Date: September 28, 2021
Looking for me? I have noticed that you are finding someone. Someone who can answer, someone who can listen, someone who can deliver what you truly desire. Hello, I am Lucifer, your well wisher and host. Probably I have your answers. All you need to ask the exact question you need to be answered. I hope you can figure it. Let me know then. But now, will you please excuse the devil. He has a story to tell. Are you ready? So let's proceed. Shall we?
Topic: Some Childhood Memories That Still Puts A Smile On Your Face
No more introduction needed for this as we all have a beautiful and memorable childhood. We are not digging deep to anyone's life. Randomly selected incidents will be told. Here we go.
Press the calling bell & Run...
Usain bolt is the fastest man in the world if you talk about running, right? Ever seen a child pressing the calling bell without any reasons & run? You will definitely see Bolt's shadow in him. We all had done this. If you ask me, yes for 100 times. That attraction of pressing door bell was incomparable with anything else. The risk was there also to get caught red handed. But who cared? We were James Bond007 at our time. Our mission was clear. Go to neighbours house, beware of people, put the fingers on the switch, push it & run...... Mission accomplished.
Try to put switch in a level position
Talking about switches and how could I not tell you that? It comes to my list automatically. Who didn't do this? I mean come on. We all had tried this one. Electronics devices are still in our houses. The fan, the light, the television etc. but one thing missing. Our those constantly trying method to put the switch in the middle position. Neither on, nor off. Just stuck in the middle. Remember, how much efforts we needed to do this? Felt like we had invented something new for the world! Those lovely days!
Eraser disappearance
Give me a break. Just count on your fingers and tell me how many erasers you had lost. Count it, go on. Definitely, none of you can solve this. I would happily hand over the case to my mystery lover friend @Ling01 but I am pretty sure that she had also the same experience we had. Love you dear. I am on your side. Back to the point. Well, our parents bought new pencil & eraser but we didn't know how the eraser disappeared from our pencil box! So cute parents & their beautiful scolding! Still tingles in my ear.
Pen Fight
I don't know how many of you played this game in your school days but I did. And it was a matter of great joy that I was a king at it. Wow! Those pen fighting days! Just like we were in a street fight but our weapons were the pens. Oh! Those who don't have any idea about it, let me explain. We put pens on a serial on the high bench and our fingers to tip them with super strength. See the pictures and you will understand. Each person had one shot to take. The one who got out of the bench is disqualified and remained ones still fought untill only one pen remained there. The king of pen was selected. Oh dear, I am feeling nostalgic. Teachers punished us for this game. And I myself, took that punishment in hands, backs, legs, fingers... ok, no more mentions. You are really enjoying, don't you? Well those days were incredible. Well those techniques to hit a pen with a pen, those shouts, that silence before the game starts.....dear, I am reliving my memories now. Ever played that dear?
Well, we have so many memories in our heart. Now we all grew up. We are witnessing next generation growing up and living their childhood. You can witness the difference between these two generation's childhood memories. But that's how it works. Not to worry dear. Better we should enjoy the memories.
Pictures used in this content are snapped and edited by me.
I am proud to say that I do take care of my things then :D I am the one you run to to borrow erasers if you lost yours :D We did that doorbell switch and pen things too :D