No, I Won't Eat Cup Noodles Everyday!

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2 years ago

Hey guys! The first part of the would you rather prompt food edition was fun. I mentioned in the previous article that I'd Rather Have Chocolates, Pizza, Ketchup, Salt and Fries.

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Today, let's proceed with the second half of the questions, and let's see how my selection of food goes. I bet most of us are able to relate to my options given that we are of the same tastebuds as Filipinos.

Here we go...

Never eat grilled cheese or mac 'n' cheese again?

Wew, this is quite hard because I love both of them but the common denominator of the two is that they both have cheese and they are both carbohydrates too but I am a pasta lover and I can't live without pasta, maybe I can let go of bread but I can't resist a good pasta so I will pick never eat grilled cheese again.

Give up bagels or pasta for a year

Well, I guess I had answered this in the previous point. I can't give up pasta, I am a pasta lover you. Whenever we dine in at a restaurant, one of my first orders is pasta.

Also, not everyone is familiar with bagels although I had tried this a couple of times, these are not very common in the Philippines. I have not even seen one in our town. I was introduced to it when I was still working in Cebu City back then so surely, I can give up bagels but not pasta.

Give up cake or ice cream forever

Forever is such a long time.

I guess I can give up ice cream but cake, I can't. I love to explore many different cake flavors and if I will give up on that, my oxytocin levels will surely go down.

Also, there are so many celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, etc where we would get a cake for dessert and not ice cream so I can just let go of that.

Eat lunchables or cup noodles every day for a year

I can't pick from any of them. I mean, the only time that I would eat a cup of noodles is when I am traveling like on a ship or on a plane and I don't have any other food option. I am not a fan of cup noodles and for Lunchables, I guess I have not seen one before but based on the photo above, it seems like an instant pizza.

I guess if there's no other choice but to pick one then I'd just go with the cup noodles as it is what's familiar to me.

Get salad pizza or Hawaiian pizza every time.

My health-conscious side self said salad but there's something inside of me that is also thinking of the ham and pineapples in Hawaiian. Actually, I don't usually order Hawaiian for pizza unless there are no other available flavors.

I'll just select the salad instead so that I will be forced to live a healthier lifestyle in this case. Just as long as the pizza is thin crust, that will do fine. Teehee.

Eat onions or pickles on every meal

What's up with these options? But I love pickles and I am not very much into onions so I'd pick pickles, I can eat them as a side dish though.

Some people or maybe most do not like pickles but I find them actually good. I guess I like it because I love cucumbers.

Give up Nutella or peanut butter

I am offended by this. I love Nutella and peanut butter! It's hard to choose which to give up between the two!

Oh well, I guess I really have to pick one so I'd choose Nutella. I will just give it up if I have no other options because peanut butter is healthier and cheaper too! Haha.

But seriously, I am not sure if I can give up Nutella in the real life, it's just a good to have it every once in a while.

A life without tater tots or mashed potatoes

Well, I am not familiar with tater tots so I asked my best friend Google, and here's what I found: they are grated potatoes formed into small cylinders and deep-fried, often served as a side dish. 

Oh my goodness! Of course, I will pick this because it is deep-fried and I love crunchy stuff. I am also a fan of mashed potatoes but it's not all the time that I like it so I'd just go with tater tots although I have not tasted one before. So life without mashed potatoes it is! Now, let me have my tater tots.

Give up soda or cany for a year

Soda or candy, I guess I can give up both of them in fact. I do not love any of them anyway. Teehee

But if I can choose one, I'd just go with soda. Candies, I can have it once in a while and be happy but I know that soda is not very good for the health so I go with the lesser evil here.

That's all guys, thanks for reading and if you loved this prompt, go and make your own entry too!

Don't forget to also check my previous articles:



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2 years ago


I'm not fond of eating cakes, so I'll go with ice cream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go go go for it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why would they compare cake and ice cream really...I can't give up would be boring

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kyahhh Hawaiin Pizza lang, di ko pa natikman yong isa ee haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang sa sarap lahat sis, only one which I don't like to eat more often, it's the cup noodles. I just ate like that when we don't have any food available.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ma'am jane di rin ako familiar sa tater tots pero nung deniscribe niyo po parang pipiliin ko yun kaysa sa mashed potatoes. Super sarap nun ma'am jane kasi crunchy. 🤤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayaw kong e give up ang peanut butter kasi supeer love ng mga anak ko😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Andaming may ayaw sa pizza na may pineapple, ako I will take it all day hehe! Yung sa pasta or bagels, I will choose pasta hehe. Hindi ako masyadong mabread e hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi ko ma imagine noodles for the whole year huhuhu. Baka maging cause of death pa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Isa lang ang masasabi ko... Ginutom ako sa post na to. LOL!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not also familiar with the bagels sis peru para syang donut noh? hehehe.. This is a good prompt that will save a day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sarap ng mga food friend. Ngutom n tuloy ako. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago