After the game the pawn and the king go into the same box.
I was already writing about game called 'life', and, now I would love to talk a bit about what happens after life.
To be clear at the beginning, I do not want to talk about life after life, about Heaven and Hell, and about the other world. That topic is very, very deep, and I do not know enough about it. Actually, I personally think that there is not any person, who know enough about that. We can only believe. To believe that there is a life after life, and to belive that there is not a life after life. I respect people who believe, and I also respect those people who do not believe. Whatever you believe in, while you are not doing any damage to anyone else, is okay, I respect that and I support that.
What I would love to talk about is the end of life. End of life that we already know for. And, the end of life is death.
After a person die, the funeral or the cremation pass, people go home, and keep living their lives, person who died is dead.
No matter if person was rich, poor, smart, stupid, pretty, ugly, tiny, fat, tall, short...
Everyone is just dead. As dead as any other dead person.
If you now think that you are better than someone else, or you think that someone is better than you, because of money, appearance, house, car, job... That is just not true. We are all equal. Maybe someone has more money, maybe someone is smarter, but as human beings we are all equal. You are as human as any other human. That is why you should stop thinking about other people, and what thye have, how do they look like, what they do not have...
Find something good in your life. Find something what you love in your life. Find your purpose. The Pawn and the king, and all other figures on the chess board have their purpose. And every single figure can be the one, who will help to win the game. Everyone can be amazing, everyone can be the best! And, no one is replaceable. Sometimes a well placed pawn is much more powerful than a king.
When the card tower is falling down, the same drop awaits the king and the two club. It is not important who you are, what you have, at the end, you will die, just as someone who has nothing.
So, stop chasing money, jewelry, cars, expensive clothes... enjoy your life, and accep the fact that people who are 'worse' than you, actually are not worse. They are as valuable as you are, they just have less material things than you have. And, you are as valuable as someone, who has more material things than you have.
We are all different, we look different, we are doing different jobs, someone has bachelor's degree, someone does not have, someone is rich, someone is poor.
But my point is that everyone deserves to be respected! You do not have right to disrespect someone just because you have more material things that that person.
You can be rich and still be a very bad person, and you can be poor and be an amazing person!
Respect is something what you will deserve with your behavior, with who you are, and not something what you will buy with money or power.
I really hope that people will realize this very soon. People have to realize that, people have to realize what is truly important, to realize what true values are, and why people should appreciate each others.
You can be the king, but you cannot stop death, and you can still be 'eaten' by the pawn. You will not stop what is coming, and we all know that the end is coming, we are all going to die, and because of that, let's enjoy important and valuable things while we are alive.
When I say valuable things, I mean things that really have value, and those things are love, freindship, family, good used freetime... And, all those things are free, and they are available to everyone.
What is your opinion about this? Please, share what you think about differences, about love, trust... How do you chose who to respect? How do you know that someone is good person?
Very good text :)