Some thoughts for the week.

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Avatar for Princessbusayo
2 years ago

“Monday is another day of your life that you can use to make progress. Speak positivity into your life!”


The day already started well for me and I am hoping it continues throughout the week. It's Monday and also recognized as the start of a working day which in Yoruba, we call “Ojo Aje” translated as “Day of wealth”. Tuesday would be “Ojo Isegun” translated as “Day of victory”. Wednesday as “Ojo Anu” translated as “Day of Mercy”. If you know the rest of the week, kindly comment down below because I don't know it.

Monday is always taken seriously and important because we believe if the week would go well, it will be determined by Monday. So, if you want the best week for you, try ensuring this day is positive for you.

Someone celebrated his birthday last week and being part of the children's teacher, he brought biscuits for the kids while he gave the teachers soft drinks to celebrate the day for us. We thanked and wished him well.

I was happy because I already have a drink for my lunch and I was already planning on what to cook when I get home. I know I packed all my stuff back into my bag including the drink but getting home, I couldn't find my drink. I assumed someone must have taken it from my bag, even in Church? At least he or she could have requested it and I would gladly give it out. Well, I just smiled and believed the person needed it.

Later in the day, I saw a video of a man who they were trying to rescue not to jump into the big lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria but I guess the old man already lost hope and was in depression, he eventually jumped into the big lagoon and that is the end of him. It was so painful watching that video.

People are really in depression and they have lost hope and there is nothing you tell them that they will listen but are bent on taking their lives. Even if such a person is a righteous one, don't you think such a person would be found guilty for taking his own life even in heaven?

Please, I want you to always remember everyone struggling in general. It might not be someone close to you but pray generally for everyone. Who knows? Your prayer of intercession can reach out to anybody already trying to give up and commit suicide.

If you have anything to give out, do not hesitate to give but above all, let's try to understand that everyone is struggling and praying for a way. So, if you see someone not helping another, it doesn't mean the person is stingy, we all are going through a lot but we decided not to disturb one another.

Nevertheless, do not fail to reach out if it is in your capacity to do it. Do not withhold that help but extend it out to someone out there.

The students in my school already started their examination today and I wished everyone success. They were given strict instructions they must comply with, or else, they will not be allowed to sit for the exam. They were told to always dress corporate including putting on sneakers or sandals to the examination hall.

While fetching water this morning, I saw two students who weren't comfortable putting on the shoe as it was so tight on them, making them not walk fast and it's hurting their legs. I just smiled and said in my mind that they do not have any other option except they aren't ready to write the exams.

It's always a beautiful thing when you aren't writing any exams for now but doing other things. I remembered those sleepless nights I had during my own time and how exhausting it is during that period. But now, there is nothing like waking up at night to read or preparing for exams until when I am ready for my Masters which I believe I will do by God's grace.

For now, I need to work a little to gather enough money for it while I believe God to do the rest for me.

God blessed me this morning. A lady gave me enough pepper because according to her, she already prepared some stew when her fiance came around and also bought a lot of pepper for her. She had to give me all. Don't you see it's God's blessing early in the morning? For me, it is, and I hope to be blessed throughout the week.

Thanks for your time.

Image by Binti Malu from Pexels

[October 24, 2022] (No 296 articles for the year)

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2 years ago


The days of the week and Yoruba are: Aiku, Aje, Isegun, Ojoru, Ojobo, Eti, Abameta... I don't know the meaning though

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yea, I know these ones but I also do not know their meanings except for Monday to Wednesday.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having a plan is matters my dear. May you successfully have all you wish ams more in store for you

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen. Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Monday to you my friend,enjoy your day as always and may God continue to bless us everyday of our life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess everyday is stressful day, full of unexpected happenings and surprises.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We can't predict each day but we hope for the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless you, dear Princess :) May you achieve all your heart's desires. I hope you can get your Master's Degree soon. :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen. I hope so too. Thank you so much 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have plans of acquiring a Masters degree. I always feel be very impress and motivated when I come across a lady who does have one

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I feel it too. It motivates me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Too sad for that old man.. His soul will be lost perhaps? Do you think he can go to heaven?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

With what I have heard, it is a sin when one takes his own life by Himself or herself. In fact, it's a sin in the Bible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Who would have got your drink Princess? I'm glad you have a considerate and understanding heart.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yea,, I never bothered because I assume he or she might want to drink it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh heaven, the poor old man. What he did is really a sin but we can't blame them if they can't take their depression anymore. This is really a killer, tch. Anyways, I'm curious who get your drinks, didn't even ask 😅

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I felt for the man too but it's like he made up his mind already and there was nothing changing it. Hahaha.. I still do not know who took my drink 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So let me call it pepper Monday😅😅. There's one lady who gives me pepper too. I hope we achieve all we wish for, this week. Have a wonderful week

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen 🙏😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless you princess ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen. Thank you so much 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should not start to evaluate someone on our personal assumptions. Everyone is struggling in his life, we should be independent in our thinking. I am happy because start of week was amazing for me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is it. People shouldn't be too quick to judge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago