I am really grateful for all your comments on my post yesterday. I will be continuing from where I stopped by discussing the laws in a relationship. Laws are rules that must be obeyed and adhered to. Like they say "where there is no law, there is no sin". Same thing is in there for a relationship. When there is law binding a relationship and you are strictly adhering and conforming to it, everything would be peaceful and there won't be issue or trouble from any of the partners.
Just like I said yesterday that God is the initiator of marriages and relationships. We need to believe that, because a home without God ordering it, would be nothing. When God initiates a beautiful home, He will help you through because you made Him a priority in your home. The Bible say a prudent wife comes from the Lord. Prov 19:14
Couples need to exercise this law very strongly because without love, there will not be unity in the home. God has loved us and will continue to love us which is why He sent Jesus to us. As a man, you ought to love your wife so heartedly and same thing with the wife. Love is stronger they say.
When you are living with someone in the home, you need to tolerate each other. Tolerance means Forbearance. My sister used to tell me something that when you know the principle of someone you are living with and you can cope with it, then everything would seem alright and smooth. There are some things the wife would do, the man needs to tolerate it and vice versa. There are some things couples need to overlook which are unnecessary just to make peace reign. Having the act of tolerance between both partners would go a long way saving the home from chaos.
Do you know what Sacrifice means? Doing what you know could hurt you so badly but you choose to do it or going your way into doing something that could be uncomfortable for you. There cannot be a relationship if there is no sacrifice in it even God sacrificed His son and we also need to sacrifice things for ourselves.
As couples, you need to deprive yourself of some things so that each of you could have his or her way. As a wife, do not shout and say "am I not cooking for you? am I not doing my responsibility in this house? I deprive myself most times of things I needed to do on a norms just to make this relationship work" etc the husband too is sacrificing himself. Being in a relationship is a sacrifice.
This is the greatest of all in a relationship. Without trust, it won't work. Trust is like a foundation that keeps the home going. Partners should develop this value in them. You need to trust each other to avoid friction in the home. Trusting means not even thinking of the harm they will do to you because your mind isn't channeled to the bad thing they want to do. That is trust. This is what a home should be based on. When there is no trust, then you are allowing a third party between you.
I bet you, when you respect each other in the home, you will enjoy the moment forever. There should be respect and honor among you. Wife should honour and be submissive to her husband and accept his opinion in a polite and not rude way. Same goes with the husband loving and respecting his wife and accepting her for who she is.
Understanding in a relationship takes time to build. When a wife needs privacy, the man should understand that for her to be able to get things right with her. If she wants you to be involved, she would call you. You don't have to force yourself on her. When a man needs time too, the wife should do the same. There would be an environment where both of you can then share whatever is going on within you as this creates a peaceful atmosphere. A man snores in the home, understand that! Not by hitting and pushing him thereby making him feel uncomfortable.
If a home must be organized, both partners should adhered to these laws or else, there would be disagreement.
Thanks for reading
Before I end this, I would like to appreciate @bmjc98 for renewing her Sponsorship yesterday. I saw it and I was so happy. Do you know it's a sacrifice to remember renewing your Sponsorships to every member here? Thanks to all my sponsors. You are the best 🥰🥳🥳
|October 14, 2021|
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
I was a bit late but you will never be forgotten on my list. :)