Prvi dan v novembru praznujemo praznik vseh svetih, dan za tem pa še en pomemben dan - Dušni dan, ki ga mnogi zmotno imenujejo Dan mrtvih. Kaj praznujemo na dan vseh svetih in kaj na Dušni dan? Kaj v resnici pomeni, ko rečemo, da verjamemo v "občestvo svetnikov"?
Na prvi dan novembra vsako leto praznujemo praznik vseh svetih. Na ta dan praznujemo tiste svetnike, ki jih je Cerkev kanonizirala, pa tudi tiste, ki niso bili kanonizirani, vendar so njihova življenja uresničila ideal krščanskega življenja in so njihove duše vstopile v Božje kraljestvo, potem ko so bile krstne obleke umorjene v krvi Jagnjeta.
Ker ne vemo imen vseh umrlih v glasu svetosti, je Cerkev določila ta dan, ko skupaj molimo za vse svete in blažene, znane in neznane.
Gre za tisto neskončno množico navadnih ljudi, množico, ki nam priča, da svetost ne pomeni nenormalnosti, popolnosti, ampak pomeni polnost človeštva. Zato so vsi kristjani vseh obdobij in vseh življenjskih okoliščin poklicani k svetosti. Kot je lepo rekel papež Benedikt XVI., Da bi bili sveti, ni treba delati izrednih dejanj ali posesti ali imeti posebne karizme, temveč preprosto služiti Kristusu, ga poslušati in mu v težkih časih brez malodušja slediti. Le z njegovo pomočjo lahko postanemo svetniki.
Dušni dan praznujemo vsako leto 2. novembra, ko se spomnimo vseh svojih dragih pokojnikov. Obiski grobov in pokopališč v zvezi s tem so reden znak pozornosti in vere. Tistega dne verniki molijo za duše svojih dragih pokojnikov, prižigajo sveče na njihovih grobovih, se udeležujejo svete maše, s čimer se povežejo s svojimi molitvami in molijo za Božje usmiljenje, da jih čim prej očisti vseh slabosti in jih pripelje do vsake solze. izgine.
Tako je Dušni dan ali Dan vseh zvestih mrtvih izraz krščanskega upanja in vere v posmrtno življenje, kar liturgija poudarja z besedami: »Tvojemu zvestemu, Gospod, se življenje spremeni, ne odvzame. In ko bo hiša tega zemeljskega bivališča razpuščena, bo pridobljeno večno bivališče v nebesih. «Molimo za duše naših dragocenih pokojnikov, globoko prepričani, da bodo, ko bodo prišli v Božje kraljestvo, naši zagovorniki. Verjamemo, da bodo molili za nas, da ne bomo zgrešili našega končnega cilja v življenju, da bomo tudi mi vstopili v Božje kraljestvo in se tako šteli med občestvo svetnikov.
Datumska povezava praznika vseh svetih in Dušnega dne je dobra priložnost za razmislek o večnosti. V zvezi s tem, kot je nekoč poudaril papež Benedikt XVI., Se je treba vprašati, ali sodobni človek sploh pričakuje večno življenje ali verjame, da pripada že preživeli mitologiji. V tem našem času je človek bolj kot v preteklosti tako zaskrbljen nad zemeljskimi stvarmi, zato mu je pogosto težko misliti o Bogu kot glavnem junaku zgodovine in našega življenja samega. Dan vseh svetih in Dušni dan sta lahko zelo spodbudna za razmišljanje.
On the first day of November, we celebrate the feast of All Saints, followed by another important day - Soul Day, which many mistakenly call the Day of the Dead. What do we celebrate on All Saints ’Day and what on Soul Day? What does it really mean when we say we believe in a “communion of saints”?
On the first day of November every year we celebrate the feast of All Saints. On this day we celebrate those saints who were canonized by the Church, as well as those who were not canonized but whose lives fulfilled the ideal of the Christian life and their souls entered the kingdom of God after the baptismal garments were killed in the blood of the Lamb.
Because we do not know the names of all the dead in the voice of holiness, the Church has designated this day when we pray together for all the holy and the blessed, the known and the unknown.
It is that infinite multitude of ordinary people, the multitude that testifies to us that holiness does not mean abnormality, perfection, but the fullness of humanity. Therefore, all Christians of all ages and all circumstances of life are called to holiness. As Pope Benedict XVI nicely said, to be holy, one does not need to do extraordinary deeds or possessions or have special charisms, but simply serve Christ, listen to him, and follow him in difficult times without discouragement. Only with his help can we become saints.
Soul Day is celebrated every year on November 2, when we remember all our dear deceased. Visits to graves and cemeteries in this regard are a regular sign of attention and faith. On that day, believers pray for the souls of their dear deceased, light candles on their graves, attend Holy Mass to connect with their prayers, and pray for God’s mercy to cleanse them of all weaknesses as soon as possible and bring them to every tear. disappears.
Thus, the Day of the Soul or the Day of All the Faithful Dead is an expression of Christian hope and faith in the afterlife, which the liturgy emphasizes with the words: “To your faithful, Lord, life is changed, not taken away. And when the house of this earthly abode is dissolved, eternal abode in heaven will be obtained. “We pray for the souls of our precious deceased, deeply convinced that when they come into the kingdom of God, they will be our advocates. We believe that they will pray for us, that we will not miss our ultimate goal in life, that we too will enter the kingdom of God and thus be counted among the communion of saints.
The date connection of All Saints ’Day and All Souls’ Day is a good opportunity to reflect on eternity. In this regard, as Pope Benedict XVI once pointed out, the question must be asked whether modern man even expects eternal life or believes that he belongs to a surviving mythology. In this our time, man is more concerned about earthly things than in the past, so it is often difficult for him to think of God as the protagonist of history and of our life itself. All Saints ’Day and Soul Day can be very thought-provoking.
Nice writing 🙂