Don't Be Just A Goal-Setter, Be a Goal-Getter!

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Written by
3 years ago

Almost every month I read about goals and updates from interesting users here in I am energized and motivated to see that what they have planned at one point, they are realizing at another point in time. Reading their posts makes me feel like I am given a front-row seat from their story - be it a story of success or continuing work towards it. I'm blessed to be a part of the thriving community of awesome bloggers of 

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One best advice you can give yourself if you want to be successful in life is to surround yourself with like-minded people. You don't hang out with complainers and toxic people and expect yourself to be positive. As the old saying goes, "you tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are". Who we hang out with is a reflection of who we are. Their values become ours. Perhaps not immediately, but by association, we become like them gradually.

So I want to grab the opportunity to be surrounded by goal-getters in When I say goal-getters, they are not just purpose-driven, hardworking, goal-setters. They do not just set a goal and wish for it to happen magically. Goal-getters are risk-takers, they are not complacent, and they will do their best to get hold of what they aim for. I am proud to say that there are lots of goal-getters here on this platform. 

So how am I maximizing their presence? Here's what I do:

  • Their discoveries become my discoveries as well. I do not have the luxury of time to scan the internet to gather first-hand information, so communities are helpful so their discoveries can be verified and utilized by others. When there are new NFTs available, new airdrops, news, and updates, I read and learn from these unselfish and credible people.

  • I learn from their testimonies. Sometimes, users here make unwise decisions and fail at some point. Perhaps they made a mistake in investing their token and they lose a significant amount, or maybe they wasted time on some faucet which later turned to be a scam. Their realizations become valuable so I do not have to take the risk and commit the same mistake they experienced. 

  • Their joys are my encouragement. When they post stories of how they earn a profit from their NFT sale, or a generous tipper reward their post, or when they reach their monthly BCH goal, I get pumped up! It is amazing how these unrelated individuals get connected through Bitcoin Cash. 

  • Communities as a source of friendship. I love the idea of how communities were formed through There is the Club1BCH, the Telegram group for CST holders, and of course my friends in noiseristificationism. I am way older than most of the members in noiseristi... (whatever) but never have I felt out of place. They were all warm and friendly and unselfish with their knowledge. Shout out to @carisdeneym, @iammaryandmerry, @laurenceuuu, and @kingofreview who were the first to welcome me in the group. You guys are amazing goal-getters.

As a self-proclaimed goal-getter myself, I desire to be a positive influence and add value to others with my blogs and my presence on this platform. But in the fashion of setting up goals way, here are mine:

Short-term: To be able to earn my first 1BCH by the end of May, 2021.

Medium-term: To be able to install a BCH payment channel on my website as I plan to sell digital files such as the ebooks that I write and am planning to write.

Long-term: To be able to fund my wedding next year with BCH.  

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My Other Ruminations On Bitcoin Cash:

Hi, I am Marts! I am a writer, and aside from my stint here in, I also have my own blog - I appreciate it if you pay me a visit! I plan on growing my readership as I learn to improve my craft and journey towards my passion to write and publish books that add value to people. 

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$ 19.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.05 from @Laurenceuuu
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Written by
3 years ago


Ngayon ko lang po to nakita pero nagandahan ako ron sa part na install a BCH channel pero alam ko na rin po yung Bch funded wedding since I read it few weeks ago. Thank you po sa pagmention at sana maachieve niyo yung 1 BCH sa exact or earlier date. Congrats po kaagad kuya marts

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hehe maraming salamat! Sana lahat tayo sabay sabay ma-achieve ang goals dito, para masaya :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you buddy!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! Love your goals, especially the wedding idea. 💚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha thank you! Little by little, I'll be able to save up for that big day

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow I like the wedding idea because BCH is involve. Goodluck po sa goal and congrats na kagad sa wedding hehe. Salamat po sa mention!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maraming salamat! Hopefully ma-achieve natin very soon!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I find that you put thought into your content. I hope you achieve 1 BCH!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your kind words :) May you also achieve your goals soon :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with you. The posts about success here are very encouraging and lots of talented writers I met too. It is good to see that still genuine people around, who are committed to their plans and able to achieve them. When they fail they learn from it and they only get better. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed. Imagine what these people can achieve in the coming months :) They exude inspiration and growth!

$ 0.00
3 years ago