Clearing writer's block! 😄

Avatar for MicroReylatos
3 years ago

Hello dear friends!

Today existence begins slowly, with many questions in my head and resolving what stuff I am going to compose.

Commonly the composition technique for me is simple and this time I am using a strategy that I do not recall from who reads it this arena but is very valuable And it is founded on launching to draw about the first notion that we contain in intellect and from there to evolve the whole content.

I guess it was colleague @wakeupkitty who cited this idea in her fruitful system. So I agreed to put it into practice and here I am writing!.

Generally, I am usually in a peaceful room without radios or sound to annoy me, this assists me to focus to be apt to engrave. But since stuff has shifted recently in these two weeks for me so I agreed to do quirks otherwise to see if I get unusual results. And this time I am composing these strings with a tiny radio on attending to the information on the radio and, it is noon and I am heeding to the news as I write all that.

Various news about how the quarantine affected people's lives and the expectation is not favorable, why the rash is dissipating gradually at fearing levels.

Added to all this is the suffering of the private dilemmas that each one has.

I have always said that the treatment of crises is based on how we deal with that design and trying to turn that into something productive, in my, I am soaking all of that into this post, and believe me it is very medicinal and useful.

This practice is enabling me to focus on what I want to write about my life and how I am withstanding these blocks and these difficulties.

I also have to acknowledge that the dialogues with @wakeupkitty on telegram are assisting me a lot because, in addition to knowing the way of reasoning of another person, I am understanding about what life in a distinct place in the world, and also some things about cryptocurrencies and how these platforms work. And these beloved friends are called interaction, It is not just about reading a post, giving a vote to leave, and in some cases leaving a testimony. Authentic interaction means much more, knowing the person, aiding them, and trying to support her. And I want to make it obvious that it is not only a topic of money but of talking and sharing even an hour daily with that human being, that benefits a lot.

I am confident that if you test it, something very fascinating will occur to you, notice how from a writing block I am talking about a very engaging theme. So this shows that it is a great procedure and that it works, you have to constantly let yourself be held up away from coherence to put together a publication that is delightful to you and contributes something to your lives.

Typically it is a procedure that builds a lot of pressure because we focus on trying to train an idea and at least in my case having so many ideas flocking in my head, it is hard for me to choose which one to clasp first, and what I do is let the one I have at the moment or the one I am thinking flow, and that's how it all comes out.

I write everything from the phone and use the Google translator application by voice so that everything I say is converted into English by the application and this is how these pubs come out.

I can write in English but since my phone is very small and my fingers are very large, it is difficult for me to press the correct keys. And that's why I used the internal translator app which makes my job easier.

You used an application called MARKOR, It is a very light notepad where he put together all the posts that I am going to publish here and on other platforms. The reason I use it is that it is very light, takes up little space on the phone, has a markdown, and allows me to see a preview of how my post is going to look.

It also has a function that tells me the number of words that I have written and this allows me to help me to know the length of my post. Which is very useful to publish on this platform, it was from there I can calculate the approximate reading time.

If you are interested, the application is available in the Google play store. It is a notepad and he has been using it for about 2 years without any inconvenience.

Something curious is that I have a long time without making micro-stories, after I spent a year writing a micro-story per day (arriving at a pressuring canteen of about 300), I have time to n I don't, I recently made a short post by writing one, but of course, as short posts don't allow to edit everything as much as a long post, I couldn't use the format I usually use which is very beautiful and arranged, and then something very rustic was left. However, I had to do it because if I didn't try that option, I wouldn't know how it turned out. And to my surprise that short post had a good comment, the person said that he was someone very intelligent and brilliant and that he liked what I build based on 5 words chosen at random.

And that's how I build the micro-stories. the announcer is saying right now.

And when it comes to television I do the same, I choose the words based on what the actress or actor is saying and that gives me material to write.

So I used the resources that I have available and based on that, I brought content to you.

And that's how my creative process flows, I think it's a smart way to take advantage of all the resources that are at hand. And I know that you can use it too, you should take advantage of the opportunity because it is a smart option.

Just thinking about the possibilities for an artist, a musician or a screenwriter to be inspired by everything around him to write, is simply magnificent and very intelligent.

Resources are at the tip of your nose and it is up to you to take advantage of them.

And I am sure that all the people who put this knowledge into practice will be surprised., he was going to find new ways that will help him in his day to day life. But best of all, they will have better tools, they will be better people.

And I hope that reading this post will help you to be a better person.

That is the best profit that I can have, knowing that I have been a factor that has contributed to improving your life. And I think that all of us in one way or another are looking for that.

And I know that sooner or later we will achieve it, just as I know that sooner or later you will achieve your dreams!

And so far I am going to write for today, leaving you reflecting on how from a writer's block, I managed to write this post that has about 1300 words. And after I finished expressing all my ideas, he moved on to correct grammar, punctuation, and possible spelling errors.

Great isn't it? And the most surprising thing is that everything was born from a write lock.

So if I can do it, you can do it too

Courage and I wished you a lot of success!

If you like this content support me! 😁

And see you in the next post!

All my posts are done on my low-end cell phone.

This content is 100% original, unique, and plagiarism-free.

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3 years ago
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You wrote something good and I hope it helps you. Mark or sounds interesting. I wish I had a program that would translate what I say. 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me cooking works as a treat! I relax a lot and get inspired

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interacting is the primary basis for socializing and man is sociable and differentiates us from others because we are reasonable. This is what allows us to accept when we are different or when we think differently. This base, which in turn is communicational, is what allows us to exchange ideas, to know, to learn, to teach and to enjoy. The worst mistake an interlocutor can make is to think that he is always right. I enjoy your writing, because it is a quiet way to get to know you. A hug.

Translated with (free version)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

New style with new passion.. Really appreciate your love😍😍❤❤✌🏻✌🏻

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3 years ago