Be Sincere with your work

Avatar for Niazi420
2 years ago

 November 25, 2021 Article no: 90

Greeting Guys

First of all, let me know about your health. I hope you all are having a good day. I am also additionally fine in fact super fine. Guess what? Today I completed my 3 months here with writing articles. Also, I completed a 7-month journey here as you see on my profile. Maybe this is normal for others but for me, it’s a great achievement of mine. Because a lazy person like me spent 90 days productive. Hihihi, the one who doesn’t put effort into leaving comments before is now writing articles daily and visiting and leaving comments on articles, every day. Many times I mention my beginning story so, today I am not going to repeat the same.

Today, I am going to suggest a few things (:

Before starting my today’s topic,

If you haven’t visited my previous article yet then do visit it first.

Be Sincere with your work

If you want to be successful in your life then I have advice for you, “Be sincere with your work” always. What does that mean? It means work hark you until you get satisfied from it. I remember when I was new here, I was only publishing articles here. I was not sincere with my work, which means I was not visiting any other article. I was always posting useless stuff which was not capturing the attention of users and that’s why at that time I was not getting any reward. Always do your best in your work and then leave it to almighty, he will give you much more than you expected.

Don’t force yourself

I always say don’t force yourself when you are not in a condition. For example, if you are not in the mood of publishing an article today then leave it and take a rest don’t force yourself to write an article. Because it will affect your thoughts and your mood too. And believe me, if you force yourself to do this, you will lose your motivation in a day or two. As a writer, we need to give rest to our mind because our mind is always running with multiple thoughts. Including me, I observed everyone here set goals to write one article per day, no doubt, it’s a good thing for them and it will bring them more near to their achievements. But remember not every day is the same day. Because I also experienced this and I know you all have also experienced that in a whole month for few days you lose motivation but still you try your best to compose one article per day. I think we should avoid this type of goal because it’s badly affecting our health and our thoughts.

P.S: Share your opinion regarding this in a comment section.

Don’t put useless efforts

A few days ago, I was reading an article by, mate @Success.1 where he was saying that no need to leave a comment if you don’t understand the article. I completely agree with this. Because many times I experience this also in my comment section. Many times people leave comments on my article without knowing what I told in my article. The main reason for this is poor English. As you know, most people are here from different countries where English is not their native language just like me. So, they don’t have much grip on English and that’s why they are always failed to understand the concept of an article but still, they leave comments and go to spam.

So, I suggest, there is no need to leave a comment on the basis of the title. You can simply upvote the article of the person with a 0.01$ tip. I understand many people leave comments just because they want the attention of that user that I had read your article and now it’s your turn to read my article.

Avoid this and you will start living a happy life (:

That’s all for today because now I am feeling much tired and sleepy.

Ending Thoughts

Thank you guys for reading this all and for your precious time. Thank you for staying with me always from throughout my journey and always supporting me. May God always bless you all with good health.

Remember me in your prayers.


All words are written by me. This article is 100% unique.

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I want to thank you all my beautiful sponsors and the read cash team because without you guys I am nothing without you and will never complete my goals.

Have a good night

 Thank you for your reading and don’t forget to tap on the thumb icon.


Your Lovely, Jawad(Niazi)



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2 years ago
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We should not force ourselves to do those things which our mind and body do not support (Temporarily). Whenever I feel now I need some rest then I just close my books and start to take some rest, I never forced myself for doing anything. It is better to take some rest than giving useless or less efforts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yup mate, I agree with everything you've stated. We should be sincere and put effort into everything that we do no matter what our work is

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for that very useful reminders mate. I badly need it right now, especially that I was so stressed out lately..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Masha Allah Allah Pak apko Khush Rakhy Ameen Whenever we are totally boring about our work then we are going to outside and don't noticed and don't thinking about our work It's really necessary for us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It os okay to rest once in a while. For em, it rewires my brain to do better. I limit myself to just 1 article per day, roughly 1 hour to make. Makes me practice my English too! 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, in my case, writing 1 article per day actually makes my mind healthier because I can use it every day and I am beating my procrastination habits. Maybe, it just depends on the person if s/he is forcing his/herself just to achieve that goal. It really doesn't matter if you can publish an article every day, what matters is you enjoyed writing it passionately.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You touched a super important point. Many just reading the title, they already want to comment. Then everything goes wrong. Obviously on many occasions the title has nothing to do with the article and they end up writing a nonsensical comment. You realize they didn't read the article and they want to impress.

On writing a daily article, it depends on the capacity of each one, in ideas and in time to be able to do it. If you are complicated, you can even write about 48 hours later, it will still count as the second day, and then recover the time 😃

$ 0.01
2 years ago

AHa, yeah you said it right that sometimes there is nothing to do title with an article. Yeah, no doubt. You said it well, mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I very much agree with you in all aspects, I like to be responsible in my work, and this sense of responsibility carried it to everything in my life. I am new to the platform, and what you mean by the language barrier happens to me, my mother tongue is Spanish, and that is why sometimes I delay in going through the articles, if I am going to comment I like to do it with sense, when they are For example, cryptocurrencies and I do not understand the topics discussed, I only confirm my support with a like and $ 0.01 bch as you say. Happy 7 months that you keep getting success

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I can feel you, mate, because I also face many difficulties at the start. You are doing great enough. Thank you (:

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Completely agreed with it. I wanted to say something on this but perhaps remained silent because people may get hurt. No necessary to leave a comment if you don't understand. The content writers put their efforts in publishing amazing articles & people embarrassed them with those.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agreed!. Be sincere with your work or in other words, love your work!. Don't do it just for the sake of "earnings" but do it with passion. This is what I always apply in my work. I always do it with passion and dedication. I am always focused with my goal which is to deliver high quality works to our customers. And you know what? It is always worth it because I often receive commendations from our customers about the way I work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with these especially with the "Don't put useless efforts". I have received some few comments way back then and by reading it, it means that they didn't read through the whole article or they don't understand it well.

Happy 3 months of being productive mate, more thoughts to share in the future. God bless you always!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, mate always put quality in your words. By the way, sorry for the late reply.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You said it well mate! I agree with you mate that do not force yourself by making article, just let yourself take a rest as well. You deserve it too!

Be sincere to your work will definitely lead you a good vibe from your co users. You need to establish rapport with your co users. This is good mate, thank you for this a reminder for all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you mate for your words. Btw, sorry for the late reply.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for mentioning me @success.1. You are right about it when you say many people comment to get attention. I always try to relate with them most times and I found out that not everyone understands the English language well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, mate actual reason is that. Thank you for raising such a point.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats on reaching 7 months and yes your dedication and hard work coupled with your sincerity is beginning to show in your work and I bet you are reaping the benefits nice one

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for your words dear, brother. Your words mean a lot to me and they play important role in motivation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are weldone my friend keep going

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations and I'm glad you're bettering yourself. Keep up the good work!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you, dear, mate for appreciating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, be sincere with what you were doing, invest effort and time for you to gain and be rewarded, but of course do not be too harsh to yourself. Just like me, there were really time's that I'm too tired so I just leave the day. It's fine to failed with my daily goals the important is I don't stop from working. And yeah that was clearly right. Sometimes if I'm tired no matter how many times I read the article I still didn't understand it so I better leave upvote than commenting unrelated comment.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, because we are human and our body need also a charger which is rest. Most important as a writer we should always give rest to our mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the part that you said "don't force youself" which what I did these past few days. I did not forced myself and just take a deep breath in all the struggles I've had

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You did a great job, mate. At least living a happy life is also important and I think only for that we are struggling so hard.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True Mate, we should not Force ourselves to the things that we can't, especially we are humans to we feel tired and needs rest.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed, mate. Thank you for stopping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago