2021 Goals: Achieved Or Still In The Process?

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3 years ago

Setting goals helps us to be more dedicated and determined in achieving whatever we want to achieved. Whenever we do this? We somehow become able to be more near to our dreams.

It can be daily just like what I usually do on listing my every day's to-do in my phone's notepads and post-it notes.

It can be weekly or monthly, just like how we set our goals in a monthly basis that we are fond to share here on the first day or week of the month and on the last two days? We often shared our achieved goals through our monthly reports.

Also, it can be a yearly goals. Just like this one.

I created this set of goals or what I call as My 2021 Goals on the month of January, this year. But, I don't remember the exact date anymore. 🤣

And, here it is. Most of this are obviously not just for myself, but for our family. Well, like many had said "I'm a family-oriented lady." <3

Yes, I am an organized lady who is so fond of listing such things like my daily to-dos and goals. My reason? For my day to have a direction. Haha! Because without this? I am so sure that I will just lay down on the bed, the whole day. I was also the same in school-related or house-related tasks. But, as I set such goals? I was asking myself some questions and the top question is, "are they attainable?" or "can I achieved it?"

As days and months passed by? I can be able to slowly answer my own questions.

Are they attainable? Yes, they are. Because if they aren't, I will not make it as my goal/s.

Can I achieved it? Yes. Because I want to achieve it, I will do every thing and my very best to make this goals a real one.

It's been more than seven months since I started grinding and working harder and smarter for this goals to be attained. Now, let's see what's going on with this goals of mine.

Did I already achieved them? Or not ..... yet?

Here are the goals that I had already achieved.


Buy a new phone for me.

October 31, 2019 is the day when I first bought a phone from my own money. It's a Cherry Mobile J2 Max, one of the friendly-budget phones in the market. I bought it when I first got my scholarship allowance when I was in my first year in college and I've used it until May 28, 2021. Using it for almost two years are indeed good because even though it's not that high-tech, it helped me on my studies and side hustles very much.

But as we all know, there's no permanent thing in this world. Even your jowa. 😆 After using it for over 19 months, it finally said "good bye."

Because I don't have enough savings to buy a new phone immediately, I had to wait for my scholarship allowance to be given to us. All that I used in my side hustles, social media life, and in my Midterm Summer Class is my laptop. I had to endure the higher level of radiation and it's weight. Until, the day that I've been waiting had come.

June 24, 2021 when our Scholarship OIC said that our allowance was already deposited in our bank accounts. On the next day (June 25, 2021), I withdrawn it with Papa and we immediately go to the city proper by the afternoon to buy our needed things and pay for three months payment of Papa's motorcycle.

I didn't mind spending some pennies for our family even though it's not my responsibilities and our parents didn't obliged me. I don't mind, as long as I can buy a new phone.

And, so I did. I finally had a new one. Here it is.

A nebula-blue colored Vivo Y20i.

I had written an article about this one. If you want to read it, just click this title: Unboxing My Goals

Finance our family's birthday celebrations;

(A) Papa's 42nd birthday

(B) Mama's 37th birthday

This year, Mama turned 37 last June 05 and Papa also turned 42 on the next day. Because of that, we just celebrated their birthdays as one on June 07. They don't want to spend that much even if I said that it's on me, so Mama just said that we should just cook some sopas with some drinks. And, so we did.

Next year, I will not tell them that I will throw a simple celebration for their birthdays. Mama will just say no. XD

(C) Lil sis' 11th birthday

My little sister had celebrated her 11th birthday last July 20. No one knows in our house that I will buy her some birthday presents. No one but me, you guys in noise.cash, and Him. Why? Because I always said that I don't have an extra money and that I can now play the role of being secretive. Kidding. I can't be that secretive for too long as Mama will know it, immediately. 😂

She was so happy when she had known that she'll gonna have some presents, but when she saw the yellow box that I am holding? Her eyes glistened more. Seems like she will cry if someone in the house will tease her. Haha! Yes, the money that I used for her birthday wasn't earned that easy but just her smiles, hugs, and thank you? It made me so satisfied and happy, as well. 💛

She deserved an article, so I made one for her. Here it is: She Turned Eleven

Be a Academic Scholar for this whole Academic Year 2020-2021.

I didn't expect or aimed to be an Academic Scholar of our university. All that I wanted is just to maintain my grades as it will be my key to keep my VBBSP scholarship until I graduate. But, He was indeed so good. He gave me another opportunity to grown and be able to help our family more, especially in terms of financial aspects.

For the two semesters of Academic Year 2020-2021, I maintained to keep my spot. On the first semester, I was able to be one of the students who got a GWA of 1.50 and below who are classified as a University Scholars. I didn't expect it as I said that I was not aiming for this remarks on my Certificate of Grades. But, I was so happy. Because it means that I can have the cash incentives that will be a big help for our family.

First semester, A.Y. 2020-2021.

And, our struggles on the next semester had became more intense. Second semesters are indeed one of the great definitions of "struggles is real." HAHAHA! I said to myself that it's okay if I won't be able to secure my spot as long as I won't have a fail grades that will badly affect my main scholarship. But, I still got innnnn! Wie.

Second semester, A.Y. 2020-2021.

Let's see if I can still have it on this another Academic Year. What's your bet? Me? I don't know and I don't want to think because it will might just add to my stress and will make me feel pressured. Just like what I had said, "I'm a goal-digger and not a stress-digger." 💕

Here's my article about this one. Feel free to read it any time and anywhere. Hihi! Another Goal Unlocked: So Happy!

Now, let's proceed to my goals that are still in the process of making them come true.

Still In The Process

Buy my own printer.

Start printing business at home.

This two goals are connected to each other. If I will be able to buy a printer this year, I will also be able to start a small printing business. Well, I am hoping that I can have my first BCH before this year ends and before the BCH price hits $1K again. 😉

Buy a new phone for my younger brother.

My younger brother had already enrolled again in the secondary level. I promised him that I will buy him a new phone as his current phone was too old and he had been encountering techno-problems. Another reasons why I want to give him a new one is that it will help him in his studies and will also reduce the lessons that I need to teach to him. So, even if Mama was not that agreed about this? I will still pursue it because it was not just my brother who will benefit through it. But, I am, too.

Where will I get the money to buy it? Not from my crypto earning nor in my tutorials. But, from my scholarship allowance for the last semester of A.Y 2020-2021. I'm just hoping that I can have it before he became more busy in his studies. And I, too.

Finance our family's birthday celebrations;

(A) My 21st birthday

This one will just be achieved on September 25. Yes, I will finance my own birthday. Not just because our parents can't do it anymore but also to treat and spoil myself for a job-well done. <3

Tumatanggap na din po ako ng regalo, pwede na sigurong BCH. HIHI! 😁

(B) Lil bro's 18th birthday

As per this one, lil bro will turn 18 on October 21st. I can make it happen but not yet.

Start a small baking business with Papa.

I already had mentioned before that Papa doesn't have a regular and stable job and that his characteristics suddenly changes. He became more serious, a short-tempered, and had became a fan of complaining. I know that losing his job that was also his life affects him this much. So to be able to help him bring back the old him? I want to start a baking business at the house. I know that we can make it grow, it's just that we don't have the needed tools and equipment. And, most of all? The capital. No one in the house knows that I am planning this, so I am making it happen all by myself.

Hoping that I can achieve it this year. *crossed fingers*

Have five or more regular clients on my tutorial sessions.

I don't think that I will continue this one. As I was becoming more busier in my studies, responsibilities, and side hustles. One regular and generous client will be enough.

Finish paying Papa's motorcycle.

By October, last year? We still have to pay for 16 months. And as of now, we just have four remaining months to pay. It's the months of October 2021 to January 2022. With the current state of Mama's job, it became harder to save for the payment. But, we can do this. As long as we are moving as one, we can.

Now, let's proceed to the goals that I hadn't yet finished but was already accomplished.

Ang gulo ba? HAHAHA! 😅

Achieved but 'Still-In-The-Process'

Earn thousand pesos on my read.cash and noise.cash accounts.

When I made this list of goals, I wasn't that determined and active here in read.cash. Sure that I want to write ang grow, but maybe I was not that compassionate before? But, all thanks to my friend @carisdaneym2 for waking up the 'writer spirit' within me.

I already had achieved this goal, many times. But, it was not yet finished. Why? Because I will still keep goin'. <3

Deposit at least seven thousand pesos (PhP 7,000.00) on my bank account before this year ends.

This one? At first, I thought that I can d this through my scholarship allowance. But, I was wrong. As the pandemic keeps on goin' more harder, our living was being affected too. Mama and Papa was finding it more harder to earn just to have something to fulfill our needs. So, I decided that we will use my allowance for our needs. And, so I thought that I will not be able to achieved this goal.

All thanks to this two wonderful platforms and to my virtual family for making ma able to make it happen. As of now, I also had achieved this goal, too. But, I can't do the depositing yet. Why? I want my earnings to grow more as I grow more, too. I'll wait until I was able to hold one or more BCH and maybe I will do it when the BCH price hits $1K again or even higher. If the market will make our wish come true. 😉

And, here's for today's article. I hope that my writing skills wasn't rusty already after not being able to write for days. Oh, I am not referring to Rusty, okiii? 😁 What I mean is kinakalawang na. Haha!

"I know that all of us has our own set of goals. It may be an easy one or a difficult one. But always remember that we can make it all happen, despite of all the hindrances that we might encounter while on the way of achieving it. Just don't ever think of giving up. Just take some rest, but don't give up. Because we are an achiever and not a quitter."

-imanagrcltrst, 2021.

For more articles, just visit me here in read.cash:

imanagrcltrst: https://read.cash/@imanagrcltrst

And, we can also have a chitchat in noise.cash:

imanagrcltrst: https://noise.cash/u/imanagrcltrst


Published by September 08, 2021

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Avatar for imanagrcltrst
3 years ago


You deserved it all! Napaka bait mo na anak at ate sa mga kapatid mo . Good Job and Keep it Up!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yieee. Thank you, Ateee! :) Of course, dahil din naman sa inyo kaya may naa-achieve ako dito sa dalawang mundo na itooo. 💛

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Napaka organized mo beh, hehe.. Congrats sa naachieve mo na and good luck sa mga aabutin pa lang

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Salamatsuuu, Ate! :) Claim ko na kaagad na maa-achieve ko 'yung mga nasa proseso pa lang. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For sure yan beh kaya AJA!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Grabi ka yalagang mag set ng goals bata. Sureball na naachieve ayiehhhhh. Congratsuuu ulit sa mga naachieve mo na kahit nabati na kita hihi. Pag talaga naka achieve ng isang bagay or kahit ano paman yan basta pinag hirapan ang sarap ipagmalaki amo. I mean, if it's me proud na proud ako nyan sa self ko baka mapilit ko na semi self mag juwa pag ganon wahahaga charowttt. But kidding aside, you are so goal oriented talaga na pag nag set mas sisikapin na maachieve lahat un ano. Nakakatuwa ka talaga. Good Luck sa mga goals na di pa naachieve. For sure maaachieve yan ikaw paba? 💙🐼 Fighting!!! Para sa PM and your family 💙💪🏿

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Salamat, Ate Parotskiiii! :) S'yang tunay. Ang sarap lang kasi na ipagsigawan na may natutupad tayo sa mga goals natin, maliit man 'yan or malaki. Lalo na kapag nagagawa natin nang mag-isa? Ay napaka-sarap sa feeling. AS IN! Actually, kapag nagse-set ako ng goals? After kong makapag-publish ng article? 'Di ko na s'ya ulit io-open para basahin. Hahayaan ko na ba. 😂 Tapos kapag nasa second week of the month na? 'Dun ko pa lang ulit sisilipin tapos bahala na s'ya ulit. Hahaha! Nakaka-pressure kasi kapag abot ang silip eh. Di'ba nga eh di ako stress-digger. Haha! Ayun, salamat sa umaapaw na suporta. Dahil din naman sa inyo kaya may naa-achieve ako through pag-iingay eh. Para sa future PM ko at sa family. 💛💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Diba diba 🤩, sariling sikap ee aba di nasayang ang pagod kasi nagbunga talaga 🤩. Tama tama, kahit pa ga munggo sa liit yan basta pinagharapan worth it ecelebrate yarn 💙.

Kuu baka pag sinilip monyan maya't maya ay naku baka pilitin mo lalo ang self mo na eachieve yun. Dapat chill lang pero gumagalaw. Slow step pero sure naman 💪🏿

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Daming goals..kaya yan. Bata pa pla parents mo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kaya at kakayanin, Ateee! :) Opo, maagang nag-asawa eh. Hihi

$ 0.00
3 years ago

what an organized lady you are. but that's just an inch of how good you are. you're still studying but you already act as a breadwinner. I admire how family oriented you are and I admire how it is so easy for you to give to your family without even counting it. your family is so lucky to have you.

I know all those goals are achievable, you still have plenty of time and soon enough, those goals in progress will finally be unlocked.

keep working hard. God bless!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're indeed a kind-hearted person and a giver. I adore your love for your family. I'm so proud of you. ❣ I pray that you can achieve all your goals in life. May the great God shower you more and more blessing this year ❣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yay ang talino mo sobra, ma achieve mo yan lahat tiwala lang. ❤️🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ay haha 'di naman po. Masipag at grinderist lang siguro talaga ako. 🙈

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations po ate sa yearly goals niyo. Kakarating lang ng phone ko hehe skl. Anyway, kaya lahat ng goals haja

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, adingggg! :) Yiee. Congratsuuu again, next goal naman?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Laban lang ng laban bb! <3 Kaya yan lahat! Pag nakatapos ka na mas gagaan pa yan lalo buhay niyo :) Sipag at tiyaga is the key!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Claim ko na kaagad 'yan, Ateee! :) Kaya natin 'yan.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad to hear the goals you achieved and wish you best of luck for those which you haven't achieved yet.I pray you can buy your own printer. I really appreciate the way you celebrated your sister birthday and your parents to make them happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congo for all those goals, which you have achieved yet, and good luck for those which are you trying to achieve.. I have my own too and trying to get them soon

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank youuu! :) All of us has our own goals but I also do know that we can all make it happen. Let's just be more dedicated, determined, and patient. And we can all have it, soonest. 💖

$ 0.00
3 years ago

with struggle determination and consistency, yeah we can do it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Claiming ittttt! <3

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Setting goals will give us direction and help us focus. Good for your for doing that and achieving your goals. Keep it up!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is the exact reason why I always do a to-do list on a daily basis, to help my day to have a direction. Thank youuuu! :) Our goals turned reality was indeed an achievement/s. Let's keep on achieving it all. ❣

$ 0.00
3 years ago