What Kind of Shopper are you?
Hello there my loves!! good morning one and all. How are you all doing? I just finished all my house chores and sent daughter to school and found time to be here.. Well I have a question to you all.. Is it just me or does Random Rewarder slowed down a bit from past few days?? Usually he rewards nicely but from the past few days, i don't know what is what but I do not see him visiting my profile much. Hopefully, this is solved soon because who doesn't like when Rusty visits us :))
Yesterday, I have visited a shopping center, not a massive one at the same time not a small one as well. I visited the kids section to buy some leggings for my daughter. I was walking through isles when I noticed a woman frantically searching for something in the "tops" section and I moved on because everyone was there to buy something.. So I picked solid everyday colours for my daughter that is Black, White and Nude as we can use these colours on almost all tops and as i was walking towards other section, that women blocked my view and came straight to my path to select leggings.. I quickly moved to my right to avoid collision with her and she again started frantically moving the leggings and the store had great selection of tops, dresses and bottom wear, but apparently, nothing seems to impress her..
I took a cover from the store staff, put those leggings inside and went to the 5th floor to buy a plushie to my daughter because each floor has bill counter and we can pay in any floor. The toy section was not so crowded as you can see the pic here and surprisingly enough, the same women showed up right behind me to the same floor as me.. what is the most surprising part is that she neither have tops not bottom wear or anything for that matter in her hands.. She walked in this same isle as me up and down for a couple of minutes, stood in the middle of the isle and started scratching her head when I wanted to help her and asked, "are you okay??" ..She looked at me and gave a nervous laughter and whispered, "yeah, thanks.. am okay but this store has nothing to buy... worst store ever.."
I was shocked for a second to hear this and I actually thought she was joking because look at these pics guys
Tell me you guys, don't you see so many number of varieties of clothes and toys to buy for kids?? These pics show you ONLY the partial section of the isle and in fact it runs and runs for 5 sections of each variety of clothes according to age and gender.. and in fact the whole second floor was dedicated to kids alone and whole 5th floor was for toys.. so you can imagine how vast that is.. In my deep thoughts, I was just standing there looking at her who is still walking isle to isle to search for what ever the heck that she wanted to buy and I was convinced myself that she herself does not know what to buy...am not judging, but that was so weird.
In my experience, I have come across several kinds of shoppers.. like
The classic bargain specialist
The looker or searcher (like the one I talked in my post)
The impulse purchaser
The comparative one..
The Decisive buyer (people like me)
The Indecisive buyer (pain in the ass people lol)
The customer who read, researched every single thing before buying (also pain in the ass sometimes because this is also me giving hard time for sales girls)
The Burglars (not literally, but those who snatch a product just when you are about to check it)
The Experimental customers... (generally ask for samples)
Me... I'm on the face Decisive buyer because i know what I want and once I went into a store, I buy the product, pay for it and leave the shop within 5 minutes.. That is how quick I'm.. You know how these men make jokes about us women taking hours and hours to shop?? yeah, that ain't me... In fact, my husband scolds me for not looking for options or alternatives haha..
So tell me in the comments below, what kind of shopper are you from the options I have mentioned above?? if you enter a shop, do you know what do you wanna buy?? I can't wait to read your fun answers..
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Yours bloggingly
I am like you, in out get it done then onto the next one