A Website For Lifetime Income

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1 year ago
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A website can be an asset if we know the right use of it. As a investment the all we need to buy domain, hosting and also can hire expert web developer, web designer and author if necessary. If you are a web developer and designer and know how to run a successful website then it can be a lifetime earning source for you. Business websites has huge visit and can earn more so if you have any business or store, you can make a website and social media page for it for another income source. You can place ads on your website to earn more from it.

First of all you have to choose a perfect niche that has good demand in market. It could be educational course selling website too where there people can purchase online books, lecture videos and tutorials. Not necessary that you’ll choose the niche I'm suggesting or discussing in this blog. If you have a grocery store, make a website on that and link social media pages or profiles with it. Some website earn passive income and some earn decent amount from it. Depend on so many things like choosing high demanding niche, marketing, regular updating products or goods etc.

A website is also can be a source of virtual earning platform where you can invest a little efforts but do it regularly. Visitors will gather on your website when you publish something interesting. Even movie release, updates, movie links and celebrity gossips also get huge visit so those topics also could be a niche of a website. Ads can be from private agencies that will pay you rent for having their ads on your website so here is another income formula from your website. You can invest on marketing and the return could be double or triple, depend on public demand.

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Personally I recommend choosing niche which can be your passion too. When we are passionate about something we love to do that regularly and that way a website could be run for a long time and it could be anything you like. You can share music, sell music album through website. You can share ideas and tutorials that can help others is also can be a good niche to get huge traffic.

A website can be more popular when the topic is interesting and you link it with social media pages even you can monetize your website and pages that can help you earning from both sides. Many people are passionate about cooking so they can launch a website where there they can share their regular cooking activities and interested visitors will find you and will subscribe your website for next update.

There are many niche that required no investment like entertaining visitors through funny blogs or blogs , daily life activities sharing, ideas sharing, tutorial sharing, sharing celebrity gossips and more. Business website need investment for marketing to get maximum reach or visit as product selling is the goal of the website. I think a lifetime earning source deserves a little investment and also need to have marketing to earn more. Launching a website is not enough, we need to invest time to it at the beginning.

If a website keep following trending topics for a specific niche can get maximum success and can earn decent amount of money. Updating with the time and trend can be the key to a successful business and its not alter to running a website as online business or service provider. It could be anything, just make sure it has good demand in market and the demand will never end. A website with good demand can bring more earning and it could be our lifetime earning source too.

Thanks For Reading!!

$ 1.55
$ 1.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @rezoanulvibes
$ 0.05 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
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1 year ago


Yes, nowadays every business needs a website. And today it is no longer a whim, but a vital necessity of business. In the world of modern technology, a website plays a key role, because if you use this tool correctly, you can attract more customers. To develop your own website, I recommend contacting software engineering company CodeIT https://codeit.us/ , who have been providing software development services for over 14 years and have completed over 400 projects during this time. They have a very large list of completed projects and, accordingly, they have a lot of experience. They can easily implement the requirements for your site and everything else, they can recommend how best to perform this or that functionality.

$ 0.00
8 months ago

What are the goals of IoT in automation and control?

$ 0.00
9 months ago

I made a small website about bitcoincash BCH in Indonesian. It's just for entertainment for me and i like it.


$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm already building my website, betduce.com. Not published yet, still a work in progress. Websites if well-managed and monetized can be a lifetime source of income.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thanks for this update I look forward to create the website, I pray I will be consistent with it

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Well said Shohana, a website when it provides information or services that people want or need would become an earning source.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yeah, a website over time can be a valuable asset especially if it's consistently providing value to its audience. I'm working on creating two websites for different niches. Well, creating is not the challenge, the challenge comes in running, managing, and updating it. I know I'll be committed to this.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are very right about this. Creating a website is a big investment in this generation while maintaining it will make you earn more. About the niche, I learnt something some months back. I learnt three different niches that we can always write to fetch us more money. They are; Wealth, Health and Relationship. People search for one of these niches daily

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yesterday I was reading the story of Melanie Parkins, founder of canva . She applied at 99 places for job but rejected. Then the idea of Canva born and she has 26 B assets now. Sure , a website, app can give you richness and Life worthy income.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Actually, I don't know how should I make website. But I know that people earn good income from website.. I shall learn from YouTube about website making... Thank you for sharing such idea

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I agree that creating websites with good contents may give a good source of income, though it's a matter of popularity and numbers of visiting but if the website is related on trend then there's a high possibility that it will get much attention, this days its all on internet which is a good opportunity to grab.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Well you are right, recently my friend has made a website for creative writing, she also said me to join her in publishing blogs there but I refused as I was already working here, she said it's totally free I already bought a domain now what I have to do is to just publish my blogs there on daily basis within one month I will be getting adds from Google's and from Different other websites whoever will be clicking to visit my article I will be getting paid for each click.

$ 0.02
1 year ago