I wonder if we can be friends

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1 year ago

@maria_23 got these set of questions from @Coolmidwestguy post about friends here.

Let's get on with it.

What is a friend to you?

There are certain levels of friendship. There's a degree how deep our relationship is with others. A friend to me doesn't have to be rich or famous or handsome or pretty. I don't care what your status is in life. What matters to me is your character and personality. It's not about how often we hang out or talk to each other. A friend is someone who helps out in anyway he/she can, kind, humble, treat others with respect.

Do you have a best friend?

Yup, my partner is my best friend. I do have several friends to but the ones who are dear to me are only a few.

Do you think having many similarities is necessary to become friends?

Not necessary but it can be fun and does make the bond stronger like doing the things you love such as traveling, food, sports, hobbies etc. It's great to share moments together. Building a relationship is finding common ground.

Having said that, having differences will also help you understand each other better. You get to learn from your friends too. For example, in your line of work. Although some of our friends work in the online industry, we don't do the same job and that's interesting for we share our experiences and we get to discover things.

Have you ended a friendship with someone?

More like falling out or being cautious. I am a nice guy. I don't make enemies because I don't like confrontations. So far I haven't been friends with someone who did something abhorrent. To those who did mistakes, I don't judge them on that alone. I don't burn bridges. I'm still friends with them if they want to.

I only met and worked with few people. From what personalities they have shown me, I learn to deal with those. I'm the kind of person who is reserved and not fully trust someone.

Others I have lost touch. Others we would reconnect every now and then.

Have you lost a best friend?

Luckily, I haven't. Maybe dogs? I have buried a lot of dogs back home.

Do women or men make better friends?

That really depends. I have more female friends than male friends but that doesn't mean women are better. It just depends on your personalities and how you make it work.

Do you believe in soulmate friends?

I believe that we give a portion of ourselves to every people we meet no matter how brief. We are all connected in a way. Therefore a part of us, a part of our souls stays with others and vice versa.

A soulmate does not have to be romantic but it can be your brother or other family member or loved ones.

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$ 1.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @fantagira
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1 year ago


Right friendship not means that status should be high and it also not matters that he should be famous he should be good with heart

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have left a few people behind in my life. Not necessarily friends, but those who seemed to be my friends at the time, especially in my younger years. As I grew older I still leave people behind, but in a much softer way Iā€™d say. Just slowly remove myself from their lives šŸ˜‰

$ 0.00
1 year ago

iniiwan ako ng mg akaibigan ko los, Mostly may pamilya na sila. ngayon natutunna kong pamilya ko nalang aang i fi friend ko.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow that's a great but I have no friends and best friends I doesn't shere some thing some one because All people are fake around me so I can't believe them

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't have many friends. Ever since I was a kid, I used to play with 2-3 kid's but they didn't become my best friend. Currently I have one best friend and we have a lot in common and yeah it makes our bond stronger.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I do have lots of acquaintances but i only have a small circle of close friends. We don't see often but connections are too strong i could feel if they are sad sometimes that i will say hi suddenly. Oh, i would make my version of these so i could explain it further. Hehe! I guess it's nice to be friends with a deep kindhearted soul like you sir Lee.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have also lost connection with some of my friends. Or maybe I don't have a lot. They are just acquaintances.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Perhaps I should I come with my version. Reading lots blog on these questions and got so much interesting answer, including yours.

Soulmate is not about love and romantic, rather it can be anyone.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I had no doubt that you have more female friends, absolutely no doubt ,šŸ˜†šŸ˜†.. A heart of a Gold is so rare nowadays and people always flock around such individuals like you who never hesitate to show as much kindness as they could

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Gusto ko yung sagot mo sir. Your bestfriend is your partner. Ang sweet naman. šŸ„° Naalala ko tuloy yung mga dogs namin sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Whether I've ended Friendship with someone; I don't end friendship, we only drift apart when there's no significant bond. Not quarreling but understandably away

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Friends are everywhere but true friends who you could trust are few. For me being in the right circle is a must. And I often ended relationships with friends that ruins my peace.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have lost so many friends...I believe in soul mate

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I ended friendship with too many people, but I do still do recognize and noticed them whenever we crossed paths or even on messaging apps. I made a lot of friends back in the day because of vices and until I realize that they are bad influences in terms of vices but they are all good persons at heart.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well answered my friend. I forgot about a man's best friend, the dog:)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some friends can be abusive too with the kind of closeness we have. And, you're right, sometimes we need to be cautious with them...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Friendship is prestigious form of self made relationship which has powerful bonds not only in human but even in animals too . Nice polite answers of questionnaire.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Mahilig akong mag end ng friendship kapag alam kung toxic na in a way na sinaksak na pala ako ng patalikod that means yung trust wala na kaya it's better to be parted ways nalang.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Jaja I have also posted the same questions now! And so true soulmate is not only about love, but friends, family or whatever that we can feel "that" special connection. At the same time it's nice that your partner is your best friend, not everyone can say the same... very lucky.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

First time ko talaga mag answer ng mga random questions sir at galing pa talaga kay sir Bob parang suicidal yung ginawa ko hahaha buti nalang napa bilib ko si sir.wla talaga akong encouragement sa mga ganyan

$ 0.00
1 year ago