Let Your Mind Be Boggled

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1 year ago

I'm staying off the crypto-related topics for a while because whenever I think about them, I just think of all the reds and the dollars that I lost sitting here in my room. When I start to think about all those stuff, my mind also goes down in a spiral of misery and sorrow. That's why I wanted to keep my mind occupied for a while so that I wouldn't think about such stuff at the moment. Thinking about all of it is not good for my mental health.

So, what better way to occupy my mind than to write about some really thought-provoking ideas. Nothing is more provoking than philosophical inquiries, right?

That being said, let's try some of the most controversial questions out there.

Nature Versus Nurture

I remember several essays that I had to write before for school. A lot of them were about this particular topic. In essence, this topic tries to resolve a very simple question: What makes a person who he or she currently is?

This could also be put in various contexts and of course, the most probable answer will mostly depend on the concerned subject matter.

For example, Nature versus Nurture: What makes a serial killer?

At a glance, you can say that the answer to this question will be on a case-to-case basis. But if you would really think about it, you can already formulate your generic answer to it without knowing the details of any particular case.

As for me, I am inclined to answer in favor of Nature. I do believe that the constitution for the separation of what's good and bad is within us the moment we gain our consciousness. What society teaches us afterward is not what we should or shan't do, it's what to control and how to control our urges.

I mean, we all have the capability and the tendency to take a life, but the world we lived in for so many years instilled in us that the right thing to do is to fight the urge and eradicate those feelings.

Another idea that the concept of Nature versus Nurture is usually applied to is homosexuality. It's a subject that could really incite a lot of thoughts, ideas, and emotions.

Is Conscience Inherent or Acquired?

Speaking of good and bad, there's that "inner voice" that tells you whether something is good or otherwise. The belief in an entity called conscience is already an interesting topic to dance around with. And to make it more interesting, it's a good exercise for the brain cells to debate whether conscience is inherent or is acquired through experience. Why don't you try answering it and let those words flow like the water pouring down at the Niagara falls?

To answer the question briefly, my personal opinion regarding the question is that the voice within us that makes us feel guilty about things is inherent. I think that it is within us the moment we were born in this mortal world of ours. What do you think?

Do We Have Free Will?

I guess that your mind isn't tired yet from thinking about the previous philosophical conundrum, then this one could really send you tapping away on those keys to express your view regarding this matter. The concept of fate versus free will is as old as time itself and no matter how many eons have already passed, it still stands in the balance, and no clear winner has been acknowledged.

It's interesting to discuss this one amongst your peers because when it comes to the timeless dialogue between fate and free will, almost everyone has a strong opinion about this one. I mean, it's just one of the universal mysteries out there that no one seems to have the absolute answer to.

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Series    : Prompt Factory
Title     : Let Your Mind Be Boggled
Published : 30-May-2022
Author :  © RB

$ 3.43
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1 year ago


I always love to tease people by giving them something to think about. Making people think is fun. I love this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

indeed a mind-boggling topic. I learned a lot from this article of yours kuya haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

oh yeah. Salamat.. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's growing greener right now, so I like checking from time to time. 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hahah let it be a surprise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess conscience is acquired.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

oooh interesting.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly, crypto bleeding is soft and virtual killing of dollars. I didn't like to always see it and even write it like you. We should free in our will. Conscience is inherent even science told us about this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

ooooh science told us about it? I didn't know that . haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is like other hereditary features transferred from parents to offspring 😂.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree with that. Conscience is inherent. It has always been with us since the time we gained consciousness in this world.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

that's a nice thought, right?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Mind-boggling questions are great to start writing and that everyone has his or her answer to these testing questions.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yeah.. they are great tools to keep the mind going...

$ 0.00
1 year ago