Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: GRUMPY DWARF

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2 years ago

Good day guys!

To start the month of September I decided to join the Share your Battle weekly challenge using the Grumpy Dwarf. I was looking for a way on how to incorporate in a team one of my matches. To be honest, after a month of playing this game. This was my first time using him in an actual battle.

Battle information

The battle mana cap was 29 with the "Standard" rule. I used the water splinter against my opponent and my opponent used the life splinter.


My Lineup
Summoner: Alric Stormbringer
Monsters: Spineback Turtle, Grumpy Dwarf, Elven Mystic, Ice Pixie, Coral Wraith, and Captain's Ghost

Opponents Lineup
Summoner: Tyrus Palladium
Monsters: Shieldbearer, Luminous Eagle, Silvershield Knight, Elven Cutthroat, and Feral Spirit.

The Battle

Here's the link of the whole battle

Round 1

One thing that I love about using Alric Stormbringer is the +1 to Magic attack on your monsters so I take advantage of that and used monsters that produce magic attacks and paired them up with the Grumpy Dwarf. I had a huge advantage at the start because the magic attacks went through the shield of the shieldbearer killing him in the first round.

Round 2

Early in the round, my Captain's Ghost died because of the two sneak attacks coming from Elven Cutthroat, and Feral Spirit. My tank also died due to the attack of the Luminous Eagle. But the Coral Wraith took revenge on the Feral Spirit and killed it. I'm still new to used Coral Wraith because this was my first time renting him from the marketplace. I noticed that the Sneak attack gives a great advantage on picking the enemies from behind. The round ended having the Grumpy Dwarf as my tank.

Round 3

My Ice Pixie started the round by killing the Luminous Eagle. The Elven Cutthroat killed the Coral Wraith

Round 4

This is round where I was nervous because my monsters are dying from behind because of the sneak attacks. This round also had a very clutch move by the Grumpy Dwarf because he was able to tank the damage from the Silvershield Knight because of the armor. If that didn't happen I would have lost. The Elven Mystic Finished of the Silvershield Knight. After this Round, I knew that I won the game.

Round 5

The Elven Mystic Finished her off. Making me Victorious.

Spoils of War

I got 10. 754 DEC and my rating increased by 38.

Did your strategy work?
My strategy worked because I supported the Grumpy Dwarf with mostly Magic Attackers, though he came in clutch with the shield on round 4. I was also at an advantage in this fight because he was using the Light Splinter because his armor was useless against the flurry of Magic attacks.

Do you like the Grumpy Dwarf?
To be honest, I don't really use him because there are better cards that you can use to make a stronger combo. But I love the fact that you get challenged in forming a deck and strategy on trying to win a fight using the themed card.

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Thanks for reading and stay safe always!

Some images were taken from here1 2


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2 years ago
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