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2 years ago
Topics: Routine

June 07, 2022


Hello lovely people here in readcash. Happy Tuesday and I hope you all are having a great week. Mine was a little hustle because I am in the city again, for 1 week. I am currently working in the office for this week since our client from the United States is here. I don't know why my supervisor picked me, but because of her mood swings, I am here now in the office for work. Well, it's totally fine for me, especially since I badly need some walking and exercise. One thing I realized while I am working at home is that I ended up sleeping right ahead after my shift. I haven't had any body movements since then, and the sad part is that I gained a lot of weight. From 48 kg to 54 kg which is really a bit shocking for me because it is really my first time gaining a lot of weight.

Tattered jeans on Monday at work

I remember before, I did a lot of sports and other curricular events. I played badminton every weekend, sometimes played volleyball, attended marathons and even went hiking. Now, I don't know if I can still make it since I gained a lot of weight. Staying fit and healthy is my main goal for this year, like if possible, I'll lose at least 5 kg. That would be a great achievement for me. Do you have any tips, everyone? 

Enough with my body insecurities, let me share with you all a beautiful place that I visited recently here in Cebu City. This is a new attraction here in Cebu and if you're a fan of green scenery and mother nature, this is the perfect place for you. The name of the place is Nanda Café, located in Consolacion, Cebu City. In order for you to go there, you really need to have a service ride because it is located in the mountainous part of Consolacion. Once you are in the place, it will be all worth it. Who thought from the busy city street, there's still a place in the city where you can relax, and sumptuous food to unwind with. A big thanks to my elementary buddies for the joyride, if not because of them, naah I just spent my weekend lying in my bed.

Nanda during day time
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To my dear sponsors:

Thank you for the support. I appreciate you all. Continue to be a blessing to all of us and more blessings to you all as well. Check their pages everyone! Cheers!

With my elementary buddies.

Another city experience that I encountered for being here is the city traffic, which is something I would not want to experience. Since my shift starts at 7 in the evening, my allotted time for travel will be 3 hours before my shift. Though, it's only 1 bus ride, but it's really busy hours to travel with. A lot of people are out of work, so it's really a rush hour for me to travel with. Sometimes, I even ended up riding a motorcycle to avoid traffic and be on time in the office. This is the least one that I really hate in the city and if only I can avoid it, I will do anything if there's any way.

Writing this while I'm currently at work and honestly, it's been a while since I have seen a lot of coworkers in the office. The last time I'm in the office was last March, and I think there were not more than 10 employees working at that time. Now, there are more than 30 people working in the office. I don't know how their work in the office works, but on our team, we will only be working for 1 week. Meaning to say, I will be here until Friday only, since this coming Saturday is my day off. Right after my shift, I will be back to my province of Bohol again. Then again, once I'm back working at home, I will make sure to do some stretching with my body and, if possible, I will have a daily basic workout. My goal is to lose weight before December 2022. So, that 5 kg is very achievable, I will make sure of that.

One last thing though, what I love working in the office also is that there's free food and a free ride for each employee. What I did is that I only eat when I'm in the office and only take a bus when coming into work and will take the free ride after my shift. Though the free ride schedule is around 6:30 in the morning and my shift ends at 4am, I still take advantage of it and just sleep in the sleeping lounge for more than 2 hours there and wait until the free ride is ready. It's fine for me since I am staying at my brother's apartment and I know for sure that he wants more privacy, so that is why I'd rather stay here more in the office than in his apartment.

The free food for today. Honey Buttered Chicken

So, that's how my life goes as of this time, everyone. It's been a busy day for me, but I'm still thankful that I still have a job, I can still give money to my parents, can pay my bills, and I am almost done paying my debt. There's only one left, and I do owe a lot to you @Carewind . My bad for not able to pay you immediately, and I will make sure that this month, I will fully pay you and Begel. I really owe you big time. Thank you everyone for dropping by. I will surely visit each one of you. 

Until next chitchat! 

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- buraryang

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Avatar for buraryang1892
2 years ago
Topics: Routine


I'm struggling with my weight gain as well. As we grow older, our metabolism slows down that's why we have to move and do activities if we can.

Nanda Cafe looks really nice and the setting is just perfect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The place looks really good to unwind sis. It's been awhile since the last time I go out to relax and since I have a toddler it's become impossible to me 🥺.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's good, it's rare to see companies that still care for the workers, offering them rides and food, You wrote about losing weight but you still eat chicken 😅 or is it part of the exercise? 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good thing that you still manage to write sis despite your work. Good luck to your city work then.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nga sis eh. I can only write and be active here in the office only since I don't have my pc with me here in the city. Also, I'm only using data on phone. Thank you sis, multi task it is!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the view on the first frame. The chicken on the third is catching me eyes, Lol.

Gaining weight isn't a bad thing. In fact, I'm looking forward to gaining a lot of weight since my body size doesn't change regardless of how much food I eat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh, I do love the free food here in the office and only I can get more than one lol. Naah, at first it's okay but now, I'm a bit worried of my weight that is why I badly need to do something on this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago