This is a "found poetry" out of an existing publish by @vanya_29 entitled "Lost" . Before reading the content below it will be better if you visit first the original piece here
To know more about found poetry check this article:
Why Can't We Explain Why We're Lost
Sometimes, we know that we feel lost but we are not certain as to why we feel that way but perhaps we're just tearing inside, we're just broken inside.
Thank you @vanya_29 for the beautiful piece.
If you would like me to create a found poem from any of your work, may it be an article or poem just let me know in the comment section. I'll try my best to come up with a piece.
Have you ever felt lost? Perhaps we can talk a little in the comment sec.
I really like this poem, it's deep makes me feel so many emotions all at once. I feel like we are all lost in some ways, keep writing, you're really good at what you do.