16th August 2021 1331
Well hello you wonderful and awesome readers. I can't believe we are half way through August already! I hope you are staying safe and having fun no matter where you are and what you are doing!
Oh by the way, I love you all. I really do from the bottom of my heart, or was it from the heart of my bottom! But no, jokes aside, I love you, I love you for taking the time to read my articles, for interacting and being you. You are awesome so I love you.
I love you. That is such a common term. We say it daily, to different people and with different meanings.
It is weird how we can say the exact same words to different people yet the meanings are slightly different.
You can say I love you to your parents, I love you to your partner and I love you to your best friend. Although they are exactly the same three words, the meaning is slightly changed each time we use the phrase in the three examples I mentioned.
That is the beauty of language!
Did you know for example that the Scottish language has over 400 words (source 1) relating to snow?
That is insane right?
Ranging from snaw (meaning snow) to smirr (meaning A fine rain, drizzle, sleet or snow) to snow-smoor (meaning suffocation by snow) and over 400 words in between!
Language it is at the heart of communication. Language is at the heart of who we are and it is how we survive and thrive.
Are you a Polyglot?
Have you ever heard of a polyglot?
A polyglot basically means you are multilingual and so you speak many languages!
Do comment what languages you speak, I am curious to know!
I love to learn and we should never stop learning new things.
I especially love to learn (well try to learn) new languages. My native language is the Queen's English. However living in Scotland there are numerous words we use instead of the standard dictionary English words.
I have written a couple of articles on common Scottish words, you can read them Let me entertain you with a wee bit of Scots and the second article Haste ye back!
At school I learnt Latin from the age of 8 (why? I don't know!) then French and German. In life I learnt Spanish. I have learnt a few phrase and words in Tagalog and Bisaya (two languages from The Philippines), if you read my articles you see I pop one or two words in.
They do say that the best and fastest way to learn a language is to take a lover who is a native speaker.
So I learnt some Swahili, Arabic, Norwegian, Portuguese, Italian and many regional words in Africa and Europe, the joys of working overseas in many countries.
When you are interested in something, you will put your heart into and then you will learn fast, because you want to.
My favourite language?
I think I have not even mentioned my favourite language!
I will say that I have two favourite languages.
Can you guess what they are?
You probably said quite rightly that one is talking to the animals!
So yes I do love speaking and of course listening to the animals. They tell us so much about ourselves and the world we live in. I mean who can forget Dafty his loud quacks and his drama queen antics! Animals use body language too, remember Dafty when he mad an ass out of me!
So yes, learning to communicate with animals, we all do it. We have done it since we were born and sometimes we don't even realise that we are doing it. Our body language, how relaxed we are, that tells the animals things, even if we don't know we are doing it.
Secondly my other favourite language is the language of love.
The secret to cooking? Cooking with a magic ingredient, which is love. When you put love into something, you are speaking from your heart and it is a braw thing to do. It is the right thing to do!
So my awesome readers, what are your two favourite languages and what languages do you speak?
Source 1 - snow related words https://scotsthesaurus.org/thescat/873/
This post is part of the writing prompt series and is #13 Language. The rules are simple to join this.
The rules are simple.
Write anything about language
Write 100% original content
Write at least 600 words so Rusty will reward you
Submit to the PromptlyJonica community (please join us if you haven't already)
Tag @JonicaBradley and me @TengoLoTodo
Have fun!
A few quick notes:
Please read the rules of the community. Although no subject is forbidden, Join the PromptlyJonica community here.
There are no deadlines or time limits. You can write on any of the prompts any time for ever and ever. To see a list of linked prompts in order go here.
It's up to the writer to ensure no plagiarism
Please keep Regis testimony and religion to a minimum. Those types of stories are better suited to dietitian communities.
All types of writing are permitted: personal essay, poetry, satire, fiction, etc. Keep in mind is you're writing satire, make fun of the idea, not the person.
The community has more than one moderator. If you disagree with anything the mods have to say, please let us know in the comments of the article.
Thank you for reading you awesome beautiful people.
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Copyright @TengoLoTodo 2021 and yes All Rights Reserved. All images and words are from the author unless source mentioned.
Haste ye back.
I read somewhere that if a certain thing is of high importance to certain place/culture, the language would have a variation of names for that thing. If you have many names for snow there in Scotland, here in the Philippines, there are a number of words for rice depending on its physical form. Language really is fascinating.