Have You Ever Broken Someone's Heart?.

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Since it's going to rain, we'll just do a question and answer that I got myself from the site that I used to take questions from before. I hope you enjoy it. But, I will tell about Cayen and me because I really have nothing left to write.

Would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you?

Yes, I like someone older than me. One of my dates before was already 30 while I was only 19. It was around 2020, I met him at school, he basically became my close friend. But the ending is that he just became my older brother because I'm not ready to enter into a relationship, so in short I rejected him hehe. It doesn't hurt, does it? Just kidding, he also told me that it's okay since he can sense that I'm not into boys, which is true. I have never had a crush on a man and I have never had a boy partner either.

I cannot consider myself as bisexual because I only really like lesbians. Yes, just lesbians. But this is it, I'm going to tell you about a person named Cayen.

 Have You Ever Broken Someone's Heart?

Yes, there was someone who liked me then. As in several times he said that he likes me. I was in grade 10 at this time and coming in grade 11, I didn't expect that he would like me because I thought that was very ugly. He is the person that he almost pretended to love me and he was serious, but at that time I had an attachment to my ex so I didn't do anything. To be honest, I let him flirt with me even when it came to the part where my ex and I were together again.

Actually, it was very unexpected on my part. I apologized to him but I know I hurt him a lot. I never made such a decision in my life but maybe at that time I had a little attachment to him but that's just because I still love my ex so I can't reject him or push him away. Cayen is in a band, he is a vocalist and guitarist in their band. I can only say that he sings really well.

I met him when there was a concert in the plaza and he was with their band there. I bumped into him accidentally until every day I was in the square and when he saw me he would smile at me. They are not locals, they are from Davao. We immediately felt at ease until it came to the point where he asked for my number and I gave it to him. He courted me and said he plans to stay once we become friends, I also found out that they have a business in Davao which is they are a fruit supplier.

I don't know how I will feel because I am guilty of him. I asked for an apology many times and she said is, "It's okay, I understand."

What I Learned.

I learned to say everything while it's still early. It's hard to make someone cry, or to hurt someone. It doesn't matter if it takes too long but after that I promised myself that it will not going to happened again.


  • sorry if I tell a messed up story, I just thought of it since I remember it again. By the way, thankyou ate @Adrielle1214 for the sponsorship renewal! Godbless po!



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one of my regrets was when I broke someones heart unintentionally talaga...di ko alam nasasaktan ko na pala siya...aigoooo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

mas bet ko din yung older na partner, mga 5 to 15 years siguro hahahhaa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ok naman ang older pero cguro wag naman as in lolo na for you🤣, pero may mga ganun pa din baman ngyayari diba kaya let it be na lng

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kami ng partner ko langga malayo agwat ng age namin but isa yan sa reason na nagustuhan ko siya kasi he's really matured. Gusto ko matured sakin yung lalaki.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's very important at the beginning to tell our true intentions. If it includes to tell why don't be afraid to say so. We can't be afraid of who we are and what we like. I know easier said than done.

$ 0.00
1 year ago