Covid Rise Back In India..!!

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2 years ago

Hello there and good morning one and all.. How are you all doing? As you can read from the title, it is true. The covid scare got increased in my country right now as cases surge from less than 10k to more than 13k right now in my country and my city alone has a rise of 1000+ cases each day for past two days.. This is getting creepy and out of hands again. They are saying the new variant called B A variant that originated from it's parent Omicron or something is the reason for more spread. The government finally woke it's eyes and made face masks mandatory in my city.. If you ask me, I have never stopped wearing them in first place lol.. I'm not going to stop wearing masks ever because I do not know whether it helped with covid but I definitely know it helped me cope my city's air pollution.

In the midst of these issues, we need to remind ourselves of the protocol that we need to strictly follow to protect ourselves from getting infected with this Corona infection...

  • Social Distancing: Ahh yes, the good old social distancing. I live in India where social distancing concept is next to impossible to follow considering we have thousands of people walking on the streets around the clock.. How is it even possible to do so? Whether we go to buy groceries or want to pay bills or even go to buy meds, there will be a lot of people.. I guess most of us Asian people can relate to this as we all live among huge number of people around us with cramped spaces that we cannot avoid...But there is a solution for this.. Try not to leave your house if it is not absolutely necessary to buy something and if working from home is possible, then do it...

  • Wear Masks: There is nothing to explain here except always wear mask when you are in public and try to wear N95 masks and if you can't afford that, then go for surgical masks and wear two of them.. it might not completely avoid you from not getting but definitely can avoid getting it easily..

  • Wash your hands properly for 20 seconds and try not to touch your face, nose, lips unnecessary.. My daughter keeps putting her hands near her mouth and I keep telling her to avoid touching her face without a reason.. My Mom taught me this like 20 years ago.. it not only avoid germs getting inside your body but also keep your face pimple free... Never touch your face..

  • Get vaccinated: I hope by this time most of us are already double vaccined.. If not, please go get yours.. it might not completely stop you from infected but definitely will avoid hospitalization and severity of the disease... Check your local doctor or specialist whether you can get a booster shot now...

  • Add more vegetables/fruits in your diet and cut on Meat: This is something so many people have learned during quarantine.. infections attack people easily who eat more meat than vegetables and fruits... Fruits increase your immunity while veggies provide proper nutrients to body.. You can also get protein from veggies like brocoli, spinach, chicpeas, sprouts, lentis, tofu etc.. Over consumption of meat only tends to add bad cholesterol to your body and nothing else... cut down on meat and eat more veggies..

These are some of them on top of my head and I'm sure as heck you know what to do because we all have been there and done that 2 years ago.. we all know what to do and aware of it.. even though this variant is not deadly as the Delta variant, doctors are definitely warning people to be extra careful just in case because with regards to covid, even the mild symptoms are so freaking annoying... My daughter is going to school and she has to remove mask to eat her snacks and lunch.. God help all those kids sincerely that has to stay away from their houses.. Please take care guys, this is not over yet..

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2 years ago


Same goes with me, no plans of not wearing mask in public . Wearing it even before the outbreak to protect me from pollutions. Covid survivor here and i don't want to experience it one more time. What's happening right now is quite alarming. Take care.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Covid is not done yet and hopefully it will soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Covid is not done yet and hopefully it will soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is alarming. I don't know here in our area seems reports about covid is so seldom to hear. Colds and cough is common here now because of the weather. It is sunny in the morning and heavy rain falls in the afternoon just like now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This made me check the cases here in our city and it seems there are more cases than usual as well. Maybe one reason is that it is brought about by the rain season that we are having. Me too. I still use face mask when in crowded places. Keep safe always! I hope COVID cases will start to lessen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's so alarming Dolly. I don't know in y country. They have stopped monitoring and reporting about it. I hope we're over it now. We can afford another lock down.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that's sad news, for some reason it's still happening, even though we've all implemented health protocols, I hope that covid in your country will end soon sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It seems that covid will continue to bother people. Now it seems wiser to learn to guard against it rather than destroy it. Your suggestions contain important information to consider.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi friend !! COVID cases are on the rise in many countries around the world... we just have to keep taking care of ourselves and use biosecurity measures. God protect us always!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Here in my parts. A new wave of infection is sweeping. They call it monkey pox .. Stay safe ma'am

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just when you think we have successfully defeated covid, boom! Another variant comes to take the baton and continue the race. That's actually the problem with viruses, they always adapt to any situation and come back stronger when you try to defeat them, even the vaccines may end up becoming useless in the long run. Please stay safe Bhargi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The pharma mafia wants to sell more experimental vaccines and boosters. RT-PCR is a rough testing technique. RT-PCR gives positive results for many viruses, including common cough, cold, fever, influenza, whooping cough, the new COVID virus, and many more. Nobody can deterministically say which virus gave the positive result in your RT-PCR tests.

Please don't panic by the fearmongering news of the mainstream news portals and the government. They are allies of the pharma mafia to sell the experimental vaccine! It is a PCR Pandemic and hence a "PlanDemic."

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, thanks for letting us know what is happening, I am Venezuelan and there are no more cases of COVID heard here, in fact we all lead a relatively normal life and without masks. the only good thing it's that I'm vaccinated, a year ago I got both doses, I don't know if I should get another one, what I do know is that this virus is capable of spreading throughout the world, it didn't show it once, you're right, May God protect all children and people who have to go out to work with the public.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought it's gone and world is safe back to normal

Stay safe and sound hope no one will get effected to it!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For a very long time I've not checked on the covid records in my country because it's more of lies with the records🤦. Also, we are back to our normal lives but watching a TV news today, I saw the alarming increase in cases, China was mentioned as the peak.

This covid should just disappear and Never come BACK, it has caused a lot already, if it comes back now,,, it's gonna be worst

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is good to know that you have not stopped using your mask and following COVID regulations. In a country like India with the population they have, I would expect more people to be careful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always pray my friend and hoping that this virus will totally gone soon, because it really affect the whole world. I'm sad to hear that the covid cases rise again in your country🥺.we should be very extra careful and do what is the right thing to do to avoid the virus. 🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May God save you all In your country.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's sad, COVID is a real threat I think we all should be careful as much as it died down a bit it's still real and life can change at anytime

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So its another threat, as we keep on hoping for it to vanished the more it evolves, so need to take extra extra more careful again

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all wish covid will be gone as it affects a lot especially in financial aspect and everything is pricy now but it seems it doesn't want to be gone, just keep evolving tsk..

$ 0.00
2 years ago