A Dislike π in read.cash
November 26, 2022
It really hurts when someone disrespects you or when he/she disagrees without knowing or without prior any knowledge or especially without any reasons.
To be honest, I can't say about others but I am a very sensitive girls. The smallest things can make me happy but the smaller one can makes me unhappy, sad and hurt.
You will be wondering as to why today I have been talking related to some disappointment, sadness, hurting etc.
Well, first off, look at the screenshot, especially the encircled points/digits
Keep in Mind (if you Don't Know)
This screenshot has been taken from Week # 17 Activities (November 18 to 24, 2022) at my read.cash dashboard. Let's have some talk about it.
By default the first like comes from author
Like means +1
Dislike means -1
Whenever the author publishs an article it will have 1 like (by default his/her own)
Good know you got the idea, in case you didn't have.
Yesterday I published Week # 17 Activities (November 18 to 24, 2022). After a while (46 minutes to be exact), I came to check any update (like, comments etc).
It made wondering saw the results that I got zero (0) like out on four (4) views
Author like (in this case mine) = +1
Dislike one out three viewers = -1
Total likes = zero (0) as shown in the screenshot.
Jealousy π
Maybe the readers was jealous of me or the contents or maybe my writing style. But I'm not sure my writing or contents has something to make a reader jealous. In this case nobody can do anything.
Doesn't Like the Contents
There can be a reason that the writer didn't like the contents of my blog, or maybe it was not according to his/her standard. If it was the case the reader could tell me or suggest/advice to overcome. I always welcome suggestions and advices.
Personal Issue with me
There was a time that I would found user on my noise.cash and read.cash posts. He would be the first guy to reply. However, mostly his reply would be irrelevant and nonsense (I knew he was only to get some tips). I just told him that he don't need to reply every post without reading and/or making some irrelevant reply. He start arguing, to be honest I tried to make him understand. But he was so aggressive and like in fighting mood. Anyways. He said he don't need me or my posts, and will never reply to my post/blog. Yes I accept I also told him, I can't tolerate such irrelevant and nonsense reply and it would be good if you don't make such replies on my post/blog.
The next day I published, I got a dislike π. For instance, I had 5 like out of 8 views, the 9th view made my like 4.... So what does it means? I have observed a few times. And yesterday again.
Personality Disorder (A Way to Appreciate Others)
I guess another reason can be personality disorder, and this would be the exactly way to appreciate others.
He/she would have no other way to appreciate, for example he/she won't have anything to upvote, pressing π would be bothering him/her and he won't be able to write something.
In my mind those could be the possibilities and there would be one of the above reasons he/she press π dislike button.
What Do I Do?
Usually, Upvote, Like and Comments. Sometimes, only like and comments
If I partially like, I do sometimes do all (like, upvote and comments) sometimes some of them
If I don't like any content, I only like and sometimes don't like but never leave comments.
I don't press π dislike button
To be honest I pressed dislike π only once, the contents were so bad (full sexuality), and in opposite to the title and report that blog as well.
Closing Thoughts
Disliking π someone works mean you don't appreciate the contents, his/her efforts, his/her work. I don't say don't dislike. But do justice. Simply dislikes means you discouraging the writer. Instead of dislike, you can give him correct direction, suggest a correction to overcome/change the mistake/issue/thoughts etc. you dislikes with. Another good thing you can do just leave without comments or like/dislike (upvoting in this case is impossible from you... π).
You can do what I do, when I read.
What do I do when read?
Never press π as it can discourage the author/writer.
My Gratitude
I'm very thankful and grateful from the core of my heart for reading, supporting, and encouraging me,Β including your precious time and reading my blogs.
A bundles of Thanks.
The End
That's all for today.
If you think my work is interesting and worth appreciation or want more interesting articles in the future,Β don't forget to support me.
Enjoy what you are and what you have.Β
Stay safe and blessed. Have a great and fantastic day ahead.
Remember me in your prayers.
FindΒ Me at Other Platforms
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Lead Photo byΒ TumisuΒ fromΒ Pixabay, designed by me inΒ Canva.
I never press the dislike button too. As I always thought it is a bit demotivating. I always just ignore if I don't like something.