No Job is dirty as long as you are dedicated.

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2 years ago

"Good morning Tuesday! Monday is over, so let's enjoy the rest of the week in peace."

Good morning everyone! I hope we are getting ready for what the day would bring? I am sure you are working to achieve all you have planned out to do? Yesterday morning, I started my usual activities and I was pleased with what I was able to achieve and that made me sleep early and sound. If only I had read about the book titled "The richest man in Babylon'' before now, it would have been the best thing.

When I started reading the book last night after finishing up the last one I was reading, I didn't want to stop reading because I was engrossed in reading more pages. This book is so interesting and talks much about savings and investment. If you want to be successful and you haven't come across this book, I kindly recommend it to you and I am sure those who already read it are applying those processes.

Right now, I feel like reading more of it. It is really a good thing when you read books, it gives you insights to what is happening around you.

I read @cool08 articles and the story he talked about made me remember a story of my Aunt which she told me too. In his post, he talked about a friend of his who had a skill in shoe making and has the knowledge, but his friend considered the skill a worthless one and because of that, he left it, not knowing that skill would open ways for him. After advising him and not heeding, he went onto his decision of looking elsewhere but he wasn't making it, not until he returned back to the business and he already had a house of his own.

When my Aunt was still very young and had finished college, she decided to travel to the city in search of a job to start living on her own. The first job she started with was being a staff at a waste bin company. She was doing this and getting little money from it. She wasn't ashamed though not until one day, her younger sister also finished school and already served and she decided to come stay with her Aunt till she has her own job too. When she arrived, she handed over a local iron to her and said "Mummy said I should give you to start washing and ironing for people"

She said, instantly her eyes were red. She couldn't curse her mother because to her, her mother was very wicked and cruel to think of her washing for people. "Why would my mom think of me washing for people? Am I a slave? This is a dirty business" she began to cry while her sister was consoling her.

Her mother knew she could wash clothes and iron very well and because of this, she thought that could help her fetch some money for herself.

She collected the iron from her sister and kept it in the house but was adamant in heeding to her mother's advice. She was still working until something happened and she was sacked. For many days, she couldn't go to work and she wasn't having any money to feed herself and her sister who was staying with her.

Then one day, she thought of the iron her mom sent to her and she decided to try the business. She cleaned the iron, started walking from house to house to tell them what she was doing. From there, she began receiving clothes from people where she would take home to wash and iron them, then she delivered them back.

She was doing this for years and she had gotten a lot of customers as they kept telling others after seeing her neat job. She got so many customers.

From walking from house to house, she got a shop where people would come with clothes. She became popular in Ibadan where lawyers, judges, bankers and others kept coming to see her work. She was successful in the business and one day, she called her mom to thank her, even though she thought her mom was being wicked but now, she had someone who advised her and here she is, eating from dry-cleaning business. Later, she closed the shop and found a room in her house which was meant for dry-cleaning work. Though she is getting old and weak to do the business but she enjoyed the business and made a lot of money from it. She was ashamed at first, but as she continued, she found out that she could actually do it perfectly.

There is no dirty job anywhere as long as you are dedicated and you put your mind into it. Everyone has his or her ability in one thing or the other and when we aren't lazy with it, we would make it. As long as you aren't engaging in illegal business or work, and with God in it, there is no limit to excelling in such skill or business.

Thanks for reading

Image by Dan on Unsplash

[April 19, 2022] (No 109 article for the year)

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2 years ago


Oh! I enjoyed this. I usually see people working for lawma as dirty jobs they had to pick, but come to think of it, if no one is there to dispose our dirts then who would. Honestly that was the first thing that came into my mind immediately I saw the title of your beautiful article. There's indeed no dirty jobs anywhere except the illegal ones. Be it in painting, plumbing, Hawking and all... A dedicated mind would go really far.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There is no dirty job and it is our responsibility to package it to suit our taste and keep doing it for fun. Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The richest man in Babylon is a must read, though. I love the way you arrested your audience with an amazing experience to best examplify your claim.

I enjoyed it and loved your drive all the way. Most times the greatest breakthrough comes from our assumed worse nightmares.

Starting something that seems out of our standards is often difficult. It takes a lot to go through with it, despite the challenges. Thank you for sharing this experience. I learnt something that I'm sure would add value to me moving forward.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Most times the greatest breakthrough comes from our assumed worse nightmares.

This is the best word that fit into the post and I love how you replied too. Thank you very much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In my area one guy went to UK to study , on getting there people that she relied on disappointed her. The next thing for her is to be searching for "Jobs Nearby"on her Phone.. Luckily enough , she was given menial jobs to do. Out of the Proceeds received on menial jobs paid her School fees and send money home. She sent live Videos , Photo taking live on where she works over there.. Dirty Jobs yet earn Pounds Sterling.. She is today better than those doing Neat jobs in Nigeria. Am aligned to your content wholeheartedly. Keep it up. You are great.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The thing is we must not see any job as bad or dirty as long as we are doing our best, it will solve a lot of problems for us. Thank you for your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is an article that will stay with me for weeks because really nothing is dirty or bad if we learn to do them well and much more dedicated to it.. I actually detest writing articles and saw every fault in it but when I got deep in writing I instantly fell in love with it.. the main reason why I chose to hate was because I felt it’s difficult and doesn’t worth my time and attention.. she became the best because she had gone through something I think sometimes we have to learn after our ignorance πŸ˜…..

Wonderful write up

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, we may not like a job or skill because it is tough or difficult but the more one practice, the fun it would be. Thank you for stopping by, Gozie.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Right dear, nothing is wicked or less, it is just our thinking which make it worthless. I am glad finally she took her mother advice and now she is running her own shop.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well said, mate. No job is dirty and if you are dedicated to doing it then don't care about other people at least you are enjoying it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Long as your are working hard and doing something good, one shouldn't be ashamed of what they are doing

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truth is that the society laugh at those doing these kind of jobs and hail those into illegal stuff like yahoo. I can do anything sha, long as it is bringing money and it isn't immoral or illegal

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, doing something legal will even make one be at peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This article just coincidise with something I talked about with my friend today. She asked me to help her look for a job since she can't be staying home everyday because of the ASUU strike. I suggested being a sales girl or working in an eatery opposite my university but she declined, saying those jobs are demeaning and she wants something posh like working as a secretary. I just told her she's not ready, anybody that is ready will be willing to try an work they can lay their hands on

$ 0.03
2 years ago

She is not ready indeed. Not even in this country will you be choosing. Lol

What is wrong in being a sales girl if not that everyone now thinks it's not good. As long as you make cool money from it and you know what you are doing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well Said, no job is dirty as long as you are dedicated. Most persons think that white collar jobs is the end of it all but the truth of the matter is that, one can feed through any job or whatsoever job he sets his mind on. Every job is a job, it's left for you to decide to put in your all or relent.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are very right. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A mother's wisdom..They say what an elder sees while sitting, a child wouldn't see ....... There's definitely dignity in honest labor so long as it puts food on the table

$ 0.02
2 years ago

God bless you this proverb. The elders have surely seen and experience many things we haven't seen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No matter what job it is as long as it can help provide the needs of the family, then it's fine. As long as it's not illegal and it will not harm you in the end.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You know the saying β€œ na where person dey work him dey chop na why them call am workshop” so as long as it is honest and pays .. it is a good job

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly πŸ’―

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is only the lazy ones who are not ready to work that days some jobs are dirty. In as far that it is bringing money, then cannot be called dirty job.

We should all remember to follow what can bring us success.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

As long as we are not lazy, even the dirtiest job we assume it is would bring in money to help solve our problems of finances. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, first I loved the opening sentence where they talk about accepting the challenge of the week, because living daily entails a great struggle between effort and inner peace, but they are things that make life more beautiful

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, struggling with efforts and finally making peace makes life beautiful when we actually make it. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hard earn money from noble work is highly respected. This reminds me of the cleaners in NBA. It is said that they are highly paid. Makes me want to be a cleaner too :D

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe! I really believe all jobs are good and not dirty as long as one is doing it with cheerful heart and not been lazy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've actually had that book in my phone for awhile now and I have not opened even a page. Let's just say I've not gotten there yet. Will try to read it next when I'm done with the one's I'm currently dealing with.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You should. You will surely enjoy the first few pages.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is no dirty job. So far it is an honest job, you don't have to do any illegal thing in the course of carrying out your duty, then it's a clean job.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True words my friend. There's no dirty work as long as it is legal and keeping your needs. The only dirty job I Know are the illegal ones. Have a wonderful day my friend

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Anything that can give us money without stealing from others is a decent job . Some people may look at it as low in their standards but we shouldn't mind it as long as we are making our living through decent job .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Any job bringing food to your table shouldn't be seen as dirty job. Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It never had anything to do with the work but with the blessing in it. One thing the economy has taught us, Nigerians no longer look down on jobs even when they think it's degrading. Some "dirty" jobs even fetch more money than your clean jobs like sewage evacuation and disposal. When I heard how much those guys make ehnn!!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right. We would be surprised these kind of jobs are the most paying job because they aren't easy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True... Even the way you see the job matters too, job is job in as much you are earning from it making a living from it, you enjoy doing it and dedicated to it. It a job indeed. Nice piece. Hi Princess, how have you been doing.



$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right. Thank you for stopping by.

Yes, I am doing fine. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago