When I was a kid

Avatar for fantagira
2 years ago

Friday 30th of July 2021

I guess it’s time for me to join ‘When I was a kid’ challenge. Thank you @Judith1969 for tagging me in this fun challenge. In her article @bmjc98 asked us to write about ourselves from when we were little. So here goes: 

I hated liver with passion!

When I was a child I very much disliked liver. It was like a punishment if I knew liver was for dinner. I remember lamenting for as long as it took to be excused from eating it. Truth be told, I still dislike it till now. I just don’t like the taste and the consistency of it.

I was a great student. 

In Poland if the average of the subjects for the year reached a certain number, the year end certificate was marked with a red stripe. This was an award for the best students. In one of the first years of school my dad said that if I get the red stripe he will buy me a Barbie doll I wanted. So I did my best to achieve it. After a few years, I didn’t play with Barbies anymore, but the habit of always achieving red stripes stayed with me till the end of college. At Uni I wasn’t in the top anymore. Maths turned out to be quite different from the maths I knew and loved from college. I barely made it through the first year, but it was easier later on. I guess the yearn for studying stayed with me also as I became an adult. Nothing beats the step learning curve. 

I lost my ear. 

When I was 8 years old, as every year I was spending my summer holidays at my grandparents place. Their neighbours had a big dog - German Shepherd and whenever the neighbours' daughters went to pick up eggs from the chickens, I would volunteer to go with them, so I could play with their dog. One of those days something went wrong and the dog attacked me and bit off my ear. When the ambulance arrived to take me to the hospital there were people from all nearby villages gathered in front of my grandparents block. Until today I wonder how so many people knew what had happened in such a short time and came all the way to see what happened? That was before the times of phones. 

The doctors in the hospital did their best to put me back together, but my body rejected the ear. I could have had another operation once I turned 18, but somehow it never happened. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t bother me anymore. It does. Every time I meet someone new, there are curious looks. I prefer if they would just ask, so I can tell the story, but instead they look and I get uncomfortable. I guess that’s one piece of my past that I haven’t dealt with properly yet. Maybe I should just have that damn operation? 

I dropped my little brother out of the pram. 

My family, including my brother, always tease me that I was so jealous of my little brother when he arrived and all attention was on him, that I dropped him on the pavement on purpose. I admit, I was a bit jealous, but not to the point of hurting him. Most likely it was due to my clumsiness. 

I thought I was fat and ugly.

Seriously, I wasn’t fat. I am a bit fat now, but not then. I also wasn’t ugly. Not sure why I thought that. Once I got together with my now ex husband, I gained much more confidence and learned to accept myself the way I am.  

I was the poorest child in class. 

Well, what can one do? My dad was not a very responsible parent and he loved to drink, so he spent most of our money on alcohol and eventually would get himself fired from work in the coal mine and our situation changed from bad to worse. He tired other jobs, but the result was always similar. 

I was looking for a dream land. 

I’m really unsure where we got the idea from, but my next door neighbour and I were convinced that there is a dream land and if we can find an entrance to it, all our dreams will come true. We climbed the trees to check for the secret gates. Once we even went to a nearby village on foot. First we swam in a lake, then walked through the fields, which hurt our legs badly, just to check that one tree we have heard about in hope of finding that damn gate. We were in so much trouble for this! 

I was a great dancer.

I’ve always loved dancing. I would dance to anything danceable, but I remember this music video that I loved watching. 

My friend and I learned how to dance lambada from this video and danced at our parents' parties to the amazement of everyone. Love for dancing stayed with me throughout my life. I joined a few different dance groups as a young teen and performed at some local events. Then of course there would be night clubs and finally salsa in my adult life. My life would be rather sad without dancing. 

I knocked my teeth out! 

That’s another mystery for me. I know I can be clumsy and very excitable, but how the heck did I not see the big metal structure and run into it? I really don’t know. Big chunks of 2 front teeth were missing and I also ended up in a hospital with a concussion. 

I dreamt of being a professional figure skater. 

To be precise I would be a figure skater in the winter and perform in a circus as an acrobat in the summer. In my childish head, it was totally logical, because ice rinks can be naturally created in winter and in summer I’d be bored, so I would be an acrobat then. Makes total sense right? In a child's mind only! 

Uff… I was milking this one for quite a few days. I never thought it would be so difficult coming up with 10 facts from my childhood. I would write 2 or 3 and leave it for another day and so on. I guess there is a lot I really don’t like to remember from my childhood. 

Until next time 💙

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Avatar for fantagira
2 years ago
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Hi Fantagira, I enjoyed reading about your childhood. That was one great memorable milestone of a person's life. Good or bad, they were just great and important, because those experiences mold you into the beautiful person that you are today. Thank you for sharing them to us, my friend.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you for reading my friend. Only just found this old comment of your :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember before that you asked us about what was wrong with your photo. That ear damage was hard to spot actually. By the way, you might be able to actually become a salsa dancer in a skating rink. :) Who knows.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Bryan! So happy to see you here finally! For me I’m always aware of it and maybe it’s hard to spot for some, while other give me curious looks. Maybe it’s in my head, who knows.

A bit too old for salsa on ice 😉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm so glad I learned so much about you Dear! :)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hey sweetie, lovely to see you here 💙

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Monica! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember one of my friends hit with his front teeth against a road sign in front of a big hypermarket. He had to go to the hospital immediately. I also do not eat guts it is definitely not healthy. You wrote a touching article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I Love Love Love this 😂😂 But I confess... I love that you "lost" a hear 🥰🤣 seriously, makes you more Unique and I Love that you don't even blame it on the dog and you still love dogs. My son Pedro has a teacher that also lost a hear - he was in a bus and put his head off to whistle to a girl passing... And the hear got stuck in the tree while the bus was moving... Last Friday we were in town for his Covid shot, he sees a man and he says: For a moment I thought that was was my teacher... But that man has both hears 🤣🤣 So you are even more Unique, a Super Powerful Warrior... That hates liver, drops her brother, great dancer and ... In a different time line, is a Professional Skater 🥰❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I can’t say I am happy about it. I’d rather be unique in some other way. I wanna live in that other timeline, where I’m professional skater! Although last time I tried this year, I got a little overconfident and broke my shoulder 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my gosh you mean the entire ear? Whoa...

Anyway I also don't like to eat innards, that includes any liver. Haha. But I eat liver spread! 😆

$ 0.05
2 years ago

There is a little piece left, just enough for an earring.

Funny that, I also don’t mind a liver spread 🤷🏻‍♀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh at least you still have some of your ear left. Haha. It's a good conversation starter or an ice breaker. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not even a chicken liver? Love that especially if there are plenty of caramelized onions. How the word travel fast even without mobile phones? The power of the tongue is more quicker than mobile phones. 😁 Fat, I not only think but I am. 😁 Sorry to hear about your ear bitten by the dog, what can a child do against a German Shepherd? Dance? Yeah I'd love to dance, I mentioned this in my article, but I have two left foot, so my audience is just me in the mirror. Secret gate? Why don't you watch Dora and the Golden Treasure, she might lead you to the Golden Gate. 😁✌ Love reading this Monika. 🧡

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you my friend. I found the gate inside myself as an adult. I might watch it anyway, as I love fantasy 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow it must have felt good to reminisce and to see how much you’ve grown now literally and figuratively. :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Your dog bit is worse than mine. It could have been worse. I like chicken liver cooked in soy sauce and vinegar :D I was the one who was dropped by my brother from a second-floor window when I was about five months old. Nobody knows how I survived that fall but I did. Do you remember who told you about the secret gate? Or could it be from something you have watched as a kid?

$ 0.03
2 years ago

From the second floor? Wow! It was a miracle that you survived indeed. I can’t remember how we got the idea, but never mind, I found the gate was inside me all along 💙

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup and I'm so lucky to be alive. One of my nine lives gone :D Awww, that made me smile :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just found out about your ear, unless it's your first time to tell this.. I thought fat too.. but not, I am literally 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am too now 😅 It was the first time I wrote here about the ear. I will have to go through all these memories with my assessor for the fostering, so this was a good practice 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello my beautiful Dancer, how curious all this you tell us, if you had an interesting childhood, almost like a roller coaster, about the ear if it was strong, right?. Something similar happened to me, when I was about 7 years old, it was my birthday, the Bitch of the house was in her jealous days, and there was a dog there trying to make it his own, I ignored that and went to hold her, in a matter of second the dog bit my right cheek Jajajaja, from that day on I am more observant.

However, taking up what you tell us, how curious was your imagination, intelligence, and way of seeing life, despite the sad episodes, despite bad times, you managed to get ahead, move on, progress and acquire good skills, you must be a great dancer, greetings my beautiful friend, thanks for sharing a little of your life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ouuuchhh! The ear!!!!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I can relate to the thought of being ugly when you are a kid. When I was a kid, I'm feeling that I'm ugly because one of my playmates said it though many people says that I'm cute. I was once a great student back then too but not anymore in college. Haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess I must have had similar experiences when someone said I was ugly, although I can’t remember anything.

In college we became more rebellious. I had my crazy teenage times too where I partied, drank alcohol and got myself 2 tattoos. Then I met my ex husband and I calmed down a but and went back to studying 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I believe that too. I become rebellious in college too. But thanks to covid, I stopped. Haha. Glad you went back in studying. 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me after reading the MATH part. I said to myself, deymmmm my grades haha. I am really not good in numbers. Not good almost to everything. I wish I could see you dancing in person. I know you'll look great ☺️🥰

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You probably didn’t have a good maths teacher. I believe everyone can be good at it if well explained. I’m also sure there are things you’re good at.

My dancing journey article is definitely in the pipeline, so at some point you’ll be able to see some of the recent videos of me dancing 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gonna check your dancing skills later 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry I to hear about your ear lose. I was a dancer too 😜 not now.. haha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Awee what a coincidence losing ur ears just because of the neighbors dog. Hope everything is fine. Godbless and keep safe!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Math has always another level of difficulty but I love Math anyways. But your experience about your neighbor's dog also reminds me about what happened to me when I was two years old. It's very sad but at least you already move on and you're not even scared at dogs not like me 🤣😅

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Ahh yes, I still love maths too. I think I would benefit more if I did my Uni now, rather when I was so young. The level they take it to at the Uni just went above my head, while my 40 years old fellow student was flying through it. Later she was helping me with mathematical analysis while I was helping her with IT assignments.

Is it ok to ask what happened to you when you were 2? I was scared of dogs for a little while after the accident, but like people, not all dogs are the same, so eventually my fear of them was released 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a bad experience with your neighbor's dog. And how good that you aren't afraid of dogs now. If it's still something that bothers you, why not have the operation done? You liked dancing Latin rhythms since you were little, hehe. I was a good student too. And I enjoyed very much writing my article on this challenge. I'm sorry that it isn't the case for you. I really hope you got your Dreamland, dear Monika. A hug!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Not anymore, I’m not. I love them and probably will have one again at some point, just not fully ready yet. I did consider operation in my adult life, but I guess not seriously enough. I still hesitate for some reason.

I guess many of my childhood memories aren’t that great, so I’m not too keen on revisiting them. I will have to anyway, during my assessment for the fostering, so doing some parts here are surely helpful in refreshing my memories.

I can’t remember if I read yours. I had a bit of break from here and saved many articles for later reading.

Thank you for taking your time to read me dear Elaina 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sorry that your childhood memories aren't so good. And I hope that your application for fostering will prosper.

Maybe you haven't read mine. I have an anecdote about my first pet, a little water turtle with a very funny name that you would surely remember.

It's always nice to read you, and I hope you have a good weekend with lots of salsa dancing!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your experience with your neighbor's dog reminded me of my own when I got bitten on the elbow when I was 15.

I hope you will get to reconcile with the ear being gone. Or perhaps have the operation :)

I am fascinated with dancers but never really felt comfortable to try doing it myself. I believe you're a great dancer❤

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Looks like I’m brining up all the dog memories for people. I hope yours wasn’t as drastic as mine’s.

Every time I feel like I’ve moved past this, there is next person who stares and brings it all back. I hope one day I’ll deal with it fully.

I love dancing. I couldn’t imagine my life without it. It makes me happier 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes mine wasn't too bad. I was wearing s thick jacket so I only got scratches but the phobia remained.

I hope the same for you, that you'll be able to deal with it one day.

Yes, I can feel and believe you love dancing and it's part of you. So keep the grooves and stay happy :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you, I hope you can deal with yours too 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you :) ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your dog experience made me remember something similar to mine then. I would not forget that day ever as I kept remembering my ordeal then. The truth is I hate to see dog bite because according to people, it is poisonous and can damage one's life.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Dogs can infect people with a deadly disease, but I was lucky enough to not be one of them. The dog was tested for the disease and the result was negative. Had it been positive I would have to receive painful injections in my belly for it.

Were you also bitten by a dog?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! We are similar in many things. I was also an excellent student, my father also spent more money on alcohol (and slot machines). I love dancing too and I hate the liver too. Oh yeah, and I always walked down the street with my stomach retracted, though you can see on my dancing photo that I wasn’t fat either. 😄

The part about the dream world is so adorable. And you know what? I think you were already there if you believed in it. The search for the gate could have been very exciting.❤️

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Wow! That is SO much that we have in common. Yes, you were as skinny as they go, but I understand how you felt. I suppose Hungary isn’t so different from Poland. People are very judgmental and it’s hard to be growing up in an environment like this. I only truly believed I am not fat and ugly when I moved to England and had many admirers 😅 That healed me of everything!

The search for the dream land was super exciting, although as an adult I found it inside me 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maths wasn't what you knew it to be 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 that part got me laughing.

I guess most people didn't ask about the ear because they didn't know how comfortable you would be to talk about it but they shouldn't have given those stares. It can be very uncomfortable as you have rightly said. I can't begin to imagine how the ordeal with that dog must have been for you. Wow. It makes sense why you are still undecided about having a dog of your own.

You were a great dancer and I still have a feeling that you are still good. Rusty due to lack of practice regularly, yes...but you still have it in you.

I should scream, reading your post tonight. Eat that, Ernesto!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Well, that’s true about Maths. They just took it to unnecessary level 😅

Where did I say I am no longer a great dancer? Of course I am!

$ 0.02
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love dancing too Monika...😊 I love joining a Folkdance.. God has a purpose why the operation doesn't happened. Neglect all the negative thoughts. God is always there to guide and assist you. .🙏

God bless you Monika, take care always..🙏

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Dancing is so good for body, mind and soul - my happy pill. Thank you for visiting 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago