"Who Will stand Up For The Women All Over The World?"

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Avatar for King_Gozie
3 years ago

If there's going be an answer to this question I really would want it to be in the direction of something that will change the whole idea we have believed for a long time.

Who will defend her when her dignity has been trampled

Women loose self respect, confidence and dignity when it all comes from a man. And when that is broken nothing can mend those pieces back. You see incidence of men battering their wives of spouse and happy about it.

You want your woman as slave, but she chose to be better.....would that stop you from showing affection. It becomes a regular thing now, when you don't have people to stand with you....this is when the next even is to hear that she's dead due to the abuse of power.

Who will stand up for her when she becomes invisible

The greatest trick is to convey to the world that they mean and represent something even when all the glitter is removed the can still work even as strong as a man. Deep down lives a vulnerable woman who wishes someone would come to her aid. A man is meant to be a protector of God's daughter but whenit's the opposite should that stand as being right.

Dont you think women are meant to breathe, but it seems as though they gasp for breathe. They arent just women but they represent a solid part in rightfully anything.

Who will fight for the snatched ladies

We ask everytime how Nigerians could let such a thing happen, but there are people over the world suffering the same date but hidden in plain sight. Here ladies are somewhat a prey for opportunist to sniff out their needs for attention and it is hard when the blame is on the her. Grown men appetite plays out with snatching young women just for their plight.

Who will then fight for them? There is still this sympathy for this act when there is no proper justification. It now becomes a ladies package and a man's body.

This has been happening for far too long that I wonder if there is a sence of dignity to this pleasure, I already have a name to this "constant negligence to womanhood". I would stand with them if you will be willing to.

Who will fight against men who come as though helpers

You will find out that, for you to get something from people there is always this demand for something much more. And that is to lay with them....there is no giving without pleasure satisfied first. We are living in a society where women are seen as sex toys to woe over, and think it will be better that way.

It goes out to every carrier woman that desire to make it big in a system that sees them differently "nothing goes for nothing".....you'd see fewer women against this, but mostly 60 percent fall for this detestable thing.

Who are we to choose and control the lives of them. A short story of my aunt, I got to know of this story from my mum....she got a contract from in a huge firm and she got all dressed to make a good first impression. On arrival to the office, she got this strange look from her boss and felt unsafe due to his presence.

It never lasted a day, he started making advances at her....then presented a shocking message "if you would want to work here tomorrow and beyond you have to play to my game". That was the last time they ever saw her at that firm.

My message her is that, not all women are capable of coming out of this scene, her job was at stake and her life also, so would we be there to stand up for them in times like this.

Who will stand for her when she carries the burden of a home

Women become breadwinners and no appreciation is given to them for their dedication and contributions to the home. When it should be both efforts, not only on one person alone. The best thing you will do for her is making sure she suffers while at it.

Another aspect of this is abandoning her to take full responsibility of the home and if you've got children.....she takes care of them alone with no support.

Is it fair to the both party, I think it's time to speak up when its right.

Who will stand for her in a world where she is a punching bags

Where is the worthlessness among women in homes, seen as a someone that takes all the beat to a fault. The anger rises when she tries to paint her own story, and telling the details of the even feels as though she is against the man.

You'd hear mother in-laws say it's nothing, she is meant to produce cheer and smile undemanded.....but when she defends herself "would we fight for her? Would we be there to see that her hope isn't swallowed up by the the people around her?"

Who will stand for her when she choose to look good but can't walk past the streets in peace

I shared an event here recently, when I was walking past a street with my sister and even with me presently with her, they wouldn't stop calling her or whistling.....not that she was dressed wrongly but with deeper intentions unknown to either her or myself. So wouldn't it be nice if women could walk the streets feeling safe without having the fear of being raped or kidnapped.

Who will fight for the slaughtered innocent women

This represents the gun men who wouldn't stop at nothing to get their desires to the point of murder. You hear some strange news over the radio that she only stepped out and was shot all for nothing.

It's so painful to hear those sort of news, how long should we take this with ease and let it slide. Girls, ladies, women, females all her at risk of the world formed with hate.

This is just a few part of the agony of women and how much better men can be.....is there ever going to be a difference, or is there ever going to be freedom. Please make sure you seek proper guidance if you fall into a more serious issue.

Thank you for reading. I love you all ๐Ÿ’–

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Avatar for King_Gozie
3 years ago


Thank you for the care for all the women . I appreciate you so much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for writing about womenโ€™s issues. It made me realize more the battles women are facing. Whenever i think of hardships and sufferings happening for both humans and animals I would sometimes pray for Jesus to hurry up and reveal Himself to the world for the 2nd time. I imagine the life He promised for everyone who chose to believe, a new life with Him without hardships, without pain, without fearโ€ฆ

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Oh dear...๐Ÿ˜” I support women empowerment. Woman rights should be preserved as they have same equality like us. I respect them and want them to be respected by every human being.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Everyone who has a mother, a sister or a daughter should rise and support the women and never look away from the irresponsible acts that evolves around the globe against women. Its our collective responsibility to fight for women.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this, it's truly our efforts to see that things are done properly and not the other way around. That's our responsibility

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We pray our men and the whole world at large see this as a call to repentance/help for our women. They should be regarded as special as they are.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Definitely true, thank you MastaDee

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sad but this is reality. But this isn't just about women, it's all about everyone. We should stop this mindset that man should be man and women should be women. We are all responsible for ourselves and we shouldn't just depend on others. We should stand together to stop maltreatment and any other abuse. Enough with issues and let's just do things that makes our world a better place and live in peace.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Thank you for your contribution and i hope people do read this and learn from it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Everyone should stand for women only then we can protect all women for they are precious in all aspects. Women should also be strong themselves so they can be able to stand for their own when no one else does

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Only if we all can stand together as one and speak as one voice against all sort of abuse. Females often face several abuse, many take advantage of them, even some that ought to help them gain their confidence back tend to become wolves in form of a shepherd leading them to more unpleasantness.

This question should be often asked, who will stand for them, who can stand for the truth and for what is right? I often ask myself, can I? Or can you? Better still can we?

Truly, females are emotional being, weaker vessel because they are delicate and to be treated with dignity and love. They are the birth giver of life and agents of fruitfulness. Why will anyone abuse them?

Let understand that abuse comes not only from a male to a female alone, there are also females who abuse other females. Likewise, some males are abuse sort of but unlike that of the females.

Let stand together for her (the abused), see that she live fulfilled, fruitful and faithful. Eradication of this abuse start from us, from the family zone or settings. I see God helping us.๐Ÿ™

Thanks for the piece.



$ 0.10
3 years ago

We should stand up against maltreatment and violence against humans, animals and the environment. Let us make this world a better place..

$ 0.03
3 years ago

The world needs a lot men who will understand this. Women can be evereything they want to be when there are no restrictions from the opposite gender. Women can be more if supported rightfully by the opposite genderm

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Being a woman, I know were strong enough to be safe emotionally and m entally, but in some aspects I admit were weak and need someone who willing to be with us and ready to help us anytime

$ 0.00
User's avatar Amz
3 years ago

"Who will stand for her when she chooses to look good but can't walk past the streets in peace", I remembered when I was in college, there were a bunch of bad guys on the street and would always whistle whoever girls pass by. Some of my classmates would change their routes just to avoid them. Their looks and words are harassing us. I am also afraid sometimes every time I pass by, so I would always run or walk so fast.

$ 0.07
3 years ago

"She would stand for herself ,because she would love herself , fight for opportunities and would become strong for herself, for her partner, for her daughter, for her son."
This is what women are facing, your article is apt...but women are becoming stronger and tough,they are paving ways for themselves.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

This is actually an heartbreaking hard and sad truth. Being a female gender is garnered with lots of ups and downs. You have just touched some of the agony women face day in day out.

We hope that one day our voice will be heard all across the world and women will be treated equally without any resistance.

Many would say women cause whatever befall them based on there actions but I say NO. Whatever happens to them would happen even if they didn't do anything. Say for example a man raping his own daughter, how do we classify that? Is it the girl's fault? I know that all will be well someday.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

I think a story like this is just happening only in the past. As for our country, in my opinion, women has more privelage than women. This gender equality of ours. Become more like women's power. I'm not against it though. Don't get me wrong I'm just staying opinion. It's just like women right now I'm our country has louder voice than men.

$ 0.06
3 years ago

Time has changed and what you are talking about is likely happened at past. This kind of scene now decrease dramatically whole over the world. Women getting their own freedom, protest about law in street. In fact, in my country most laws goes to women. Just look around and not only your country.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

The mentality of collecting sex in exchange for help is really sick. It's due to this fact that most women have locked up and will blatantly refuse help from a stranger. Even if the person's intentions are genuine, she will still shrink away due to her past experiences.

But sometimes, the actions of other women encourages men to see them as only a sex object. There was a case where a girl pleaded with a phone vendor to accept sex in exchange for an iPhone. Things like that are part of what spoil the image of women

$ 0.10
3 years ago

If we care enough and share enough, the world would have enough. The world has enough of our needs but not enough for our greed. No one can stand up for the oppressed but us. We are all we've got and the better we start thinking this way the better. Lack of consideration and being insensitive has cost us so much more in this world and it's shameful to see some certain set of people suffering more for our inactions.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Women are very special. Without them there is no child will be born. I hope all men have the manners to respect all women in the world :(

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Heartbreaking, sad reality. ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ž Feeling so bad about these things and all i can do if i cant help them personally is to pray for them๐Ÿ™

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is a great need on educating humanity on the station of womanhood. Women are the first educators of human beings. There are filled with such great capacity in all ramifications.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Women are our pride because they are always special. Somehow, talking to them anyhow does not sound so well.

So, we should always stand for the women. The fight suppose to be women to women but not men trying to look down on women.

Conscience sometimes can always judge those who played with the intelligence of the women.

$ 0.05
3 years ago