Hello beautiful people!
I hope you all are doing fine amidst of the shortcomings and uncertainties we may feel day by day. Always remember that a positive life is a happy life. β¨
7th of how many.
Yesterday's a great day for me. Who would not? Its our payday! The most beautiful message I want to receive every 10th and 25th day of the month from our higher department is, "Guys, pay is in. Enjoy your payday." Yes! Yes! Yes! I always make sure to enjoy my payday. After sending money to my parents at our province, alloting some for my emergency funds, making sure to pay my insurance, and house bills; I always make sure to reward myself at least once a month so that I can distress myself from all of the negativities around.
So this is what happened yesterday during our payday.
Meeting with friends
When this pandemic started, all of us were locked in our home. Locked with our family, locked away from our family. That's too saddening that every payday is the only day we can get out of the house. That is why, I always make sure to meet with my closest friends and got to talk about life, pure fun, and just seeing them personally is more than enough to lessen my stress.
We in a circle of friends, always have our eat out every payday because as I mentioned that is the only day we can see each other in person. So talking with them needs to be paired with food. We usually eat the same set of foods, but yesterday we decided to choose whatever we wanted. So yesterday I got so choose a pair of pork and carbonara with rice, and cucumber as the side dish. At first glance you can say that it is delicious but yeah, expectation vs. reality always come at hand. But still I need ro eat some for my money not to come into waste.
Nostalgic as it feel. I always wanted to visit arcades. It is just that I need to be with the person that has the same likes as me. Good thing my friends are very supportive and they always allow me to play. They took pictures of me and join me playing games. It was very enjoyable. It was tiring yet it made me happy.
- Grocery Time
This is one of my favorite thing to do. Buying groceries. It is relaxing for me as well. It is tiring yes, because I need to walk and walk to look for the things we need to buy. Food stock and all the necessity for our home, personal needs, and some other things that is not in the list. Yes, I always make sure to list all the things need to buy to make sure that the budget we alloted for groceries will not be compromised.
Despite of the uncertainties we are experiencing until now, always make sure to look at the brighter side of the way. Stress somehow are natural that we need to feel ot sometimes to see how far we can go. But make sure not to drown yourself in stress. Go meet friends, eat your favorite food, make sure to enjoy. Always make sure to enjoy every bit of the day that you were given, not all has the same opportunity as yours. Create memories. Be happy.
One more thing, make sure not to overspend during payday. Always track your expenses. Make sure to list the amount coming in and out of the pocket. That is how we will not run out of money before the next payday.
That's all for today beautiful people. I hope you learned and get something good about my article for today. If you have any thoughts and take away about this piece, feel free to leave it in the comment section below. Let's interact. Stay safe always! Xoxo β¨βΊοΈ
- MissJo π
Lead Image Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=pay+day+image&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiC_rCT5tbxAhUUA6YKHaXnDo8Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=pay+day+image&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzICCAAyBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAIEB4yBAgAEB46BAgjECc6BAgAEEM6BwgAELEDEEM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6BQgAELEDUIkRWKo2YNQ6aABwAHgAgAGCAYgBxAuSAQQ0LjEwmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ka3oYMLxCZSGmAWlz7v4CA&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&prmd=ivn#imgrc=76YEhsGjWdhyW
** Other photos above are my own.
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I was just feeling a tightness in my chest because of some unexpected thing and then I saw your message. I smiled when you said that I have to look on the bright side. So here I am looking at the brighter side and slowly I can feel my heart slowly getting its right beat.