No One Is Perfect! Except.....!?

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2 years ago
JANUARY 07,2022
Author: Zain-Bhatti.
Article no:14


I hope that all of you will be well and living a healthy life. By the power given by Allah Almighty, you will all be living your life in two different ways.I pray to Allah Almighty to keep you all laughing and happy and may you enjoy your life. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this article of mine.Will do

My self.......! Not perfect

I start from my self buddies...I'm not perfect in some works I'm not enough for that work for that thing and for that everything we don't fulfill from myself because I'm not for every work every thing I'm for some work which is fulfill by me not other and some for other which is not fulfill by me.....but I try Full of fulfill the work!

"No one in this world is pure and perfect...

If you avoid people for their mistakes...

you will be alone in this world...

So judge less and Love More with them..."

No one in this world is perfect. If someone has some or the other evil, some or the other is good. No human being is perfect. No human being can work. They can do anything and they can't do anything There are some things that only a person cannot do and there are some things that cannot be done by him and he needs someone or something. Everyone is efficient in his own work.They are good at doing things and someone is perfect at doing their job....

No one is perfect. Which is why pencils were made with erasers, and apologizes were created. Many of us in life have made mistakes, big or small. We all don’t know everything that we should know, and most certainly we are always trying to get better at something that we do. To some people it might seem like a person has everything going for them, or that everything gets handed to them to easy. Like they are perfect. But in reality they are just as imperfect as everyone else in this world.

No matter who you are I am positive sure that you have made some kind of mistake in your life. Even the famous and importantly people have messed up a few times to many. Making mistakes is part of life, and you can never get hard on yourself just because you might have messed up a little the life Always take keep in mind this opportunity to learning from your facts and know how to handle the situation next time, or even avoid it all mistakes, so there is no chance of it happened again. No one is perfect, making a mistake is not going to be the end of your life. But it might just benefit your future life......

Their are always going to be really brilliant people in the world, but some, because they are brilliant does not meaning that they know everything in the world At some point everybody wish to be smartest and that is never a bad thing. But have the urges us to be smarter for the amount of knowledge you are going to gain not bcz you wants to be smartest than someones..

But honestly, the chances are they really are not as brilliant as they come across .Making some mistakes helps you gain experience which in the end makes you brilliant. Being important can really have its many advantages Being smart is never about the amount of questions you can answer correct πŸ’―.

"Practice makes a man perfect"

Which thing makes the man perfect in the world in that!..... PRACTICE......

The only thing that can make a person perfect is to try this thing over and over again, and to see how many times he loses that task in the morning and when that person succeeds in that task.It is a great pleasure to know that he has become an expert in it.

It is only by working over and over again that the facts can be made

Who is perfect in the world.....?


Allah Almighty is perfect in this world. Allah Almighty is running this world And the film of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sent by Allah Almighty In this world, I was a real person to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who was free from all faults. I had no other hope. He could do everything.

Lead image is my own photography ☺️
No from any where!
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There is no plagiarism in this article this content is πŸ’― written by me....

Thank you for reading πŸ’—....
Be always happy and stay blessed 
With the blessings of God 

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2 years ago
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It is a sign of humility to admit that we are not perfect. We all have our ups and downs. And in that case, we have to be reasonable in our judgment always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are not perfect, it is the imperfection that makes us unique and beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As long as we're humans, we can never attain perfection but can only attempt to improve our lives daily by doing the right thing coupled with discipline. We shouldn't let go of people that are dear to us because of the mistakes they made, after all nobody is above mistakes.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes we are humans and no one is perfect human

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks πŸ‘ for the great write up... truly no one is perfect

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you friend 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure! No one is perfect. We all have got our flaws and strength.

$ 0.01
User's avatar xus
2 years ago

Yeah friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thats true! No one is perfect. We exist imperfectly perfect.

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is true,thank you for your infornmation

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's my pleasure 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago