All fears can end
That weakness that isn’t real; that limitation; the limiter of many; an emotion that has prevented the best in people from showing out to the world.
It has prevented from achieving their destiny. The funny thing is that it isn’t even real! Most times, it’s an emotion for something that hasn’t even happened yet.
I knew that this was a limitation to my life and I had to deal with it sooner or later.
Fear would limit you if inly you allow it. Many people struggle with one fear or another, and most of the time they continue their lives with it.
Face your fears dear,
That thing that scares you the most, what you consider as your dread, if you really want to get rid of them and grow above them, you must face them. Standing up to your fears is facing them, if you hide them, they may hide you. Attempt those risks that you think would end you if you take them ( I mean attempt them wisely, so long as they are to a good end ).
If these risks are necessary for your uplifting, then do yourself good, try every possible means that you can to put them where they belong, placing them under you. When you are to do something that you may not have done before, something that could bail you of the life of lack and want, or what could bring the best out of you, you would usually have this feeling of fear, trust me, it’s just an emotion.
Sometimes these fears come as a voice in your mind, voices and thoughts that keeping repeating some negative words and images within you just to make you feel negative about your next move. Don’t get me wrong please, if you are a Christian and are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit within you, he too could lead you by inner peace, and you may feel the lack of peace within you if he is not in support of some steps that you may want to take next. His leading does not contradict his word though, and also, his leading is not the feeling of fear; the fear that usually comes when you are about to move forward, when you are about to make a distinct step in life; it could be setting up a company, assuming a new position of leadership, trying something new that you haven’t done before, anything different from what you used to be, this fear just wants you to remain where you are.
No need to worry, if you can deal with your fear by showing it the attitude of neglect and going ahead to do what you want to do despite it’s presence in your mind, then you can crush it. You should know that, these fears most times dies over time when they are not heeded to, so you too can win the war over your fears. If after taking these steps and your fears do not leave you still, then you would need the assistance of the Divine to rid of it, I mean Jesus's assistance.
Great Post and good thinking