“You have two choices, control your brain or let your brain to control you” PUALO COELHO
The human mind is like a mad horse that is always ready to run wildly in the open field of thought. If you do not control it, it will run rampant. And it will begin to rule over your thinking and your personality. Learn to control this horse because when we do not control the mind, the mind seems to control us. And when the mind begins to control us, the results are what we dislike.
For example we have often seen during interview or investigation that when someone is investigated, psychologists are also sitting there. And they observe on which question body language was slightly changed. The body language was out of routine. At that point, consciously, the guy was not controlling his mind. Rather, his mind was controlling his body language. If a person can control his brain he or she can hide what he want to hide from others like in the above example if he can control his mind he can control his unconscious body language.
Control you mind: The best way to control your mind is to decide first what to do with it. Decide what assignment to give him. The human brain works better when it is goal-oriented.it works more productively when a target or a task is given to it. Your dream should be clear and purpose full.
For example, if you hire a new employee, you call him or her for tea and biscuits. Maybe he didn't bring the tea you wanted or the biscuit you like. But if you train him, he will do exactly what you commanded him to do at your command. Same as if you train your mind to a specific goal it will work to achieve that goal.
Think of your mind as your servant. If your mind is not your servant, then you are the servant of your mind. Then it makes you do things that you never want, for example, you hate someone but you don't want to express it .if you are servant of your mind your mind Does it through body language.
Do your accountability for everything. If you have done something wrong, punish yourself for it. For example you intend to get up early in the morning but when your eyes open your brain tries to control you and says go to sleep and never get up early again. But if you tell someone that if I don't get up, pour cold water on me, you will punish yourself once, then your mind will not give such a command next time.
Conclusion: we should control our mind not to let our mind to control us. Try hard to achieve your goals. Don’t listen to those thoughts that say you to take shortcuts. Make your life full of good habits and discipline. Try to communicate with brain give it commands not take commands from brain
In Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy, he says, “The fact is that good habits are hard to form but easy to live with. Bad habits, on the other hand, are easy to form but hard to live with. In either case, you develop either good or bad habits as the result of your repeated choices, decisions, and behaviors.”
So develop good habits it will lead to healthy mind that never controls you rather help you to reach your destination.
Disclaimer: you will not find any kind of plagiarism in my article. these are completely my own thoughts and views about topic. only quotation is taken from book. images are from google.
Regards: Tanain
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Our brain always keeps on running and it is catching thoughts all the time but we should have control over it