The Power of Gender Stereotyping

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3 years ago

While I was browsing my TikTok account earlier, a certain video from a guy catches my attention. In the video, he is busy putting the contact lenses on his eyes when his parents started to give their violent reactions. They said that what he's doing is an act of 'gayness' wherein only women and gay should do. I already posted this on noise to spread my thoughts about it, if you want to read the short post click the link here

When I watched it I can't help myself but feel annoyed, mad, and furious at his parent's comments. I watched it three (3) times to hear their reactions clearly and I am not happy about it. My blood boils that time that's why I say some bad words on my mind. I cussed...yep! I do this sometimes whenever I feel a strong emotion flowing in my veins. I am just glad because the other users on the platform spread their sympathy in able to comfort him. You can see that he's hurt by the words they throw at him but he was able to endure it.

That's the reason why I decided to make this article today. I want to spread how gender stereotyping can affect someone's mental health and I want to give some existing examples about this issue that we can relate to.

What is Gender Stereotype?

According to, a gender stereotype is a generalized view or preconception about attributes or characteristics, or the roles that are or ought to be possessed by, or performed by, women and men. A gender stereotype is harmful when it limits women’s and men’s capacity to develop their abilities, pursue their professional careers, and/or make choices about their lives.

Reference Link:

It's just funny to know that even in this modern age wherein new customs and beliefs have been added, there are still people who can't accept the changes. Some people believe that some activities are primarily made just for men or women without thinking that this belief can undergo evolution.

Sad to say, we can experience it until today. And what's worse that can happen? It is to experience these gender stereotypes in our closest families like parents, siblings, and relatives.

Let me give you some examples of gender stereotypes that perhaps you already heard or encountered...

  • Men who are using skincare products and wearing contact lenses and other stuff are considered feminine

Not all people are judgemental towards the use of these products but we can say that there are people who do believe that doing this thing can make men feminine. For your information, being concerned about your skin is part of a healthy lifestyle. It doesn't require gender to do so.

  • Boys should be directed to like blue and green; girls toward red and pink

Have you ever been judge by someone just because you wear clothes that are colored pink even if you are a man? Well, I do! And honestly? It's so annoying to hear their side comments. The color of the clothes I wear doesn't have a gender so please stop meddling with my business! I will wear what I want to wear and that does not even concern you so mind your own business 😈

  • Basketball and boxing are just for men

Even at sports, some people can't accept the fact that even women can play that vigorous activity. I don't know if they are just jealous or they just believe that only men can play that sport. I watched some women playing basketball and boxing and I am proud to say that they are good at it.

Wrongful gender stereotyping can be the leading cause of some discrimination so, we should learn to accept the changes that are happening to our environment and learn to respect other people's choices and preferences. We are now adults, we know what is right and wrong, learn to think before we speak.

There are ways to avoid gender stereotyping and that is to...

  1. Let toys be toys

  2. Accept Changes

  3. Embrace Adventure

  4. Think before you speak

  5. Remember that chores have no gender

  6. Expose yourself to both genders.

With this, we can avoid gender stereotyping and we can make a better environment not just for young kids but also for adults.

Authors Note

Article No. 18 (August 3, 2021)

Good day everyone! Making this article taught me a lot. I just want to express my feelings on what I've watch on TikTok earlier and writing this up can be a great help to ease my anger and disapointment. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy reading today's article. If you like it feel free to like and then subscribe. I am open to any comments, feedbacks and recommendations so don't be shy to drop it in the comment section. Thank you!

Lead Image Source: Worked at Canva (Image at Google)



  • Khairro

  • Khairro

  • PublishOx: Khairro (inactive)

  • Telegram: Khairro_alstr

  • Telegram Group: Noiseristificationism

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3 years ago


...Let us help others to get out from the mold society has laid out for us to live. Let us all help each other to educate people that we are all more than stereotypes!!! WE ARE FOR WHO WE ARE, NOT FOR WHAT THEY SEE AND WANT US TO LIVE... enjoy life and spread colorful hues to everyone🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You know what i hate people who judged us by our gender. Why cant they accept that we are changing what boys can do girls can do too and vice versa. I hope this kind of streotyping of gender will end.

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3 years ago