relationships, academic problems... It's all total bullshit. If you're not getting anywhere, there's only one of us. And you'd be very surprised at how much you can change just by getting off the couch.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe. I guess you are right. Easy with the language though, foul and curse words are against the rule here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just how things are turning out for today's generations. It's kinda scary.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is sad and surprising really

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You touched a very sensitive subject and I have to admit that the decadence keeps getting worse and there is no end to it. So many things we wouldn't dare do back then, they do it without remorse these days. Who dare talk to an adult anyhow without the whole community tabling the matter? Now, morals has been kicked to the curb while immorality takes the center stage. Someone allowed herself to be "mated" by a dog and she still had the audacity to justify her actions. It's disheartening.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right, It now seem immorality is the new norm and morality the odd thing. Thank you so much for this.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am glad to be here and thank you for such a lovely article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every generation is different but they all have their bad side and the previous generation would always feel bad when they look at the deeds of the current generation.... But this oir generation feels like it's the height of it all, like there isn't anything else the upcoming generation would do that would be as bad as the things this generation of ours have done, it is beyond what i can imagine. May God help us all.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I get what you mean, may God help us all

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen brother, amen

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think say na only me, I also get confused with that generation of a thing. "This generation", does it mean the people that are adults right now? Or maybe they are talking about those that are born from the year 2000 upwards? The thing dey confusing sha, but let me just assume it's talking about the people that are alive right now 😆.

Things we are witnessing everyday is just getting worse. The other day it was 13 years old having sex, now girls are sleeping with dogs, omo!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That dog own is not recent sha, it happened years ago

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I know, I watched a video like that when I still dey secondary school

$ 0.00
2 years ago

" The young shall grow". Chances are they always turn our worse than their elders. Imagine two to three decades from now

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good people like you would have taught their children morals and values. 😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The supposedly woke generation, it is well. I hate the fact that my generation would have a lot of work to do in terms of parenting.

I don't agree with the fact that neighbors training a child helps, in fact, I'm one of those people that would say 'Don't touch my child'. I've seen a lot with neighbors and what they mostly do is gossip and give what they can't take, they treat people's wards anyhow when they're given the chance. I also believe it's somehow when a whole community is training a child, they can instill rubbish manners in the child.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Perhaps we grew up in different kind communities. Growing up, my neighbours advised, not exactly manhandled. But these days, it is what you say, they gossip and badmouth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This generation is truly something else, yesterday in the environment I stay, a mom was playing with her children in their room, doing the course of that one of them said mom if you're not the one telling me this now I know what I would have done. It sounded like a threat. The mother who is trying to go from authoritarian parenting to authoritative parenting, swing back to been an authoritarian and beat the living day light out of the boy😂. I got the gist when I went to apologize on his behalf.

What am I trying to say, some parents are really putting in the effort, only God knows where it all went wrong.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

😂😂😂😂 no joy. Suppose with time, when the work is put in to correct the wrong, everything will be better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In my generation, every kid are afraid to elders. No one can disrespect them but nowadays you can see how disrespectful they are to their elders and even to their own parents. If I'm going to compare my generation to the current generation, I would still choose my own generation. Where everyone can discipline anyone's child as long as he/ she won't hurt the child because today you cannot do that to someone's children. However parents has the biggest responsibility for their own children's behaviour. It's their responsibility to give them the value of manners but somehow they fails to do that as they are all busy doing their obligations . Anyway smoking are indeed dangerous, not only for those who smokes but also for the second hand smoker.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree GG, parents are indeed the major stakeholders when it comes to their children. So they need to do better to teach them good moral values and ethics.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Honestly it really baffles me, infact what you said about how youths now openly smoke these days reminded me of the question I once asked myself, I remembered wondering why things changed, when I was younger, I only saw them at nights, one would never see them openly smoking in day time, but it's just so different these days.

Imagine what that girl did, when I was in school too, I'd never disregard the instructions of any worker in school. Things are really getting overboard. Little wonder how it'll be in ten years from now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I suppose in ten years you will be a mom, doing what you can to instill good values into your child(ren). Hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol, yeah! Right. That's definitely what I'll be doing in ten years from now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wonder who the father would be. Evil laughter

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do not know why I find today's generation a corrupted generation since its childhood, they do not have respect for the elders of them and do not deal properly with each other, I do not say that our generation is perfect, but at least we do not dare to do what they are doing today

$ 0.02
2 years ago

😂 I agree, we wouldn't dare do it. They're bold now

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Today's generation kid has no value and ethics, they say that's what freedom is! Respect forget about it, they even don't know the spelling of it. Even you may find some adults doing such kind of things. The young gen is very toxic now, they won't listen to anything if they don't like it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

To be honest, they feel they know it all, and won't listen to their elders

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Generation to generation are becoming lazy AF. We have become apathetic, afraid of bullied because of how sensitive the newer generations are and the generations before them. We are teaching the newer generations good things but in return it turns them to monsters. We have forgotten the basics for we don't practice them ourselves.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I suppose it is time we sat up and do the needful

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, let's do that :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Smoking is actually the killing of mankind and it is also one of the biggest reason of different type of diseases

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Where I live now, though smoking is not legalized over here but the way they smoke openly is really scary

$ 0.02
2 years ago

No one cares anymore and no one feels any shame about it too

$ 0.00
2 years ago