More to Win

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Avatar for LeonaReed
1 year ago
November 15, 2022

A few days ago I published an article as Talk to a Stranger Challenge. According to the challenge you will have to read at least an article and respond back to the challenge upon completion. The main theme of the challenge is to encourage readers and writers both and make new friends.

In order to encourage the participants:

  • I would have to randomly pick three members/users, who have participated and fulfilled the to-dos and basics of the challenge.

  • As a result, I would distribute $0.30, equally amongst the three picked participants ($0.10 to each).

A Thank You

  • I am very grateful and thankful to @ARTicLEE, who liked, encouraged the challenge, and contributed to the prize pool.

  • She contributed a total of $0.50.

  • However, I got 0.45 in my wallet after a 10% cut.

Sponsors of LeonaReed

How Much to Prize Pool?

I had no clue as to how much of the contributions by @ARTicLEE, I shall add to the prize pool. To be honest, I asked her a few times and waited till now, but she didn't respond.

I know she would have lots of notifications and she is a busy one, which is the reason, she didn't read and didn't respond to that yet. So,

I decided to share $ 0.35 of the contribution and to keep 0.10 to myself (which is only 0.20% of the contributed amount).
@ARTicLEE, If you have any object, please let me know, please.

News & Updates

  • The prize pool is $ 0.65

  • Number of the winners will be 5

  • Each winner gets $ 0.13 (0.13 x 5 = 0.65)

  • The date is extended to November 20, 2022, 2100 PST.

  • You can reply and participate in this blog or Talk to a Stranger Challenge.

You can find detail and to-dos, and some basics about the challenge here. In short, it is in continuation of the Talk to a Stranger Challenge.

Something You Can Do

It is a very easy-to-do challenge. and you can

  • participate and win yourself,

  • encourage the writers and readers,

  • suggest this challenge to your friends and especially new users, and/or

  • upvote/like me to encourage.

Let's Talk to a Stranger, make some new friends, and win a prize.

The End

Thanks for reading and for your precious time. See you next time in my other article.

If you feel or you think this article is interesting or want more interesting articles in the future, don't forget to support me, please.

Enjoy what you are and what you have. Stay safe and blessed. Have a great and fantastic day ahead.

Remember me in your prayers.


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Lead Photo Source

$ 3.40
$ 2.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.10 from @ARTicLEE
+ 6
Sponsors of LeonaReed
Avatar for LeonaReed
1 year ago


Here I'll add some to the prize pool to make it a little more interesting. Collect 20% for yourself. Sorry I'm a bit busy lately and I can't participate in the original challenge.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is so nice of you... I'm pleased. It is the same one just a continuation, no worries.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Challenges brings win dear friend you are correct

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good luck and may you be one of those randomly picked ones

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Glad I came here lol! I am so bad with my notifications for I couldn't get to them right away.

Whatever you decide, it's up to you :)

If only I can give more so more will be encouraged to join.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am glad you had no objection, and agree to to I added $0.35 to the prize pool and kept 0.1....

I hope other will participate as well. Thanks to you the prize pool increased, date extended and number of participants also increased

It makes me so happy

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello Leona how are you today? It's a good challenge to talk to someone you don't know, a good feeling to see yourself in others too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hi Julalaine, Yes that is true it is good to talk to new users and see yourself in others... I hope you will participate or you will ask your friends to participate.


$ 0.00
1 year ago

I couldn't participate due to my business, but this was an interesting thing to engage with others.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It wasn't, it is.... Sister you can participate as you have still 5 days more to participate... Why don't you give a try.

Moreover, you can encourage others or ask you friends to participate and win

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love your initiative especially in this Crypto winter you bring something to cheer , effort and chase. 👏

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sir, I really grateful for your appreciation. Would you please suggest this to others, especially new user to encourage them?

Moreover, will you participate? If you could give some time... I know you have a very busy schedule but if you can or tell other friends of yours ....

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good to extend the data, so maybe if I can write also a post to encourage other users as well and tell my experience (because I did it already, I mean: to talk to a stranger here). Good luck, and it's great how @ARTicLEE is involved now. It's bad not the cut of cryptos in all platforms I think.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Have you responded to this or main article as a part of the challenge, with the name and other requirements ?

Good luck my friend

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes I have, in the main article... well I just waiting for the answer or reply that I have to add maybe there. Thanks!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ahhh. I remember that. You can read and comments to more than one persons'/users' articles. . Good luck

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ok ok, I just edited the comment with his/her reply but I was thinking to do it more... as we have more days... not today, I was trying to read and answer all pending (yesterday i was offline and busy the whole day) and it's a lot! jaja

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That great. No worries it's just fun activities, especially to encourage new users and make new friends.

$ 0.00
1 year ago